"Senior, you don't want to lose a cute junior like me, do you?"

Shiba Miyuki's eyes were full of shyness. It was nothing at first, but being stared at by Nanakusa Mayumi made her feel like her thoughts were being seen through.


Nanakusa Mayumi didn't quite understand what Shiba Miyuki was talking about.

""No, nothing!"

Shiba Miyuki understood that Nanakusa Mayumi didn't see anything at all. She was just overthinking it. She quickly denied that she was panicking just now.

"Congratulations on winning, Shizuku!

Shiba Miyuki saw Kitayama Shizuku coming out and hurried forward to congratulate her.

"Kitayama-san's performance is very stable. As long as she can perform stably, there will be no problem."

Shibata, who happened to be following Kitayama Shizuku, also came out.

"Well, I don't deny Kitayama's strength, but your magic is also very powerful.

Ichihara Suzune recognized Shiba Tatsuya's strength and didn't want his contribution to be ignored, so she reminded him.


"Well, there are still two games to go!"

Qianyu Yeyou reminded.

As a maintenance engineer, Shibata Tatsuya is also very busy and can't stay here to chat with them all the time.

"Oh, sorry, we won’t bother you anymore, Tatsuya-kun!"

"Then, I'll be busy first."

After saying goodbye, Shiba Tatsuya continued to make final preparations for the other two players.

Qianyu Yeyou reminded him.

There was nothing much to say about the next game. With Shiba Tatsuya, a mechanic who was at least one generation higher than the opponent, the opponent was equivalent to being one version behind Magical Inferior OL. It was basically a random kill. Even though the game was thrilling and it looked like the score could be caught up at any time, the result was actually already determined.

In the area belonging to the first highest level, in a simple tent house



""It's so satisfying!"

One after another exclaimed in amazement.

Yes, this extremely happy girl is Nanakusa Mayumi

""Okay, okay, you are the president of the student union, calm down!"

Qian Yu Yeyou reminded the girl who lost her composure.


"We took the top three places in the women's rapid shooting in the rookie competition!"

"How can I stay calm?"

Nanakusa Mayumi was still very happy. She had never heard of such a result, but now, a magical result was born in her team.

"President, please calm down!"

Ichihara Suzune held her forehead helplessly. She could understand that their feat of sweeping the top three in a single event was indeed worth getting excited about, and even celebrating was fine, but you were so happy like a child weighing less than 100 pounds, which was a bit too much. After all, this was not the first in the total score....Well, it seems that it is just like that, after all, they were the first last year.

Thinking of this, Ichihara Suzune's originally happy mood could not help but become even calmer.

Well, the world of academic masters is to wander between repeatedly taking the first place, but they can't make themselves feel much happy, no waves, boring!

"Oh, sorry sorry"

"But it’s really amazing!"

"We actually took the top three places, what a feat!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Tatsuya-kun!"

"The winners are the contestants, not me."

When Shibata heard what Nanakusa Mayumi said, he turned his head from the screen and said calmly:

"Of course!"

"Kitayama, Akechi, and Takigawa are also amazing!"

Nanakusa Mayumi walked behind the three contestants, put her hands on Akechi and Takigawa's shoulders and praised their achievements.

The three of them were sitting side by side on a bench, from the left, black hair (Takigawa), brown hair (Kitayama), red hair (Akechi)

"Great job everyone!"

"Thank you!"

The three girls were also very happy to achieve such good results

"But you have indeed made outstanding contributions, which is truly commendable!"


"Thank you very much!"

Hearing Watanabe Mari's praise, Shibata Tatsuya said his thanks in a perfunctory tone.

"what the hell!"

"This is boring!"

"Is that right?"

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou beside him, looking disappointed.

"Isn't he like this?"

Qianyu Yeyou spread his hands.

"As for the three players who took the top three places in this competition, your strength as a mechanic has made a huge contribution. Just like Qianyu Yeyou, we have seen it for ourselves."


Nanakusa Mayumi and the three contestants kept nodding their heads to acknowledge the contributions of Chiba Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya.

"If it weren't for this Nine Schools War, I would probably still not pay much attention to the maintenance engineer like before. This time, I realized how much a strong maintenance engineer can bring to the magician's strength!"

Watanabe Mari said with a sigh

"Yes, who would have thought that a maintenance engineer could exert such a powerful force?"

Nanakusa Mayumi was also quite impressed by this.

"Even I can't believe it!"

"I almost thought that my magic power suddenly became stronger!"

Listening to the words of the two people next to her, Kitayama Shizuku nodded and agreed.

"In particular, the university came to test Kitayama's magic and expressed its intention to formally include it in the"Magic Encyclopedia"」"

Ichihara Suzune said, holding a document in her hand.

"Does this mean it's included as a new type of magic?"


"This is the second time!"

Nanakusa Mayumi exclaimed

"Oh, and your magic"Light Energy Pulse"」"

Ichihara Suzune seemed to remember something and reminded Qianyu Yeyou

"They are urging us over there!"

"Tell them directly that this method cannot be used by others and is still in the experimental stage. I refuse to publish or include it for the time being."

Qian Yu Yeyou rubbed his forehead and responded with a headache.

There is no point in dragging it out now, just refuse it directly.


Nanakusa Mayumi was a little puzzled.

"That's right, I think your magic is already quite mature."

Watanabe Mari also asked.

As the user of"Light Energy Pulse", she has the most say, this magic is definitely mature magic

"You were able to use it successfully because of me!"

Qianyu Yeyou gave this guy a displeased look.


Watanabe Mari was a little confused.

"I ask you, have you ever seen magic that can make anything reach the speed of light?"

Everyone shook their heads

"Well, putting aside the above, let me ask you, have you ever seen magic that can resist the energy impact at the speed of light?"

Everyone shook their heads again.


"I see!"

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