In this magic practice room, there was a girl with a numb face, and the boy opposite was looking at the girl with a perverted look, as if he wanted to pounce on her.

In fact, the boy opposite was just constantly talking about a lot of new theories, and his eyes were completely blank about the girl's beautiful appearance.

Shiba Miyuki thought it was interesting at first, but gradually she couldn't understand it, and finally she was numb.

Ten minutes! Ten whole minutes!

Do you know how I spent these ten minutes!

"Um, classmate Qianyu Yeyou?"

Shiba Miyuki tried to interrupt the spell carefully.

Shiba Miyuki actually admired Qianyu Yeyou's leaps and bounds of thinking. She also gained something from hearing his new theories, and he shared these new concepts with her without hesitation, which made her a little grateful. However, she really didn't understand why Qianyu Yeyou became like this after encountering new things? He looked like a mad scientist from the last century. The change was too big, wasn't it?

The style of painting had changed!

"Uh, cough cough cough!"

"Well, I was a little excited, sorry!"

Qianyu Yeyou suddenly came to his senses and thought about how excited he was just now. He probably scared her.

"Um, can you please take your hand off my shoulder?"

The girl blushed and lowered her head, speaking in a voice as soft as a mosquito.



Qianyu Yeyou quickly let go of the girl's shoulders.

"The magic you just experimented with was the"Frost Mist Kingdom," right?

Qian Yu Yeyou changed the subject.

"Yes, that's right, let's go check out the data."

After Qianyu Yeyou's reminder, Shiba Miyuki remembered that she hadn't looked at the data yet.

The two walked to the screen and looked at the various data analyses of the Frost Mist Kingdom.


"all right!"

"This is almost close to"extreme low temperature"!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the data with a surprised face.

He knew that the magic"Frost Mist Kingdom" was a relatively advanced large-scale killing magic among A-level magic, but he didn't expect Shiba Miyuki to be able to perform it to this extent.

「"Extreme hypothermia" is not magic, but a temperature state.

It was first proposed by Cilisia of France.

It is also the maximum temperature threshold that has been recorded under the influence of the thought.

Its specific state refers to the temperature at which organisms are insensitive to low temperatures.

This temperature does not mean that it has no effect on organisms, but that it causes huge frostbite to organisms, but the organism's brain cannot feedback the information of frostbite.

The temperature at this time is"extreme hypothermia".

This state is very difficult to achieve. It requires that magic interferes with things to an extremely abnormal level. The influence of the thought on the temperature changes dramatically, and the requirements for the magician himself are also extremely harsh. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve this level.

"Well, but it's still a little short, and I'm still not proficient in temperature control, regulation, and magic coverage, and I can't fully master it."

Shiba Miyuki looked at the data in front of her and said calmly.

She has a certain understanding of her own shortcomings, and the problems she mentioned are also the difficulties she has been trying to overcome. Although Shiba Miyuki feels that she is diligent enough, this thing is really not something that can be achieved by hard work. For the first time, she had the illusion that her praised magic talent has failed.

The magic"Frost Mist Kingdom" can be said to be relatively easy to perform among A-level magic, but it is the most difficult to fully master among A-level magic.

The proficiency in temperature control, regulation, and magic coverage is an adjustment in details, which requires a lot of magic practice and detailed research. It is indeed not a goal that can be accomplished overnight.

"I said, why did you want to be with me?"

"Your two little fans...Uh, they seem to be your brother's fangirls."

Qianyu Yeyou was referring to Guang Jing Honoka and Kitayama Shizuku.

"Little fangirl..little thieving cat..bad woman..."

When Shiba Miyuki heard her brother's little fangirl smile, her face instantly darkened, and she looked like she was about to drip with water. She kept mumbling, and her thoughts began to run wild.

"Hey, your brother isn't here, you should teach him a lesson when you get home!"

Qianyu Yeyou helplessly patted Shiba Miyuki's shoulder to calm her down.

"You're right, I'll teach him a lesson when I get home."

Shiba Miyuki came back to her senses and nodded calmly, agreeing with Qianyu Yeyou's statement.


Qianyu Yeyou was speechless, this is really her biological sister!

"Mitsui Honoka and Kitayama Shizuku didn't invite you to join them?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked curiously.

According to Qianyu Yeyou's understanding of Shiba Miyuki's personality, this girl is a big brother complex. Apart from her brother, she rarely, no, almost never takes the initiative to contact other men. Qianyu Yeyou doesn't think that just because she has traveled through time, it's okay. A beautiful and prestigious man will come to her for love!

Qianyu Yeyou is more willing to believe that Shiba Miyuki wants to get something from her, or that she can help her in some way.

