Because he was going to be with Hasegawa Chisato, in order not to worry Mio and the others, Mu Hantian sent a text message asking them to go home first.

After Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan left the school together, they got into the car she was driving.

After driving into the national highway from the street for a while, the car finally stopped at the destination.

It's a high-rise apartment - and she lives on the top floor; but it's a bit too big for a woman who lives alone.

After arriving at the shared room of the guest restaurant, Mu Hantian drank the tea that Chang Guchuan made for him and waited for the dishes to be served.

The rhythm of the cooking being completed gradually flowed from the kitchen to the melody of Hasegawa humming.

I just saw Hasegawa take off his usual white robe and put on an apron. It feels quite fresh and has another charm.

"Wait, come and sit here."


After hearing Chang Gu Chuan's call, Mu Hantian finished his black tea and left the sofa, and sat down at the larger dining table, while Chang Gu Chuan served the dishes with him.

"It looks really good." Mu Hantian couldn't help but admire. During the cooking process, the fragrance of the kitchen continued; coupled with the fact that Hasegawa personally cooks, it is very exciting.

What Chang Guchuan cooked for Mu Hantian were common dishes in ordinary households. However, from the arrangement of the dishes to the seasoning, the quality was clearly high; but what surprised Mu Hantian was the quantity of dishes and the unbalanced nutrition at all.

Burger steaks with mashed carrots, curry rice, potato stew, Caesar salad, ginger-grilled pork, omurice with beef sauce, fried chicken, and miso soup to fill the table.

"Come on, eat as much as you can."

"Okay...then I'll start."

Mu Hantian folded his hands towards Chang Gu Chuan who was sitting opposite him and the table full of vegetables, and began to eat.

"It's delicious."

Hearing Mu Hantian's compliment, Hasegawa smiled shyly and said, "Actually, this is the first time I have personally cooked for others to eat... But if I know what to prepare, I simply put my age in my mind. All the dishes that boys like you would like to eat are made."

"That's right." Mu Hantian nodded, then sandwiched a hamburger steak with mashed carrots. After cutting it into bite-sized pieces, the gravy immediately gushed out, emphasizing how delicious he was. Mu Hantian unceremoniously sent the meat into his mouth, and the essence and flavor of the meat itself spread out in his mouth—

"How's it going?" Hasegawa asked, slightly uneasy.

"Hmm, it's delicious."

This made Hasegawa caressed his chest and said with a smile, "That's it...that's great. Then don't be rude, just eat as much as you can."

Mu Hantian nodded after hearing this, and started to eat.

Every dish that Chang Guchuan cooked for Mu Hantian was extremely delicious.

There are many kinds and large portions. He originally thought that he might not be able to eat them all, but Mu Hantian quickly emptied the dishes one after another—after an hour, he swept the entire table.

"Qianli, I have to go first, otherwise Geng Xizi and the others will be worried. Sorry!"

"Is that so, I originally planned to do something with you, so it looks like it can only be the next time. Do you need me to send you?"

"No, it's not too far, and there are still trams at this time."


After the evening, this line was basically crowded with office workers returning home from the center of the city. In addition, this station was close to the center of the city, so many people got on the train from here. Now, like Mu Hantian, there are people waiting for the tram. , a long queue was lined up on the platform.

At this time, the announcement that there is a car entering the station on the down platform sounded. but--

"The express train is about to pass platform number two, please beside the platform—"

At this time, darkness suddenly descended all around. The lights at the station went out.

The sudden change made Mu Hantian jump out of the word "power outage" in his heart—


He tilted his head to the right, swiped his left hand like a swipe, and set aside the fist that attacked Mu Hantian's head from behind.

"Che, it's really killing you, then I'll fulfill you." Mu Hantian whispered, and at the same time calmly looked at the passengers waiting for the bus around him.

The passengers waiting for the bus all rushed up, and their eyes didn't look like normal people. Mu Hantian felt the surrounding space and found that the entire space was covered by a space-displaced barrier.

Seeing the civilians who were dragged in, Mu Hantian had no intention of killing them, and now he just needed to stun them.

At this time, countless magic circles appeared around Mu Hantian, and the people who were manipulated actually used magic at the same time.

When Mu Hantian discovered this situation, he knew that it would be resolved quickly, but when Mu Hantian was about to start, the barrier was suddenly released.

The manipulative people are still singing magic, and if it is an offensive magic and it is successfully activated, it will definitely cause damage to the station.


Especially the light spot gradually approaching from the other side of the track made Mu Hantian anxious. The express train mentioned in the previous broadcast is about to come. Although the station has a power outage, the express train will not stop at all, and it should pass the station directly. If the magic of these people around them destroys the track or hits the tram directly, it is bound to cause a lot of casualties.

Mu Hantian, who thought of that miserable scene, couldn't help but grit his teeth.

At this moment, a cold female voice came.

"Suddenly found that someone opened the barrier and came over to take a look. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

The moment he heard this familiar voice - Yimu Hantian turned around quickly and saw a young girl in front of him. She wears the battle uniform of the brave clan, and on her left hand she wears a special gauntlet required for the use of spiritism. This cute-looking girl with a slightly unhappy expression is—


That's right, there is Yuki's younger sister, the elf magician Noonaka Nakamura.

"Big brother, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but I'll leave it to you here."

"Don't worry, I'll fix it right away." Hu Tao smiled slightly, then flicked her finger, and a wall of water appeared around it, and then the water wall scattered into raindrops, soaking the platform and tracks. After changing the main element of the gauntlet from water to wind, she stretched out her left hand to the ground, and a huge magic circle spread out at the target.

Then countless fine thunders poured into the station with the cracking sound of the air, and flashes of light immediately swept across the wet platform. It also took away the consciousness of the people being manipulated - instantly paralyzing them all.

Soon - the people who attacked Mu Hantian regained consciousness, but none of them remembered what happened during the time they were being manipulated. But this is nothing special - ordinary people who do not know the existence of magic and other abilities will basically not remember what happened when they were manipulated by magic; if necessary, Hu Tao also brought the brave family to fight for ordinary people to encounter it. Forgotten incense and other drugs used in the situation, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

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