Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 989: Prepare

Mu Hantian followed Tachibana to the preparation room next door.

The interior is about four pings large, and various video materials and equipment are densely placed on the wall shelf. Vice-chairman Kajiura is standing in the center of the preparation room waiting for them.

"That, vice president... I brought classmates Han Tian and the others."

"Thank you, Tachibana."

After briefly thanking Tachibana, Kajiura rolled her eyes, shot through Mu Hantian and the others with her slightly icy gaze, and sighed softly.

"There's not much time, so I'll just say it directly--Aren't you going to quit the Executive Committee?"

Without the slightest hesitation, he said the reason for finding them.

Knew it……

Mu Hantian was not particularly surprised by this. When Tachibana said that Kajiura was looking for them, he had already roughly guessed what was going on.

Then, Kajiura suddenly lowered his eyes and said, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to blame you, but I said before that the number of executive committee members is too large this time, and it's hard enough to manage if there are so many people. The motivation has nothing to do with the games itself, let alone the third graders. Although it is not impossible to restrain them, we really don’t have any extra energy to spend on it.”

"That's it."

Originally, the executive committee should consist of first and second graders. This is because the games are held under the leadership of the second grade, and it is necessary to create an environment in which the executive chairman can issue orders smoothly and easily unify the entire committee; if there are third graders joining, and there are ulterior motives - it will cause confusion to the command system , Disrupting the order of the organization.

Unlike the general executive members, Kajiura and Tachibana and other student council members have been preparing since before the summer vacation. In order to hold a successful sports meeting, even during the summer vacation, a lot of sweat was shed on it.

"I see, although it's a pity—"

Just when Mu Hantian said he wanted to leave, the door of the preparation room opened. The person who came in was Sakazaki.

"What's the matter, Kajiura, it's almost time... - strange, what's wrong?"

He felt that the atmosphere between Kajiura and Mu Hantian was not quite right, so he asked in surprise.

"Teacher, I'm sorry... It's about the classmates in the teacher's class."

Kajiura didn't intend to hide Sakazaki, who was in charge of the steering committee, and said on the spot that he hoped Mu Hantian and others would quit. Sakazaki frowned, "Um..." After thinking about it, he said, "Perhaps this way, the people who came for Naruse, Nonaka and Genkiko can really leave... But the committee is also a part of extracurricular activities. It's hard for me to allow them to quit so easily."

"But it goes on like this..."

"And, it would also give other people an excuse to quit."

Kajiura raised the objection from the position of the student commander, while Sakazaki raised the question from the teacher's point of view.

"Many of the executive members of each class are not voluntary as they are, but are elected by passive means such as voting or lottery. If someone can withdraw, those people are likely to use them as an excuse to withdraw together."

"Then at least——...! Forget it, when I didn't say it." Kajiura suddenly retracted what he had said, and lowered his head and bit his lip unwillingly.

"In that case." Geng Xiko interjected: "Well, Kajiura-senpai... If there is a problem with withdrawing, why not just use a few of us instead? It can make the preparations for the sports meeting a little smoother."

"Then something might happen that will make you uncomfortable." Kajiura said with a tangled expression.

"No problem, just do as Geng Xizi said." Mu Hantian interjected.

Kajiura lowered his head for a while and muttered, "Okay then."

"Can I ask Naruse-san to join 'General Affairs Assistant', and Nonaka-san and Tojo-san to join 'Record Accounting'? These two departments are better with more staff. If you are here, you will definitely be able to recruit enough people. Manpower. I remember, there is another girl in your class, right? So please ask her to join Naruse-san's department. Also, I will ask the student council to be the head of these two departments, and I will never let the third grader Seniors just mess around."

After Mio, Yuki, and nodded in agreement, Kajiura said with regret again: "I'm sorry... I will try my best to keep an eye on them and try not to embarrass you."

It can be seen from her expression that at first she asked Mu Hantian to withdraw a few times, not for the convenience of managing the executive committee members, but purely for their own good. therefore……

"Then I will join other departments to avoid unnecessary conflicts." Mu Hantian said to Kajiura.

"No need. Classmate Han Tian, ​​I want to invite you to join our student union to assist in managing all departments."

"Join the student council?"

Kajiura nodded and said, "Yes, joining the student council, once there is a situation to be dealt with, there is no problem of interfering with the affairs of other departments - when the time comes, we will give you instructions, you can feel at ease to help students Dongcheng and Naruse. And Nonaka-san."


Since then, distribution across departments has proceeded as expected.

Mio raised his hand during "General Affairs Assistance", and Mio sent male students to follow; Yuxi and Geng Xizi raised their hands during "Recording Accounting", and Yuxi and Geng Xizi sent all male students to follow up; Sakaki Zai Mu Hantian, etc. When he returned from the preparation room, he listened to their explanations, and joined Mio's general affairs without hesitation. Most people only care about the whereabouts of Mio, Yuxi, and Geng Xizi. Even if Mu Hantian is announced to join the student union to help, they will ignore it. At this point - the Executive Committee of the first sports meeting is finally over.

After that, Mu Hantian separated from Mio, Yuxi, and Geng Xizi, and came to the health room alone.

Mu Hantian walked down the corridor and knocked on the door of the health room.

"Sorry for disturbing you." Mu Hantian did this for a reason, because you don't know if there will be other people inside.

After entering the door, he was greeted by a soft and refreshing air.

No matter how many times he came, Mu Hantian felt that the health room was the most relaxing place in the whole school.

Is it because the air is particularly fresh? Of course, the health room for the purpose of treating pain should be like this, and it is also equipped with air-conditioning equipment such as air filters; but this is where people who are unwell such as colds on their hands gather. In some places, a low mood will concomitantly make the air stagnant, just like most people don't think the air in the hospital is good. Even so, this health room still maintains a sanctuary-like space.


Mu Hantian walked in and saw that the owner of the room was not at the desk by the window; instead, there was a call from the hospital bed by the door—behind the drawn white curtain.

"You are here."

"I have something I want to talk to you about." Mu Hantian walked over and saw that Chang Guchuan Qianli was changing clothes.

"What's the matter?" Hasegawa was puzzled.

"It's about Sakazaki, I'll kill him, okay?"

"You can decide this for yourself, but when did you find him? He should be well hidden, even if I don't pay attention, I will still be deceived by him." Hasegawa showed his beautiful figure in front of Mu Hantian come out.

"I have my own way. But Qianli, don't you know how strong the charm of 'mature women' is, don't play with me anymore." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

"If you want, no problem, it's not that you haven't done it before." Hasegawa chuckled and leaned towards Mu Hantian, wearing a swimsuit to show off her proud figure.

"Okay, I'll go back first, that's all for today."

"Wait a minute! Can you come to my house?" Hasegawa stopped Mu Hantian.

"It's... alright." Mu Hantian smiled helplessly.

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