"The temperature is dropping!"


"Remember this feeling!"

The young man's voice kept coming out of the room.

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the pillar that was enduring the low temperature, with a layer of ice crystals covering it.

"Well, this level won't kill people, but it can make people lose the ability to resist."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the icicle and nodded.

"Thank you!"

Shiba Miyuki walked down from the test bench and bowed slightly to Qianyu Yeyou to express her gratitude.

"It's nothing, we are all classmates, we help each other.

Qian Yu Yeyou waved his hand indifferently.

"But your use of magic is not very good, you focus too much on power"


Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, Shiba Miyuki tilted her head in confusion.

"It's not just your problem. People in this academy generally have this problem. It's actually not a big deal, at least for them."

Qian Yu Yeyou recalled the magic demonstrations of other people in the classroom. Even the teachers didn't care much about"accuracy", but only focused on the power and strength of the magic.

This"accuracy" does not refer to the accuracy of the magic aiming at the target, but the degree of magic release. Or the degree of interference.

"My ideal magic should not only emphasize the size of the power and the degree of interference, but should also be used in a specific way according to the specific situation."

"Just like your"Frost Mist Kingdom", can you turn a glass of water into smoothies?"

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the icicle and explained, and asked.

"Well, I'm afraid that's impossible."

Shiba Miyuki didn't even think about it and just shook her head.

After all, who would use magic to practice making smoothies? They have nothing better to do!

"So, you guys don't really care about the consumption of thoughts."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked speechless.

"I don't think it's worth paying attention to."

Shiba Miyuki said she didn't quite understand. After all, if she really encountered an enemy, she could just throw a"Frost Mist Kingdom" at him. If that didn't work, she could just throw a"Ice Flame Hell".

In Shiba Miyuki's opinion, the enemy would definitely not be able to withstand such a blow, so there was no need to worry too much about the degree of consumption of the seeds.

"Maybe this is the difference between me and you!"

"I pay more attention to the degree of magic, to achieve what I want at the lowest cost."

"And have you ever thought about the limit of how much magic can be concentrated?"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled.

"Magic Concentration?"

Shiba Miyuki felt a little confused

"It is to compress the magic to a minimum, extreme length."

Qianyu Yeyou said, stretching out his right hand, a small light magic condensed in his hand, and then began to slowly shrink. Under the extreme compression, the light not only did not weaken or extinguish, but became more dazzling.


"But what's the point of this?"

Shiba Miyuki didn't understand what this was for.

"What if this is the"Frost Mist Kingdom"?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked with a smile

"This, this!"

Shiba Miyuki reacted in an instant.

"Or maybe it’s lightning magic, what kind of power will it have after being compressed?"

"What kind of scene will it be when it is used?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the light magic in his palm, as if he could imagine that scene.


"There are too many things involved, coordinates, movement speed, frequency..."

Shiba Miyuki felt that this was not something a magician could do.

There were so many aspects and complex variables involved that even a supercomputer couldn't handle them, unless the target was motionless.

"Have you forgotten how you grasped the temperature changes just now?"

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at Shiba Miyuki with a smile.


"You can do it!"

Shiba Miyuki and the others thought back to the dream world just now.

There should be nothing clearer than that.


"Thump thump thump..."

"Uh, school is over. Time flies."

Qianyu Yeyou was stunned for a moment after hearing the ringtone before realizing that it was already this time.

"Well, we still have to go to the student council room."

Shiba Miyuki was interrupted when she was about to say something, and she remembered that she had to go to the student council room with her brother.


Qianyu Yeyou glanced at Shiba Miyuki and chuckled at the invitation.

"It's rare that you would ask me out. After all, we've known each other for a few days, and it's always me who invites you. This is the first time you invite me. How could I refuse such a thing?"

Shiba Miyuki chuckled.

After a few days of getting along with each other, Shiba Miyuki also found that this guy didn't have too many shortcomings except for his flirtation, and he always had some outstanding qualities in magic that were different from ordinary people. Even though she had high standards because of her brother, she had to admit that Qianyu Yeyou was excellent.

Maybe Qianyu Yeyou still has shortcomings, but they haven't been discovered yet. It will take time, right?

"Then, dear Miss Shenxue, may I invite you to join me?"

Qianyu Yeyou stretched out his hand and bent down slightly, making an invitation similar to the way a Western knight would invite a beautiful lady.


