"Xiaotian, are you really okay?" Russ was still a little worried.

"Anlaan, leave it to me." Mu Hantian smiled confidently, and then took Esther in his hand.

"Go on. The Underworld God Stream—Finally—Reincarnation of Life and Death!" Endless magic power rippling from the double swords, and violent power emerged, rushing towards the dangerous species. The dangerous species also seemed to sense the danger and desperately wanted to leave here, but all this was in vain.

The dark light flashed away as if it had never appeared, but the annihilated Dangerous Species and the huge pothole illustrate the horror of that power.

"In this way, your last resort is gone, is there any other way you can do it?" Mu Hantian looked at Zuo Kier with a half-smiling smile.

"No, no, please let me go, I know you are trying to protect Naruse Mio, since, in this case... do you want to make a deal with me...?" Zokiel desperately begged for mercy .

"Oh, tell me." Mu Hantian looked at Zokyer calmly.

"As long as there is Wilbert's power in her body, Naruse Mio will not have a day of peace... Since you regard protecting her as your first priority, then you already know that a high-level demon like me who has lived for so long... ...you can get all kinds of information from the current Demon King Leohart or the Cardinal composed of other high-level demons. Even this Lars is absolutely impossible to know. You should know the preciousness of my information. Why? So, do you want to make a deal?" Zokiel begged.

"Although your conditions make me very moved, but I can't trust you. Let's do it."

"Okay, I'm tired of seeing this nasty face, let me kill you. Zokiel!"

Russ nodded and walked slowly towards Zokiel.

Zokiel's death is also approaching step by step. despite this--

At this moment, Mu Hantian still hadn't said a word to Zokyer.

Cursing, insulting, ridiculing, none of which is willing to give alms.

He just didn't say a word and stared at Zokiel with cold eyes, as if to explain that what Lass was about to bring him was an unquestionable death.

……hateful! There's no... is there no way...!

Zokiel desperately looks for a chance to survive, but death is imminent.

Despair opened his eyes. next moment--

The shock wave released from Rath's hand ended Zokiel's long life.


"Zokil's spiritual reaction disappeared?"

Demon King Leohart received this unexpected news when he returned from his inspection of the Western Regions and returned to the palace.

Zokiel decided that the newly discovered ruins were worth excavating, and thought that the responsibility was over, and immediately returned to his residence, while Leohart stayed to continue to inspect the surrounding area. He never expected such a thing to happen.

"Could it be that... Zokiel is dead?" Leohart asked suspiciously as he walked down the corridor.

"This is just the latest news that has just been received, and the details are not yet clear."

Balfrea, a trusted confidant who came to pick him up, answered from behind him.

The current Demon Lord faction, who established Leohart as the new king, is currently the largest force in the Demon World, but it is not united within. Some of them saw young Leohart as an unworldly lad who wanted to manipulate him into applause, and Zokyr saw that as one of his rival camps.

In the past, when Zokiel, who was Naruse Mio's watchman, attacked her, Leohart originally planned to directly execute him, lest he let his greed and ambition continue to grow, which would one day become a harm that could not be ignored.

But unfortunately, this proposal was protested by members of the Cardinal who were in the same camp as Zokyr, and finally he could only be suspended from office to view the light punishment. However--

...what happened?

According to Rath's report, Zokiel has been acting suspiciously recently, but he is also a high-level demon, cautious and powerful. He is not someone who can die so easily. There must be a big problem behind it .

"Investigate in detail immediately and report back at any time - act quickly."

"—Subordinates obey."

After receiving the order, Balfreya nodded and disappeared.

And Leohart continued to move forward, and when he came to the door of the throne room, the guards stood at attention and saluted, and opened the huge huge door.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Leohart said a brief word of condolence and stepped into the hall.

Then he walked into the depths of the hall with the sound of the door closing—

But he stopped suddenly on the way and frowned. Because he found a situation in the hall.

——All the guards in the hall fell to the ground, no exception.

They weren't dead, they just fainted and their breathing was smooth. But--

More than 20 guards were all defeated...

They are not ordinary soldiers, but the guards who are dedicated to guarding the Demon King, all of them are elites; and such guards were knocked unconscious without the guards outside the door even finding them.

It can be seen that this person's actions are extremely secretive and the time is extremely short. As far as Leohart knew, there were only a handful of people who possessed such power.

Just when Leohart raised his guard, thinking about whether to call the guards outside the door——

He suddenly found beyond his line of sight—a man was sitting comfortably on a throne that only he could sit on. Normally, it was impossible for Leohart to ignore such an offense, but the man in front of him was able to do it without Leohart's attention.

Completely disappeared without even Leohart noticing. With such a skill, he can indeed knock down the entire Imperial Guard without revealing his figure or even his breath. At this time-

"You're finally back, the new Demon Lord... oh? Strange, the Demon Lord this time is too young, isn't it?"

The man sat on Leohart's throne and said this in surprise when he saw the Demon Queen.

——In the present demon world, I am afraid that there is not one of them who do not know Leohart’s appearance.

But the man obviously showed a reaction that he had never seen before.

However—even though it was the first time they met, Leohart recognized the appearance and name of the man who didn’t know him.

"Xun Dongcheng!"

"Hey, do you know me? Even the new demon king knows my face and name. It's a great honor."

Xun, whose name was whispered by Leohart, said with a smile, and then——

"Then, you know what I'm here for, right?"

Xun slowly stood up from the throne, twisted his neck and said, "But what I'm going to say now has nothing to do with me... My lovely children seem to be working **** their side, so As a father, I really want to cheer them up and show them admiration by being handsome. This is the so-called fatherly love."

Afterwards, Leohart saw Dongcheng Xun walking towards him leisurely.

In the past, he was known as the strongest hero in history. He bared his teeth and showed a hideous smile, and said, "Thank you for taking care of the little devils in my family. I'm here to pay back some favors."

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