Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 987: News vs Demon King

Demon King Leohart...

After the death of the former Demon King Wilbert, a young new king who reigned at the top of the demon world.

Although Wilbert, who belongs to the moderate faction, has the reputation of being the strongest in the demon world, he was willing to evacuate the human world in the previous war and chose to live in peace. Sixteen years after the end of the war—the demons of conservative or radical factions, loyal to their instincts and eager for revenge against the gods, still harbor strong dissatisfaction with him.

Until the death of Wilbert about a year ago, the situation in the Demon World was in great turmoil.

The moderates who had built a huge force inspired by Wilbert quickly disintegrated, while the radicals and conservatives rose in popularity.

In the end——the new Demon Lord elected after the two factions merged into a new faction was Leohart.

His lineage of the Duke's family, which has produced many demon kings since ancient times, and his brave performance in the previous war were the reasons for his victory.

At that time, Leohart was different from the Demon King Wilbert, who was in control of the overall situation at the rear. Although there was another demon on the front line who had the same record as him, but that demon was lost during the battle, so the honor of the war hero was only attributed to Leohart.

It was this honor that earned him the support of radicals and conservatives alike, and he became the new king. However, Leohart was very young, and after taking over the post of Wilbert, who was known as the strongest demon king, his majesty was a little lacking; so on the royal palace that symbolized authority, he specially selected the largest and solemn castle in the demon world for his use. .

But now, Leohart's palace is shaking violently. This is not a metaphor, but a terrifying shock that occurred in the Throne Court, literally shaking the entire palace, and then...

Leohart jumped out of the palace from the wall pierced by the impact, landed lightly in the atrium and looked up, only to see a figure jumping out of the destroyed wall following him. The hem of the coat was greatly flipped by the air resistance, and the one who held the giant sword high and slashed at him was the strongest man in the brave family who participated in the previous war, known as the "God of War" - Dongcheng Xun.

Leohart immediately waved his magic sword high, resisting Xun's slash—"Crack ————!" The metal crash sounded instantly.

The power that sought to vent because of this powerful slash, aroused the roar and impact that splashed in all directions, and immediately destroyed the atrium floor and fountains and other facilities. now-

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah...!"

Leohart vigorously swung the magic sword, let Xun quickly back away with a "Oh!", rolled back to the ground, twisted his right shoulder holding the great sword and said with a wry smile: "Ah~ it's really blunt...actually The action is not the same as expected.”

After he finished speaking, he patted the shoulder with his sword ridge. At this time-

"Your Majesty Leohart!"

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

The janitor hurried to Leohart, who was confronting Xun, raised his weapon and activated magic, ready to attack Xun.

"Stay back - you are not his opponents."

But it was restrained by Leohart's calm judgment. The elite troops guarding the Throne Court were all stunned by him. Ordinary soldiers wanted to fight against him, but they were counterattacked and unable to fight again, and at worst, their lives were wasted.

But Xun glanced around--

"Really? Besides you, there seem to be several ruthless characters around here..." He said as if he saw through the situation.

It's tricky to even feel so sharp.

Right now, Leohart's trusted servants, such as Balfrea, were standing by behind the surrounding ordinary soldiers or in the hidden places of buildings, ready to fight against Xun at any time. then--

"Your Majesty Leohart - what should I do?" Balfrey asked for instructions with telepathic magic.

"Don't do it, I will deal with this guy alone."

And Leohart also asked the courtiers to stand by, because this was a rare opportunity.

——After all, he was Dongcheng Xun, who was known as the strongest hero in the past.

In the past year - the old thieves who supported the young Leohart and wanted to cultivate an obedient puppet to satisfy their own interests or desires have been eradicated by Leohart himself, but there are still many like Zuoji A traitor like you; if you can independently force the retreat here, it may make the remaining thorns in the Cardinal a little more peaceful.


I don't know if it's sympathy or chivalrous heart - quickly opened the umbrella for Naruse Mio and his subordinate Maria, and let them live with his son and daughter in his own home. Leohart has been in charge of monitoring the situation. I know a lot from the Russ report, but what I don't know is...

"Did you come directly to me to settle accounts to protect your family and Wilbert's daughter, Xun Dongcheng?"

"Wrong, I didn't mean that. I came to the demon world to see the changes after Wilbert's death, and I will come to sit with you, just by the way... Well, there is a little warning element. ."

Even when he spoke, Xun's eyes were fixed on Leohart.

"I thought I took Wilbert's seat, and I wanted to do something to the only daughter who had to inherit his power reluctantly - a girl who didn't know that she had the blood of the Demon King on her body and grew up like an ordinary person. The new Demon King must be an insidious person who plays tricks... Unexpectedly, it turns out to be a heroic young man with chivalrous spirit?"

"Shut up!"

Leohart rushed towards Xun with a wry smile. He kicked his feet to accelerate at the moment when he lowered his body. In a blink of an eye, he reached the haste and slashed towards Xun.

During the war, many warriors lost their lives under Leohart's storm-like sword.

However, each of his blows was set aside by Xun's giant sword. What's even more amazing is that the movement of Xun's sword is far from being called swordsmanship - it was resolved by simply swinging the giant sword at will with reflex nerves and strength. Leohart's fierce sword stance made countless violent fencing sounds.

"With this kind of ability, it is indeed possible to sit on the throne of the devil at such a young age... and you have a pair of good eyes. Well... it seems that the bad guy is someone else."

He showed a smile that seemed to see through the truth. Even if he is a hero, he is still a human—generally speaking, his physical condition is several steps weaker than that of the demons; and in terms of human lifespan, he has long passed the age of peak physical strength.

