Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 972: date me

Xiaoqian and others were brought to the vicinity of Mu Hantian's current home. Someone was selling the house here, so Mu Hantian directly asked Sakuye to buy it.

Then he took them to visit, the reason being that Mu Hantian was a good friend he knew before, and he met recently.

For the time being, the matter is over for a while, Mu Hantian thought. but……

The next day, when he entered Seizaka Academy during lunch break, Mu Hantian was surrounded.

The location is behind the school building next to the unpopular atrium. Mu Hantian, who had his back against the outer wall of the building, was blocked by more than a dozen male students standing side by side. Because Takigawa didn't come today, Mu Hantian, who went to the canteen alone during his lunch break, was stopped in the corridor.

"It's Mu Hantian, right?"

After hearing this questioning like a detective who found a suspect, before Mu Hantian could nod his head, his arms were grabbed from both sides and brought here. For Mu Hantian, because there are things that need to be confirmed, it doesn't matter.

"Do you have anything to do with me? I haven't eaten yet, so please hurry up." Mu Hantian had a headache.

In fact, there are speculations in my mind as to why it has become such a situation. Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuki. Mu Hantian's sister-in-law and fiancee (probably), who are also classmates, seem to be idol-like beings called "Princess Mio" and "Princess Yuxi" respectively in this academy. Mu Hantian, who had just come to this school, didn't know much about the situation in the school, but listening to Takigawa's tone, it seemed that they all had quite avid fans.

"You seem to be living with Princess Mio... You haven't done anything strange to her, have you?"

"I heard that you were hugged by our Princess Yuxi, are you really her fiancé?"

Mio and Yuki, who looked like the leaders of each faction, asked. These words all imply a strong understanding that Mio and Yuki are the common property of all of us.

... Then again, such a guy really exists.

From the lively type to the serious type, from the weak type to the flimsy type, Mio and Yuki's fans are really colorful. But now they have the same idea. The hostile gaze that was directed towards him clearly demonstrated this point.

Seeing the frenzied expressions of these boys, Mu Hantian felt a little helpless. It seemed that he could only do it today, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get out.

Mu Hantian sighed, took a step towards the young man in front of him, slapped him on the lower jaw with a palm, and slammed both fists at the stunned left and right bodies, causing them to lose consciousness. Run forward when timid.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the opponent who finally acted and rushed from the right end, he threw it to the left, knocking over the two people in that direction, and then approaching the remaining five people at the fastest speed, stepping on the standing The stiff boy at the front jumped up on his knees.

He kicked the back of his head with a kick, flew forward with force, landed behind the two leaders standing at the back, and hit the back of the head with a knife, causing them to lose consciousness, and the work was over.

After clapping his hands, Mu Hantian left with a relaxed expression. But as soon as I walked outside, I saw the head teacher Sakazaki Mori who came over.

"Are you all right, Han Tian?" Sakazaki Mori asked nervously.

Looking at his hypocritical expression, Mu Hantian was a little bored. Although I only watched a little bit of the second part, I knew what kind of person he was. It's amazing to think that you are a so-called Protoss, but in fact, you are just a spicy chicken. Mu Hantian is also ready to deal with him now.

"I'm fine, it's just that the classmates inside need to calm down."

"I really can't handle this kind of thing. You will only make you more troublesome. Forget it, leave the rest to me." Sakazaki Mori smiled bitterly.

Mu Hantian nodded.

'goodbye. ' Saying that, Sakazaki left along the corridor.

"Okay... I have to go to the canteen quickly, I don't want to go hungry."

"Big brother." A quiet voice called to him. It was Yuki who came out from behind the tree in the courtyard.

"Yuxi, didn't you just call me by my name? Also, you called the teacher, right?"

"Well, I thought I could help Han Tian, ​​but I didn't expect you to deal with it so quickly." Yuxi admitted directly.

"Indeed, if Sakazaki Mori handles it, I will have a lot less trouble, so Yuxi, what is the matter with me?" Mu Hantian didn't believe that Yuxi would come to him for no reason.

"Well, I do have something to ask for your help with Han Tian." Youxi said calmly.

"Go ahead."

"I want you to accompany me to a place this weekend... Do you have any reservations for Han Tian?" Yuxi asked with a blushing face.

"This weekend, I have nothing to do." Mu Hantian thought for a while and replied.

Youxi grabbed the sleeve of Mu Hantian's uniform, and said in a quiet, but very clear tone, "Great, then let's go on a date, Hantian—just the two of us."


Weekend Saturday morning.

The sunny weather was very suitable for a date, and Mu Hantian, who had left home, headed towards the agreed meeting place. They made an appointment to meet in front of the subway station at eleven o'clock. Although Mu Hantian had arrived ten minutes earlier, Yuxi was already waiting there.

"Hantian, good morning." Yuxi greeted.

Because it was a day off, Yuki was wearing casual clothes. Because all I saw was her in uniform, Yuki in casual clothes looked fresh. Having said that, the choice of casual clothes can indeed reflect a person's character. The wool sweater with a slightly dull color is a simple choice, reflecting Yuki's simple character.

However, Yuki's transparent beauty cannot be restrained by simple clothes. From just now, most of the pedestrians who passed by were involuntarily fallen for Yuki. Some of them even stopped for it.

"Good morning, Yuxi... I was thinking that I had come a while earlier, but I didn't expect you to arrive early. Have you waited for a long time?"

"Not long, just an hour earlier." Yuki replied.

"Don't do this in the future, I will feel guilty, you know Yuxi." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly. Yuki's character is really...

"I see." Yuxi said calmly, repeating Mu Hantian's words, Yuxi showed some joy.

With that said, Mu Hantian and Youxi walked towards the subway ticket gate, the destination being the bustling street in the city center.

Because it's a day off. Passing through the ticket gate, the platform was crowded with people who were also heading for the city center. Mu Hantian and the others were in the back of a shorter line, and the tram entered the platform soon after.

However, that train was already quite crowded. After Mu Hantian and the others squeezed in, the density in the car became even higher. Of course, there would be no seats, not even the lifting rings and armrests. Mu Hantian reluctantly squeezed with Youxi near the connection between the carriages - in front of the door. Youxi leaned her back against the door, and Mu Hantian stood in front of her. However, due to the limited space in the carriage, the bodies of the two had to stick tightly together.

"That...isn't there any problem, Youxi." After the tram started running, Mu Hantian asked Youxi embarrassedly.

"I'm fine. What about Hantian...?" Yuxi looked calm, but the slight nervousness in her tone betrayed her.

"I'm still- okay?" Before Mu Hantian finished speaking, the tram jolted suddenly, and the unbalanced crowd pressed on Mu Hantian. He had to get closer to Yuki.

"Ah..." Yuxi exclaimed softly.

"Sorry, Youxi, I can't help it." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

The body that was already tightly pressed together changed into an even more incredible posture under the squeeze just now.

"How is it?" Mu Hantian asked. He was asking about the effect of Yuxi's isolation.

"Well... it's better." Yuxi said.

Hearing this, Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart couldn't calm down at all.

Of course, Yuxi's body is warm and soft, and it also smells good - more importantly, Mu Hantian's right leg is sandwiched between Yuxi's thighs. Awkward.

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