Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 993: initiative

After Mu Hantian and Hasegawa came to the health room, Hasegawa directly locked the door.

"Qianli, I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

"It's about Sakazaki, I want to know your opinion."

"I don't mind, but if you want to clean him up, you'd better go faster." Hasegawa said lazily.

"It won't cause a backlash from the Protoss. Although I'm fine, there will still be trouble."

"It doesn't matter, the Protoss will not pay attention to this clan who ran down privately, and with your strength, don't be afraid of them, right?"

"I'm not afraid, I just think it's troublesome. By the way, what's the matter with you coming to me?" Mu Hantian asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to have a good time with you."


Then, in the surprised eyes of Mu Hantian...

Chang Guchuan pulled Mu Hantian's left hand to his plump and full, and then blocked Mu Hantian's mouth with his lips. The soft touch and sweet fragrance spread in the mouth and hands, instantly took away Mu Hantian's resistance.

Although he knew Hasegawa's boldness in love, Mu Hantian still underestimated her.

Hasegawa kissed heartily for a while, before finally letting go of Mu Hantian's lips, and said, "You just left last night, but not this time."

After speaking, Hasegawa held Mu Hantian's head in both hands - and continued to kiss. Although he knew it shouldn't be, Hasegawa's kiss was so sweet that it was intoxicating; once he looked back, the two's tongues were already intertwined.

At this time-

"Hasegawa-sensei, please come to the staff room immediately. Hasegawa-sensei, please come immediately..."

"It's really not the right time to call."

The school broadcast made their lips parted at the same time, and Mu Hantian said to Hasegawa, "Go quickly. I should be looking for you for something."

"Okay." Hasegawa lightly kissed Mu Hantian's cheek, then went to the staff room with a satisfied smile.

Afterwards, Mu Hantian returned to the men's locker room and found Tachibana waiting for him inside.

"Tachi, why didn't you leave?"

The physical education class is the fourth period in the morning, everyone will dress up in two or three hours, and let's go to lunch. However, Orange was still waiting for Mu Hantian.

"I want to wait for classmate Han Tian." Tachibana was a little embarrassed.

"That's right."

"That, that, classmate Han Tian."

"What, what's wrong?"

"Yes, I'm sorry... I'm too shy to say such a thing..."

"What's the matter?" Mu Hantian became more and more puzzled.

Tachibana raised her puppy-like wet eyes and said, "You, you have traces of lipstick on your body..."

Mu Hantian hurriedly covered his mouth, but Tachibana's face turned even redder from embarrassment.

"It's not over there...that, I mean cheeks..."

Ahhh, digging my own grave...death. How to be so embarrassed.

At this time-

"You, don't worry... In fact, I can keep it a secret. Really, classmate Han Tian...!"

Tachibana hurriedly showed 120,000 points of sincerity, comforting Mu Hantian, who had stepped on a landmine and was depressed, and said, "Well... Anyway, it's better not to let Naruse and the others know about this matter?"

"Can you really help me keep it a secret?"

"Of course." Tachibana smiled, then took out a handkerchief and gently wiped Mu Hantian's face.

"Don't move...I'll clean it up for you."

"It's troublesome."


"Well, it's all wiped clean, so you can't see it."

"That's fine...thank you, Tachibana."

After Tachibana took a step back, Mu Hantian thanked him.

"No, you're welcome, there's nothing like that... We're friends, right?"

"Ah, we are friends." Mu Hantian nodded.

Tachibana smiled happily, and then said, "I will try my best. Han Tian and the other executive committee members have put in so much effort, how can we not hold a sports meeting that you are proud of, 'It's great to be involved in the preparations'?"

The natural smile finally returned to Tachibana's face.

"Although I can't handle as much work as Kajiura-senpai, and I'm just a half-baked member of the general affairs team, but—"

Tachibana Nanao filled his tender eyes with determination and said, "As a member of the executive committee of the student council and the sports meeting - I will definitely do my best."


As the days passed, the functioning of the Executive Committee became increasingly disorganized.

The reason was the inter-class women's cheerleading competition - in order to rehearse dance, Mio, Yuki and Kikiko were often unable to participate in the executive committee on time, and the days when they had to take leave gradually increased.

As a result, members of the Mio faction, Yuxi faction and Gengxi sub faction also began to skip work.

Yuxi pie and Geng Xizi pie are not bad. Although they knew that Yuxi and Geng Xizi would leave if they didn't come, they were all willing to do things, and at least they completed their work according to the established schedule.

The problem lies in the general affairs support department where Mio clan's Donjo and the others belong. They often act in gangs, and they only hide in the audio-visual classroom, laughing and laughing, and do not do any business at all.

If that's the case, maybe it doesn't matter. Kajiura can transfer people from other departments, and then transfer them to other work with the assistance of Mu Hantian or Tachibana and other student union members; then rewrite the work assignment and schedule so that the problem homework can be completed smoothly on schedule.

However, one day a week before the Games.

"What's going on!"