Shiba Miyuki was amused by Qianyu Yeyou's appearance, mainly because Qianyu Yeyou didn't fit in with his own painting style!

""Okay, let's go!"

Shiba Miyuki reached out and patted Qianyu Yeyou's outstretched hand, and took the lead to walk outside.

Seeing this, Qianyu Yeyou smiled helplessly, feeling deeply bored by the girl's lack of cooperation.

""Why did you recommend my brother and Erica to join the Disciplinary Committee?"

Shiba Miyuki asked as they walked.

This question had been bothering her for the whole afternoon.

"Because I think your brother and Erica are qualified for the position of discipline committee member."

Qianyu Yeyou's voice was very calm, as if the two of them should have that ability.

Shiba Miyuki listened to Qianyu Yeyou's serious and confident voice and couldn't help but look back at his eyes.

"Although I have already thanked you, I still want to say thank you for your kindness to my brother. I am happy that my brother has a friend like you."

Shiba Miyuki was silent for a while. She knew that Qianyu Yeyou was not as simple as she seemed on the surface. It did not surprise her that she could see her brother's strength. Although it was still quite unexpected, she was a smart girl and knew what to ask and what not to ask. Then she smiled and her charming face blossomed.

"It’s nothing, classmate!"

"If I can help, I will."

Qianyu Yeyou didn't take credit for it. After all, he really had the ability, and he just said something extra.

But Shiba Miyuki didn't ask him how he knew it, which surprised him. Although if he asked, he could just give it as an intuition, but not asking showed that he was smart!

The two walked and talked, and soon they met Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica, and walked towards the student council room together.

""Why did you bring me along?"

Chiba Erica was very confused. After all, they had only known each other for a few days!

How could he know her so well?

Is that possible?

""Okay, Erica, we're here."

Shiba Miyuki soothed

"Buckle buckle!!"

"Please come in!"

A familiar voice came from the student union room.


"excuse me"

"I'm Tatsuya Shiba"

"I am Shiba Miyuki"

"I'm Chiba Erica"

""President, I'm here!"

The four of them greeted each other and walked into the student union room.

As expected, as soon as they entered the room, Qianyu Yeyou saw a guy posing with his back to them.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you say hello to the guests?

Qianyu Yeyou looked at this guy unhappily.

Although Qianyu Yeyou knew what kind of personality this guy had, it was really unbearable for him to do such a thing in front of him.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing Qian Yu Ye You's voice, Hattori quickly turned around and coughed twice to cover up.

There was nothing else to do, just to give face to the junior!

Hattori comforted himself in his heart.


Nanakusa Mayumi was about to say hello, but was blocked by Qianyu Yeyou's words.

"You are here!"

When Watanabe Mari saw these four people, her eyes lit up. Qianyu Yeyou felt the capitalist's exploitation from her eyes. Especially when she stared at her.

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled and greeted

"Welcome Miyuki, Erika, and Tatsuya"

""You've worked hard, junior!"

Nanakusa Mayumi raised her hand and waved.

Hattori walked past Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica and went straight to Shiba Miyuki.

"I am the vice president, Hattori Keibu, and you are welcome to join the student council."

This guy looked so confident that he didn't notice the gloomy look on Shiba Miyuki's face because he ignored his brother's face when he wanted to use"Frost Mist Kingdom" on him.


"So young!"

"I have never been beaten."

Qianyu Yeyou walked to Nanakusa Mayumi and sat down, sighing leisurely.

Qianyu Yeyou was too lazy to care about this guy. It was not good for the child to act like a troublemaker. He probably deserved a beating.

"Do you think he will get beaten?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the four people at the door, especially the gloomy little face and the red-haired girl who gritted her teeth, and asked quietly in Qianyu Yeyou's ear

"Definitely, two beatings!"

Qian Yu Yeyou was confident and calm, with a little bit of expectation and the rest of his expression was full of gloating.

"Is this true?"

Watanabe Mari also came over and exclaimed in a low voice

"Why, do you want to make a bet?"

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the pair of beautiful girls with ill intentions.

"You, don't set your sights on me!"

Watanabe Mari immediately looked at Qianyu Yeyou warily, as if guarding against a thief.

Qianyu Yeyou was stunned.

"Don't have any bad thoughts!"

"I won't bet with you!"

Nanakusa Mayumi also waved her hands repeatedly, indicating that she would not be fooled.

"Look how scared you two are!"

"You still want me to worry about two bean sprouts?"

"Keep growing, girl!"



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