Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 992: Tachibana Nanao

While preparing breakfast, the people of the Dongcheng family discussed a certain topic.

It was because he was so busy after returning home last night that he didn't have a chance to mention, how Mu Hantian was attacked at the station.

"What do you think of your brother being attacked?"

"Yeah, that sounds weird..." Maria, who was in the kitchen making her morning, tilted her head in confusion.

She knocked the egg into a large bowl with one hand, added milk and fresh cream, and stirred it skillfully with chopsticks, and said, "The current Demon King faction should have found out that we had contact with the Moderate faction long ago. Russ said he would hide it. Brother's ability, when he was still in the human world, he also reported to them that Zogir was trying to capture Mio-sama; so the above should warn the subordinates not to act rashly, and for the time being, there will be no demons approaching Mio-sama casually. what."

"It should be, but you have to be careful not to be attacked." Mu Hantian, who was beside Maria, said while making the salad dressing, and according to the recipe provided by Maria, mixed several kinds of wine vinegar and olives oil mixed together.

"Even if they weren't united, I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to attack you at such a time. However, since there are aliens like Zokiel, I can't guarantee that no one will do the same again. That's it."

"Then, could it be done by the moderates?"

Another possibility was suggested by Mio, who was setting the table at the table.

"Didn't we refuse to give Maria to them? The moderates aren't united too much. It's normal for anyone to think we're not pleasing to the eye, right?"

In Mio's tone, there was some worry that could not be hidden. She has been like this since last night. It seems that she is not only aware of the danger, but also transferred to Mu Hantian.

"However, we defeated the high-ranking demon Zokiel, and the Steady Party gave us a high evaluation of our strength; besides, Mio-sama is the only orphan of His Majesty Wilbert, so no one should come to find a blade at this time. Geng-san's trouble, just lose Mio-sama's trust."

"Actually, you also overlooked one point, that is the Protoss." Mu Hantian expressed his thoughts.

"Eh? How is that possible." Yuxi was a little surprised.

"Yeah, after all, they have the brave family as their endorsement, so they shouldn't do such a thing." Mio also agreed.

"Okay, I will handle this matter myself. After all, the other party's target is me." Mu Hantian showed a meaningful smile.


The result—the other party seemed to follow Mu Hantian and the others to raise their guard and stopped, and there was no more attack.

Due to the extra work on the sports meeting executive committee outside of the regular school hours, the three of them were too busy these days, as if the attack at the station had never happened.

looking at me again.

In the physical education class where the two classes were closed, when the male students lined up on the playground, Mu Hantian felt the sight that was shooting at him secretly again, and frowned slightly.

The sight that didn't know where it came from, as if Mu Hantian was deliberately trying to find out, emphasized his own existence.

If you want to die like this, I will fulfill you.

"Okay, let's do stretching exercises in groups of two."

After the physical education teacher gave an order, the students started stretching exercises with their partners one after another, and only Mu Hantian stood alone with a wry smile.

Such a bleak picture appears because his usual partner, Yahiro Takigawa, has now returned to the Demon Realm, and he has become the public enemy of the whole school. It is now the second half of the second semester, and the students all have regular partners when they need to work in pairs in physical education classes; Mu Hantian, who was transferred to this school after the summer vacation, is impossible to bring anyone just because Takichuan is not there. alternative.

"Who should I look for? Should I look for a teacher?"

"That, that, classmate Han Tian..."

Mu Hantian turned to the low-pitched call and saw that it was that cute... pseudo-mother.

Mu Hantian looked at this young boy with a girlish attitude beside him. He didn't know what to do. He was sympathetic to his experience, but... what kind of pseudo-girl, he couldn't stand it. Although I know that he can become a woman, but... I really don't feel good about it.

"Classmate Han Tian, ​​what's wrong?" Tachibana asked.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just thinking about things." Mu Hantian perfunctory.

"Then, do you want to come with me?"

"This... okay." Mu Hantian really couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he could only talk about this class first.

"Okay, let's do some fucking—let's start with you, Tachibana."

Yu Mu Hantian started stretching exercises as soon as possible, pressing the back of Tachibana who was sitting on the track and helping him bend forward.

Uh...why is it so soft. Not the softness, but the touch of the orange body.

"That... classmate Han Tian, ​​it doesn't matter if you push harder?"

"This, this? Well, is this enough?"

Tachibana and Takigawa's physiques were very different, and Mu Hantian didn't know how to exert force for a while.

- Besides, this is too soft to the touch, where have all the muscles gone? Orange, you have to eat more meat, don't be picky eaters.

However, the stretching exercise was still to be done, so Mu Hantian exerted a little force on the shoulder blade, causing Tachibana to let out a coquettish gasp every time, "Mmm! Mmm!"

Of course, he himself should be doing stretching exercises very seriously, but it doesn't sound like that, and the atmosphere is getting more and more weird.

Alas, if you were a girl now, I wouldn't have to suffer like this.

Mu Hantian thought about it like this, and after stretching his legs together and bending to the left and right a few times, Tachibana's body was almost pulled apart, so—

"Okay, let me help classmate Han Tian."

Ju circled around behind Mu Hantian and pressed down against his back.

"Wow... Classmate Han Tian, ​​have you joined any sports club?"

"No, I didn't join any clubs."

"But your body is super strong... You can't tell from normal clothes."

"I just keep practicing, it's nothing."

"That's it." Orange nodded.

In this way, Mu Hantian and Tachibana chatted one after another, and at the same time they also learned some things about Tachibana.

For the upcoming sports meeting, the content of this day's physical education class is the practice of relay race and baton.

After class, Mu Hantian and Ju and the other students returned to the school building one after another, changing their shoes back to back at the student entrance. At this time-

"Ah, Hasegawa-sensei."

Looking at the direction of Tachibana's voice, he found that Hasegawa was just walking out of the welfare agency next to the students' entrance, and Hasegawa also noticed Mu Hantian and the others, and turned towards him.

Hasegawa glanced at Mu Hantian, and then asked Tachibana, "It seems that there is no problem... I haven't had gym class for so long, how are you feeling, Tachibana?"

"Ah, yes... Thank you teacher for taking care of me, I went to gym class very well this time. So, that..."

After Tachibana nodded and replied, he looked at Hasegawa with a prying face, but Hasegawa smiled lightly and said, "Are you talking about swimming lessons? From your appearance, it should be fine. I will also be prepared. "

"By the way, classmate Han Tian, ​​come with me, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Mu Hantian nodded and followed behind Chang Guchuan.

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