Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 971: 'village' decision

When Mu Hantian returned home, it was already past ten o'clock at night, Mio was still taking a shower, and Geng Xizi went to collect emails, so there were only Mu Hantian and Maria in the living room.

"Maria, there is no class tomorrow, I have to go out, I will ask you at home."

"No problem, Ernie-chan."

"Ah, yes, I have something to tell you. I didn't tell Mio about you. Only I know your undercover identity for the time being, so I have a plan..." (10,000 words omitted here. )

"Is this really okay? Mio-sama will blame me." Maria was a little confused.

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen." Mu Hantian patted his chest confidently.

"Oh well."

"Well, let's do it like this."


As the night deepens, the city is shrouded in darkness, and no matter how bright the moonlight and the city's lighting are, there are places that absolutely cannot be illuminated.

The darkness, unable to see the front, seemed to be sucked into the pitch blackness, and people avoided it. The reason for this is that by instinct, he knew that there was danger lurking there.

However, as opposed to humans, there are also beings who like that darkness. An existence that uses that dark abyss as its habitat, a low-level free demon. Even among the demons, there are low-level demons without self-awareness. Because of this, it does not have any commendable power, but it can also be said that such a nature is even worse.

In order to avoid a full-scale conflict with the brave clan, the demon clan will not arbitrarily carry out needless killings in the human world. In contrast, the low-level free demons do not have the intelligence to consider such problems. It will only act faithfully to its own instinctual desires.

And those wise demons will try to avoid coming to the city.

on a night like this. When all stores except convenience stores, family restaurants and fast food restaurants are closed.

In the corner of the bustling street, in the darkness of the alley, something gradually emerged.

The 'that' dissolved into the darkness, staring at the avenue from the dark alley. It's like waiting for prey to pass by. And then—at the moment when a young woman passed by...

The wandering demon rushed towards her mercilessly. Humans without any special power cannot see the shadow of demons. Although free demons are very weak among demons, they are many times stronger than ordinary people.

In addition, she was a woman with little resistance, and she would immediately become the devil's meal—as it should have been.

——However, in the next instant, the life and existence of the demon were wiped out by a sudden slash. I'm afraid I didn't have time to understand the fact that I was destroyed. To the remnants of the demon who disappeared into the void...

"—Sure enough, it really attracted a lot of people."

said an arrogant voice. At the same time, three figures emerged from the darkness of the alley behind the place where the wandering demon had stayed. Appearing were two young men and a girl.

"Is it okay to do this, Gao Zhi? If there is a victim, it can be a reason to eliminate the 'target'."

To the young man on the right who spoke in a frivolous tone, the young man called Gao Zhi—he who slaughtered demons, said in a low voice unhappily: "There is no need to increase the needless sacrifice, Spo. The 'Mountain Village' has already made a judgment."

"...Besides, how could it be impossible to save the victims who appeared in front of us. We are a family of heroes!"

"Gao Zhi is really serious... Really, it's really hard to be a partner of justice."

Spo, who shrugged mockingly,

"Does Walnut think so too?"

She said to the **** the other side of Gao Zhi, who looked at the void where the free demon disappeared without saying a word.

"No. That's our mission." The girl called Walnut replied bluntly.

"I can't stand it...the expressions of the two of you are too serious, right?"

Spo said with a wry smile: "For this matter, do you care that much about her, Dongcheng Gengxizi being involved in it?"

After hearing this, Gao Zhi and Hu Tao remained silent for a while.

"But you are childhood sweethearts of the same age as Geng Xizi. Before the incident five years ago, you were always friends. It is difficult in many ways, so you must have some special ideas. "

"After listening to Yuxi's report, it's you who volunteered to take part in this mission. Please, don't mix your personal feelings with this and cause the mission to fail."

"You don't need to tell me this kind of thing!" Gao Zhi said.

"If you want to destroy Naruse Mio, you won't be merciful to those who get in your way. Even Geng Kiko is the same!"

"Me too. There is no reason to hesitate about her now."

There was not the slightest confusion in Hu Tao's words. Geng Xizi has gone down the wrong path - since the day when 'that tragedy' happened five years ago, she has been...

"Okay. What you think is your own business, and I have no intention of interfering. I'm just in charge of supervising this time. It's up to you, and I'm just a bystander."

"Then let's go. As a family of heroes who protect this world, let's complete our mission."

Spokyo said.

"Go and destroy the guy who might become the future Demon King."


The next day, Mu Hantian simply washed and left home. According to the agreement, he should go to Qianho and the others.

I came to McGraw by car, walked in and saw that Chiho and the others were all there.

"Han... Mr. Han Tian. You... where have you been all these years?"

"Sorry, Xiaoqian, for worrying you. I'm... back."

"His Royal Highness, I'm so worried about you!"

"Sorry, sorry, I've made everyone worry." Dodging Ashiya, who rushed towards him, Mu Hantian showed a wry smile.

"Who cares about you, really!"

"Hey, Emi, didn't you and Suzuno return to Ender Isla?" Mu Hantian was a little surprised.

"His Royal Highness Hantian, we can't go back. Ander Isla has been destroyed." Suzuno bit her lip, a little sad.

"How could it be? Could it be that the time and space storm happened because Ander Isla was destroyed?" Mu Hantian frowned. A good world was destroyed like this? Somewhat incredible.

"Then what are your plans next?"

"We can only live in this world. And even if we find the culprit behind the scenes, what can we do to get revenge? Can we fight?" Emi was a little depressed, but what she said was true. but……

"Emi, you and Suzuno will be my thugs for now. As for revenge... leave it to me."

"I'll leave it to you...?..." Emi lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"By the way, Xiaoqian, what are you doing now?"

"It's just me now." Chiho felt a little sad for some reason.

"Xiao Qian, what's wrong with you?"

Ashiya explained in a low voice beside Mu Hantian's ear: "Lord Demon King, it is like this. Lord Chiho, her parents were killed. Although we found the murderer and avenged her, her mental condition has never been the same. very good."

"What! So much happened after I left."

Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qiansui and said, "Xiao Qian, you can stay with me in the future, so will everyone. Come with me to your new home."

"Mr. Hantian...I...just an ordinary person, completely..."

"Alright, Xiaoqian, I'll ask Allen to teach you about fighting or something. At the same time, you can also learn magic with Emi and the others." Mu Hantian also thought a lot, and finally decided to take Chiho with him.

"Okay, that's it."


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