"They did come to me just now, but I refused."

Shiba Miyuki glanced at Qianyu Yeyou.

"Then why did you think of looking for me?"

Qianyu Yeyou was walking alone at the back, and Shiba Miyuki came later.

"I only met them once, how can I compare to you!"

The girl had a faint smile on her face.

"Why don’t I believe it!"

"We just met...., well, I have indeed met many times."

Qianyu Yeyou calculated in his mind that the two of them did meet very often. Except for Shiba Tatsuya, Shiba Miyuki was basically with him. Even if they only said a few words occasionally, it was not a small amount. At least on the surface, they were familiar with each other.

"You see, right?"

Shiba Miyuki's smile grew even brighter.


Qianyu Yeyou said helplessly.

He also knew that although the two of them were familiar with each other, they were not familiar enough to ask and tell everything. He still understood the principle of talking about deep things when you are not close to each other.

"You see, I always have trouble grasping these three aspects. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Shiba Miyuki pointed at the data on the screen and asked Qianyu Yeyou how to make up for her shortcomings.

"Well, this requires more practice, isn't there any simulation venue?"

Qianyu Yeyou crossed his arms and asked curiously.

When Shiba Miyuki heard that Qianyu Yeyou didn't directly refuse, his eyes lit up instantly.

If there is no way, then there is a way!

"Do you think simulating A-level magic is that easy?"

"In addition to the magician's own storage of thoughts, the magician's familiarity with magic, the degree of interference of magic on things, temperature, range, etc. are all unknown variables. Even a B-level magic is not so easy to simulate. Moreover, magicians are constantly improving. Many things cannot be achieved by simulation, at least not yet."

Shiba Miyuki explained

"Can't do it?"

Qianyu Yeyou didn't quite understand. These things were indeed a big factor, but wasn't it enough to know that they could be read?

Shibata should be quite good at this, right?

"Because there is no way to read and process a huge amount of data at the same time."

Shiba Miyuki seemed to see Qianyu Yeyou's doubts and spoke bluntly

"So that's it."

Qianyu Yeyou nodded.

"Then, can you tell me about your method?"

Shiba Miyuki looked at Qianyu Yeyou with some expectation.

"Let's go to the round platform and prepare to cast magic. I will help you feel your magic."

Qianyu Yeyou said, and took the lead to walk onto the round platform.

Seeing this, Shiba Miyuki also walked up, and then the CAD started. Suddenly, a hand appeared on her shoulder, almost interrupting her.


Qianyu Yeyou hurriedly reminded.

Upon hearing this, Shiba Miyuki immediately focused his attention and cast magic.

""Slow down the start-up!"

Qianyu Yeyou said again,

Shiba Shenxue was obviously stunned for a moment, and then did it.

She didn't know what the meaning of doing this was. Nowadays, magicians, from ancient magic families, basically pursue the speed of starting. The faster the magic is released, the more you can seize the initiative and achieve the purpose of preemptive strike.

After all, when two magicians fight, the one who can release magic first will definitely have the advantage.

"The quantum realm unfolds!"

"Start the magic: Situational Awareness」"

"Activate magic:"Status Link"

Qianyu Yeyou linked his microscopic vision of thoughts and magic to Shiba Miyuki's vision.


Shiba Miyuki was stunned!

In her sight, the whole world changed dramatically. The colorful thoughts, elves, the magic activation ceremony being activated, etc. were all clearly visible, as if everything invisible to the naked eye was placed in front of her eyes. This shocking feeling made Shiba Miyuki feel like she was dreaming for a moment.

This was a colorful world she had never seen before, or it should be said that no one could see this kind of dream world. She had never thought about what the microscopic world of thoughts looked like. What was even more terrifying was that Shiba Miyuki could not only see the performance of the microscopic world, but also the constantly changing data in it, including the activation ceremony she was releasing.


Shiba Miyuki let out a breath and began to concentrate on the magic she was activating.

As Shiba Miyuki's magic thoughts, activation methods, and strength continued to change, the"Frost Mist Kingdom" continued to change.

"Shrink your"Frost Mist Kingdom" to one square meter!"

"Otherwise, the amount of thought stored in your body will not allow you to make multiple connections!"

"And it's too energy-consuming."

"Start from the small aspects and control the scope first."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the huge magic in the test field and couldn't help but remind him.


Shiba Miyuki nodded and controlled the magic to reduce its range.

The huge magic in the test field began to reduce its range, and finally only covered a magic experiment pillar.

"Maintain this range and start adjusting the low temperature of the"Frost Mist Kingdom"!"

Qian Yu Yeyou saw that the range of the"Frost Mist Kingdom" began to stabilize and gave another reminder.


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