After school, Kajiura Reika's roar resounded in the audio-visual classroom that became the headquarters of the Executive Committee of the Games.

She slapped a piece of paper on the desk and glared angrily at the leader of the Mio faction. In fact, the people of the Mio faction were also messing around because of Mio's absence, which made the entire classroom focus.

"Xue, senpai..." Tachibana, who was following Kajiura, said worriedly.

He was absent from the classroom because Sakazaki, who was supervising, was holding a staff meeting. He was afraid that a conflict between Kajiura and the third-grade classroom would break out.

"Ah? Vice President, what are you doing?" Tang Shang, who was playing mobile games with his friends, raised his face from the LCD screen and asked.

"I'm asking you what the **** is going on with this bill!"

What Kajiura brought was a purchase receipt that did not exist in the accounting department's records. And it was sent by post today.

"I called just now to ask, this is what you bought, the senior in the classroom."

This request form comes from a fireworks shop, a time-honored specialty store that supplies a well-known fireworks display every year. In order to purchase additional materials for use in the sports meeting, it is necessary to ask the accounting department for payment first, and after the purchase, the receipt and the surplus will be submitted to complete the process. If it is not urgent, even 10,000 yuan is not allowed to be used without authorization.

Therefore, shopping without the permission of the accounting department is already a major violation, and——

"200,000... What the **** are you thinking about spending such a large sum of money on fireworks!" Kajiura's voice trembled with anger.

In the hall, he still smiled and said: "I was also shocked, I didn't expect fireworks to be so expensive. But don't we put several fireworks on the party after the sports games every year? Let's buy more fireworks, right? "

"Don't say such silly things! The fireworks of the party have always been asked by factories that have friendship with our school to sell us the remaining stocks of the fireworks season every summer at a low price!"

"Ah? I don't know that kind of thing... Since it's so important, please tell me earlier?"

"In short, please take this list and return it now!"

"It can't be returned. The old man at that store said it couldn't be cancelled."

"Why can't you go back?"

"Because the glyph fireworks are completely custom-made. He also said that the 'Mio' in Chinese characters is too complicated and needs to be changed to 'MIO'. It seems that this well-known old shop is not that great. There is time to say what kind of pure fireworks he is. Master, why don't you want to improve a little more?"

Seeing the hall sneering contemptuously in front of her, Kajiura got angry again and said loudly, "Stop talking nonsense! Since I can't retire, I'll take the responsibility of the senior to buy it!"

"Ah? What's the point of this... Why can't I understand it at all?"

Tang Shang stood up, stared straight into the eyes of Kajiura, who couldn't help shrinking, and said, "The executive chairman should be responsible at this time, right? I bought it because I had good intentions to make the Games a little more fun. How about shirk the responsibility? We have so much time every day to help you prepare for this super boring sports meeting that you came up with. Please don't lose your temper here and do your own thing, okay? Besides, this is We had the last sports meeting in the third grade, and it didn't work either. You can oppose whatever I say... You're too authoritarian in the second grade, right? Don't think you're a student union and take school activities as your own. "

Kajiura, who was unable to understand for a while, was speechless by what the hall said.

make it their own……?

As the vice president and executive chairman, he must hold a successful sports meeting—Kajiura thought that he had always been working hard with such enthusiasm, but Donjo’s words completely denied her efforts and enthusiasm.

Kajiura wanted to refute, but was speechless. Because she was afraid that what she said was not words, but sobbing. But this time...

"Don't you feel ashamed to say such a thing?" A quiet voice said to Donjo on behalf of Kajiura - and the owner of the voice had already stood in front of Donjo.

"Who do you think you are, don't think that you are Princess Mio's brother and you can order us." Dojo shouted.

Then he threw his right fist across the desk, intending to strike first, attacking Mu Hantian's face unexpectedly.

Mu Hantian took his fist with his left hand, then Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes and silently clenched the fist on the hall.

"Oh! Ah, ah! You, your guy ...!" The face immediately changed, painful, but Mu Hua Tian did not let go, laugh and look at the hall.

"What do you think I should do with you?"

"Hmm... bastard, bastard..." Even though his hands were pinched and his face flushed, the hall still did not change his wickedness.

"What are you going to do here?" Suddenly, it seemed that Sakazaki, who had finished the meeting, opened the door and entered the classroom. He probably didn't know who had notified him.

"It's nothing." After speaking, Mu Hantian slowly let go of his hand, but his eyes still did not leave the hall.

Tang Shang held down his right hand and stared at Mu Hantian with resentment, but he didn't dare to cause trouble in front of Sakazaki, and soon led Mio's group of people out of the classroom. Not even adding experience to the protagonist.

Sakazaki, who was watching them, sighed helplessly, then resumed his usual cheerful smile and said, "Okay, let's get back to work. There's only a week left for the Games, so I don't have time to play!"

This sentence made people who were watching the whole thing go back to doing their own thing. And Sakazaki should know what happened, he turned around——

"Ah... Han Tian, ​​can you come here?"

"Yeah." Mu Hantian replied.

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