However, Xun's physical strength is equivalent to the current Demon King, or even better.

...It's too exaggerated...Is this Xun Dongcheng?

Powerful - the name of the God of War is indeed well-deserved. Although it lasted until the previous war sixteen years ago, Leohart never had a chance to fight against Xun——

...Since he has such power.

The high-level demons who were comparable to Leohart's military exploits would suddenly disappear in that battle, probably because of the encounter with Xun, as rumors say. In the past sixteen years, Leohart has been studying more advanced martial arts, but I am afraid that the current Xun is still not much like him.

After the war—no, even during the war, I never met such an opponent.

"But... so what!"

Leohart released a horizontal slash that was several orders of magnitude sharper in speed and angle than before, creating a metallic sound that was different from the previous one. Leohart's magic sword cut off Xun's great sword.

"Whoa whoa--!"

Leohart turned around and slashed at Xun, whose eyes widened in surprise, but was evaded by his back kick. Then, Xun looked at the rising black aura of the magic sword in Leohart's hand, "Hey." He praised and threw down the broken giant sword.

"I knew it wouldn't be an ordinary demon sword... But, should it be the Demon King's weapon?"

"That's it - don't blame me."

Leohart's magic sword, Loki, is the strongest sword in the demon world known to exist. Since the combat power is equal, the victory or defeat depends on the quality of the weapon.

"Eat him, Loki!"

Leohart whispered so softly—

The magic sword in his hand also emits a black light as if echoing it. Considering the cohesion and influence gained by defeating the strongest hero before, it is worth losing the entire city.

So——Leohart released the dark wave of the magic sword Loki that was amplified to the limit.

Amidst the loud noise, a black torrent that swirled the atmosphere and distorted the space rushed out from the huge sword.

It was a blow that could devour Xun alive and completely wipe out both body and spirit without leaving a trace.

Victory and defeat - as it should be. However, Demon King Leohart saw an incredible sight.

Before being swallowed up by the dark waves, Xun showed a disdainful smile, and then——

"Oh oh oh oh..."

A green aura emerged from Xun, who was roaring and gathering energy, and concentrated his right fist.

In response to this, he smashed his right fist into Leohart's dark waves with exaggerated and brute force, producing a heavy bass that shook the atmosphere - and the reality that bounced the dark waves back to Leohart.

Facing the dark wave that bounced back at double the speed, Leohart made a decisive move and swept the magic sword Loki to the upper right. Cut the sword body into the dark wave and force it out.

The next moment - there was a roar and impact that shook the earth.

The dark fluctuations that were forcibly deflected completely smashed the huge city wall on the south side of the palace.

The blast sent the air of the atrium frantic like a sandstorm, filled with chaos and howls. At this time-

"Okay, that's about it." Xun was sure that he had achieved the purpose of this trip.

No matter how much ambition Leohart himself has, or how many evil thoughts full of dark desires surround him, it will not change the current situation where the former Demon King faction continues to expand, and one day the Moderate faction will be wiped out.

The most effective way to prevent this is to shake the demons' trust in the new Demon King's strength or charisma, and make his subordinates suspicious of him, so Xun Cai chose to kill Leohart in the atrium full of ordinary soldiers. Leohart's blow just now, which should also have the meaning of showing his power to the surrounding area——but was met with a quick counterattack.

Xun not only completely bounced back Leohart's attack, but also let some demons in the royal city see the existence of the threat.

This can deter the current high-level Demon Lord faction, and create doubt or anxiety in the hearts of the lower levels.

...hope this scare them off somewhat.

When Dongcheng Xun thought about it like this, he was about to hide away——he suddenly saw something.

The next moment, he set off like a thunderbolt.

In the vortex of chaos caused by the aftermath of the blast—Demon King Leohart saw that scene with his own eyes.

He quickly ran through the atrium and rushed into the falling rubble.

...want to run away from the chaos?

Behind the wall is a cliff, and below it is a moat. Jumping from there, the water can soften the impact of the fall, and there is a high probability of being safe; but among the large amount of rubble that collapsed, there are many huge fragments of the city wall. With Xun's ability, it is also very easy to climb over the intact city walls in other directions. Why do you need to do this? Just when Leohart couldn't help frowning, he saw it.

Xun, who leaped into the air, stretched out his hand to a small body that fell with the rubble—and took him into his arms. Judging from the light armor, it should be a guard on the city wall. However, it seemed that he was only affected by Leohart's attack, and there was no need for the hostile Xun to help him. But--

……That is?

What Xun was holding was obviously a child. This reminded Leohart that there was a young soldier in the palace who was recruited because of his high evaluation of his strength.

Although he is young, he is still a demon, and his strength is highly rated. A mere moat cannot kill him.

However - if he was knocked out by the falling rubble or the impact of the explosion, he was likely to drown by falling into the water - so the airborne swift acted immediately.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

With the young soldier in his arms, Xun kicked straight up.

The huge fragment of the city wall that fell from directly above exploded into pieces. In the resounding sound of violent shattering resounding like an explosion, Leohart met Xun, who was still in the air, at the far end of his line of sight.

The speed in Leohart's eyes, a triumphant smile appeared on his face - and with such an expression, he fell down the cliff along with a large amount of rubble.

"Do you want to chase after him, Your Majesty Leohart?" Seeing this, Balfreya appeared and asked.

"No, there's no need for that. Fighting that guy will just be a waste of effort."

Leohart shook his head and just instructed Balfreya to check the guards' injuries and remove rubble.

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