
"What do you understand?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mameyou who looked like she understood.

"The reason why you don't want the Magic University to include"Light Energy Pulse" is because other people can't use this magic, right?"


"Is that so?"

After hearing what Nanakusa Mayumi said, Watanabe Mari looked thoughtful.

Indeed, Qianyu Yeyou also said just now that the reason why he could be used was because he provided him with help.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Doesn't this mean that I violated the rules of the competition?"

Watanabe Mari suddenly remembered the rules of the Nine Schools Tournament, and her face changed drastically.

You know, people who cheat in a competition like the Nine Schools Tournament will definitely be severely punished. Watanabe Mari's face changed when she thought of this.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I just provided you with defensive measures to ensure that you can use the"Light Energy Pulse" magic smoothly and your body will not be damaged, that's all."

Qianyu Yeyou did not lie to Watanabe Mari on this point. This magic is indeed very dangerous. He also spent a lot of effort in designing it. Otherwise, no one would be able to use this magic even if he helped.

There is a saying that speed is power, which is the best way to describe the backlash of power brought by"Light Energy Pulse".

"Oh, I see!"

Watanabe Mari breathed a sigh of relief

"Then I will directly reject them on the grounds that magic is not mature yet."

Ichihara Suzune then recorded it.

"So what about Tatsuya-san?"

"I don't have any problem here, but..."

Shibata also stood up. No one knew what he wanted to say next. Only Qianyu Yeyou looked as if it was just as he expected. Even if there were more people, it didn't seem to matter to him.

"However, if you are asked the name of the developer, please answer Kitayama"

"This won’t do!"

"This is your original work, Tatsuya."

Kitayama Shizuku couldn't sit still when she heard what Shiba Tatsuya said. She didn't want to cover up Shiba Tatsuya's excellence.

Especially for someone she recognized!

"It is also common to register the name of the first user as the developer of a new type of magic.

Shibata also cited this fact to try to convince the people present.

"I think you are doing this in vain."

Qian Yu Ye You suddenly spoke up to refute Shiba Tatsuya's words.

"Sometimes hiding blindly will attract attention, right?"

Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, Shiba Tatsuya's pupils shrank suddenly.

"You really know a lot!"

Shiba Tatsuya's words suddenly became distant, which showed that he was wary of others.

"It's okay."

Qianyu Yeyou spread his hands and looked at Shiba Tatsuya with a smile on his face.


"Just use Shiba Tatsuya's name."

Chiyu Yeyou looked at Ichihara Suzune and said.

Ichihara Suzune looked at Shiba Tatsuya and saw that he didn't refute, so she nodded.


Looking at the inexplicable conversation between the two, and then Shiba Tatsuya suddenly became silent, Nanakusa Mayumi was a little confused.

"I just don't want others to know that I developed magic that I can't use."

Shibata looked at Qianyu Yeyou and then explained to the others.

But now Shibata thought about it, it seems that he is not so conspicuous in this nine-school battle. After all, the most conspicuous guy is standing in front of him. It seems that he is overthinking.


"How did he confirm the operation of magic that he couldn't use?"

Mori Watanabe looked at Shiba Tatsuya with some suspicion.

"It's not completely unusable."

"It's just that it takes too long to start up and can't reach a practical level."

"Forget it, forget it, let’s not discuss this matter anymore. Aren’t we supposed to celebrate our players and mechanics now?"

"We finally got off to a good start, this is an amazing achievement!"

Nanakusa Mayumi saw that the atmosphere was getting serious, so she interrupted the discussion and changed the subject.

After all, everyone has their own secrets and privacy, and she didn't want Watanabe Mari to ask too much, in case she touched on a landmine.

"Tatsuya-kun, I hope you can keep this up in the other games!"

Nanakusa Mayumi walked up to Shiba Tatsuya and encouraged him.

"Of course, Qianyu Yeyou also needs to maintain his condition."..........

A sign on the door of a conference room shows that the three high schools are in use. The same tables and chairs, the same layout, the same people, the total scores and rankings of various colleges are hung on the screen, and there are constant discussions coming out of it.

Yes, they are in a meeting again

"So Jianghui, do you think the performance of the first high school is not due to their strong individual abilities?"

A member of the third high school asked

"Indeed, we must admit that the winning player Kitayama has excellent magic power, but I don’t feel that kind of extraordinary excellence from the other two."

"It is impossible to achieve the result of sweeping the second and third place with magic power alone."

Ichijo Masahiro, who was sitting in the main seat, hugged his shoulders and analyzed with a headache. It was already a headache to have Qianyu Yeyou, and now there is another one. He still remembered that he said it was impossible to have another one.....

What kind of hell is this?

Chiba Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya are actually in the same school. Are you kidding me?

Ichijo Masaki's original confidence has been hit hard. Now he is really tired.

"Moreover, the current record of surfboard competition is not good at all. The combination of Watanabe Marika and Chiba Yeyou is too unstoppable."

Kichijoji Shinkoro on the side also made a move.

The third place is in great pain now. Not to mention the first place, maybe even the second place can't be maintained. Their strong projects are almost all within the attack range of the first place. What's the point of playing this game!

"The strength of Chiba Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya is not at the level of high school students. To be honest, Chiba Yeyou is even a little incomprehensible to me."

Kichijoji Makoro was helpless. Although he didn't have any pig teammates, he still had two gods!

Hearing what Kichijoji Makoro said, Ichijo Masaki felt a little tired again.

Although he was very tired, as the captain he had to boost morale, otherwise the next game would be unbearable to watch. He no longer had any hope of first place, but he couldn't go back to third place anyway, right?

If that were the case, I guess he, Ichijo Masaki, would really be too ashamed to face people.

"Just as George said, we didn't lose because of the level of the players, but because of the strength of the maintenance engineer."

After hearing what Jiang Hui said, the people sitting below looked unhappy, but there was nothing they could do. They were indeed inferior to others in skills!

They didn't even have a chance to refute.

"However, although the mechanic in charge of rapid shooting, that is, Shiba Tatsuya's man, is very skilled, he is not as good as Qianyu Yeyou."

As an old partner of Ichijo Masaki, Kichijoji Shinkoro naturally cannot undermine them, and he also has to restore the low morale.

"Well, even so, Tatsuya Shibata is not to be underestimated, did you notice that?"


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