Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 991: untitled

Hu Tao came here this time to meet Mu Hantian, and to monitor Mio.

A few minutes later—Mu Hantian returned home with Hu Tao.

Yuki is currently living in Dongcheng's house, and the 'village' knows about living with Mio and Maria; so even if Mio is a demon, it is still the object of surveillance, and naturally Hu Tao will not provoked it for no reason. conflict.

When the two opened the door and stepped into the entrance——

"Ah, welcome home, brother~"

Maria left the dressing room and greeted her with a hearty greeting. At this moment-

Hu Tao, who was behind him, gasped in surprise, causing Mu Hantian to hug his head "badly".

Because Maria was wearing a naked apron again.

"Oh? Isn't this sister Yuxi's sister... What are you doing here this time?"

Seeing Maria trotting unprepared, Walnut's face turned pale.

"You, what are are you dressed like this!"

"No, Walnut. It's not what you think it is. Maria, turn around and show her."

"Is that so?" Hu Tao looked at Mu Hantian suspiciously.

Maria followed around in a circle, but for some reason, Maria was really just wearing an apron there.

At this moment, Mu Hantian was stunned.

"Hey! Why are you not wearing clothes!" Mu Hantian was completely speechless. This time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

"This is a psychological trap to make you think I'm pretending to be a naked apron, but it's actually a naked apron. Hehehe, brother, you've been completely tricked!"

What the **** are you doing, take a look at the scene a little bit. Mu Hantian kept complaining in his heart.

"Guo, that's what it is! What are you trying to do when you dress like this! Or, is that how you seduced the big brother and asked him to protect you? Sure enough, all of you demons should be eliminated." Hu Tao seemed to endure it. Limit, shouted with a flushed face.

"Oops~? Could it be that it's the first time you've seen someone wear this~? Heh...then try to see as much as you can. This is the eternal romance of a man - a naked apron!"

"You idiot! Who wants to see that kind of thing!"

Maria put her hands on her hips dignifiedly, not knowing what she was doing, so that Hu Tao couldn't help cursing.

Not good... As soon as I got home, the smell of gunpowder was so strong that it was on the verge of breaking out, so I had to think of a solution quickly.

"By the way, Maria, what about Yuxi and the others? Why didn't you hear their voices?" Mu Hantian asked hurriedly.

"Yes, I almost forgot. They are all waiting for you in the living room, please come over quickly."

"In the living room? I see."

Why, is there something to talk about? Mu Hantian thought to himself, then took off his shoes and said, "Hu Tao, you also consider this your home, come in quickly."

"Excuse me." Hu Tao, who was unhappy, also took off her shoes.

"Mio, Yuxi, Geng Xizi, do you have anything to say?" Mu Hantian was a little puzzled.

"Can you make a contract with us?" Mio said nervously.


"That's right, it's a 'master-slave contract'. My brother must be very interested." Maria jumped out and said.

Mu Hantian frowned. After reading the original book, he naturally knew what the contract was about, but since Mu Hantian knew them, he hadn't said anything about it. Why today...

"Geng Xizi, what's going on, why do you guys bring up such a thing?"

"It's actually like this..." Geng Xizi began to explain.

five minutes later……

"That is to say, after listening to what that guy from Lass said, you feel that you need to strengthen your strength so as not to drag me down, right? That's why you want to sign that contract?"

"Yes." Yuki admitted it simply.

"So Mio, do you have anything to say?"

Mio blushed and shook her head.

"Maria, this kind of thing is not allowed to be said in the future. As for improving your strength, I will find someone to teach you."

"Got it" x4


"Really. It seems that we were rushed too far." Dongcheng Xun sighed in the dark cave.

During the battle with the new Demon King Leohart, in order to rescue a young soldier, he fell behind the moat of the palace in his arms.

Due to the possibility of being attacked by arrows or magic after surfacing, Xun decided to leave the scene directly. He threw his fists in the water and blasted the rock wall into a breakthrough to the water source of the moat, the underground river cave; but the fierce water flow caused by the sudden connection of the moat and the cave swallowed Xun and the young soldiers, and rushed them in at once. deep underground river.

"However, it might be just right for me to go downstream like this..."

Despite being rushed for a long distance, Xun still didn't lose his sense of direction. Judging from the terrain around Demon King Castle, as long as you continue to move forward along the current, you should be able to see the sun again in the dark sea area in the south. therefore--

"Is that all right, Feo?"

Dongcheng Xun asked the other side of the fire, and a voice that seemed to be reluctant replied: "Whatever you want... Do you need to ask me?"

It was the young soldier that Xun rescued in the palace. In order to prevent catching a cold, Xun took off Feio's light armor and clothes, and lent him the coat to put it on. Seeing his reaction, Xun smiled bitterly in his heart.

He should have calmed down a bit.

After all, when Feiu woke up, he drew his sword and killed him as soon as he saw Xun. This young soldier can become a palace guard at a young age, and his skills are not bad, but he is still not Xun's opponent.

It's just that Xun Xun took off Feio's wet armor and wet clothes so rudely that he acted like a slapstick - let him react more exaggeratedly than at the beginning, and cursed 'perverted'.

Since then, Feio has been keeping a high degree of vigilance. When asked by Xun about his name and other questions, he murmured reluctantly, but those who could answer were answered honestly.

What Xun asked from Feio, who served as the palace guard, was some first-hand information that was only known to people in the palace.

Of course, a soldier like Feo wouldn't know political intelligence, and even if he did, he wouldn't tell.

However, he still responded to the atmosphere in the palace, how Feo himself and his colleagues respected Leohart - and also casually criticized the opposition forces within the Cardinal who were dissatisfied with Leohart's throne.


When Xun sneaked into the palace and overheard the conversations of other soldiers, he learned that the demons were recently exploring the ruins of an ancient demon war era in the Western Regions. If the sleeping Heroic Spirit can be found and awakened and put into actual combat, the dispute with the Moderates may soon be over.

Something is wrong.

Things are gradually turning to the unfavorable side. If it goes on like this, maybe even the current state of truce between humans and demons will collapse. The solution is, of course, but—

Okay, what do I need to do to make everything run smoothly?

When I quickly cooperated with the current situation and deepened my thinking—

"Um, can you answer a question for me? You are Xun Dongcheng, right? You were the **** of war of the brave clan who was turned upside down during the Great War? People like you came to kill His Majesty Leohart— Does it mean that the brave family is going to fight us again?" This was a question full of unease.

Sixteen years ago, when the war ended, peace and prosperity came to the Demon World; but after the death of the former Demon King Wilbert a year ago, the Demon World began to divide forces and kill each other. However, there is no doubt that Feio still believes that once the dispute between the current Demon King faction and the Moderate faction is over, the demon world will be able to regain peace. It feels as if the day of the end of the war has become a distant place again and is full of unease. therefore--

"Don't worry... I came to the demon world entirely by myself, and sneaking into the king's city is just a matter of convenience. Other brave men will not come over."

"Fighting with Your Majesty was said to be by the way... Then what are you trying to do in the Demon Realm?"

Dongcheng Xun smiled and said to Feio, whose eyes widened in surprise, "Ah, this--I'm here to find the guy who separated from me." who?)

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