"Seniors, I was wrong. You are both beautiful women with plump figures. Don't bother with me, you junior."

Feeling the two small hands on both sides of her waist, the nearly 360-degree arc made Qianyu Yeyou's mouth twitch constantly.


A light snort expressed the girl's dissatisfaction.

On the other side, Watanabe Mari couldn't help but look down at her little hill, and fell into deep thought for a while.


"You two are really cruel!"

Qianyu Yeyou lifted up her clothes and looked at the red marks on both sides that were almost the same height.


"You know what, it's quite symmetrical!"

Qian Yu Yeyou even laughed at himself when he saw it.


"Let me touch it."

Nanakusa Mayumi stretched out her little hand and stroked Qianyu Yeyou's waist.

Qianyu Yeyou didn't have eight-pack abs like Shiba Tatsuya, but he had a good figure. Nanakusa Mayumi not only felt it was novel, but also became addicted to touching it. It was her first time to touch a boy's body, and she poked it with her fingers from time to time, which made Watanabe Mari on the side stunned.

"Senior, I find that you really have the talent of a female gangster!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi with strange eyes.

"I'm just concerned about you!"

Nanakusa Mayumi quickly withdrew her hand with a look of disgust. If her face hadn't turned red, Qianyu Yeyou would have believed it.

"I didn't expect the president to have sexual desires."

A voice came from behind Chiba Yeyou and the other two, scaring Nanakusa Mayumi. Turning around, she saw the strange looks from Ichihara Suzune and Nakajo Azusa, and Nanakusa Mayumi's face turned even redder.

You know, there was Chiba Yeyou between Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi, so they couldn't see anything, but the two people behind them saw it clearly, the president was making unspoken rules in the student union room.....


So exciting!


So shameful!


Nanakusa Mayumi's head hit the table directly, feeling ashamed to face people.

She kept asking herself in her heart why she was so confused just now!

It must be the junior who seduced her!


It's all his fault!

""President, what's wrong?"

Hattori looked at the gloomy Shiba Miyuki, and suddenly heard a voice from behind, and turned back to ask in confusion.

"It's okay!"

Nanakusa Mayumi raised her head and adjusted her state the moment Hattori turned around. She didn't want Hattori to see her shameful appearance, otherwise how could she tease our vice president in the future?

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi's godly reaction speed and secretly smacked his lips. He couldn't help but sigh that women seemed to have an instinct to maintain their image.

"You guys don't have to stand there anymore, Xiao Zi is troubling you!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said to the people at the door, and then instructed Nakajo Azusa


Nakajo Azusa nodded and stood up from his seat.

"Then, let's go together!"

Watanabe Mari gestured to Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica, and then took the lead to walk to the side door next to her, ready to take Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica to the Disciplinary Committee.

"You guys should stay here for now. I will ask you for help in two days!"

Turning around, Watanabe Mari tilted his head and said to Qianyu Yeyou

"Where are we going?"

Shibata was also a little confused.

"The discipline committee member returns to headquarters!"

"I think you can understand it better if you take a look at it."

Watanabe Mari said and walked towards the side door.

"Senior Watanabe, please wait a moment!"

Seeing that the matter was about to be concluded, the Ministry of Justice finally couldn't help it.

"What's wrong, Vice President Fan Zang of the Hattori Ministry of Justice?"

Watanabe Mari looked at the Hattori Ministry of Justice with interest.

"Please don't call me by my full name!"

Hatsube Keibu's face turned red as if he had been touched by something shameful.

"Why did he act like this when he heard his full name?

Qian Yu Ye You was surprised by the behavior of this guy, Fubu Xingbu.

"Because calling someone like that in front of someone you often hang out with is a way of expressing intimacy, but Mori obviously meant it as a teasing move, especially for the Vice President of the Futori Department.

Nanakusa Mayumi explained in a low voice.

"Are you a neon person?"

"Still no friends?"

"Why do you ask that?"

After explaining, Nanakusa Mayumi reacted and stared at Qianyu Yeyou with a suspicious look.

""Ahem, I really don't have many friends."

Qianyu Yeyou coughed awkwardly.

Nanakusa Mayumi looked surprised, and then there was a hint of pity in her eyes, which made Qianyu Yeyou almost mad.

"Then Vice President Hattori Norizo"

"It's the Futori Criminal Department"

"That's not a name, it's an official title, it's your family...."

"This position no longer exists."

The Ministry of Justice walked up to Watanabe Mari excitedly and emphasized

"At school, I call you Hattori Keibu.…"

"No, that's not what I meant to say!"

Futori Keibu finally realized what he was going to do.

"So what do you want to say?"

Watanabe Mari looked at him and asked

"Although I had Chiba Yeyou's recommendation and I thought about it for a long time, I still couldn't accept them becoming members of the Discipline Committee."

The Hattori looked at Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica and said with a frown.

"President, I object to recommending those two first-year students as members of the Discipline Committee!"

Hattori looked at Nanakusa Mayumi, the student council president, and said seriously.

"There has never been a precedent of appointing a"weed" as a discipline committee member in the past, and I think we should not break this precedent."

After the Ministry of Justice said to Nanakusa Mayumi, he looked at Watanabe Mari

"I just stressed last time that it is not allowed to call the second-year students"weeds". It seems that the vice president is very dissatisfied with me as the head of the discipline committee!"

After the last warning, Hattori Keibu dared to say it in front of her, and Watanabe Mari was not in a good mood.

On the other side, Shiba Miyuki heard Hattori Keibu's various disparagements of her brother, and her face became more and more gloomy. She was on the verge of exploding. Shiba Tatsuya quickly pulled Shiba Miyuki's sleeve, and Shiba Miyuki's face looked better.

"This is a fact. What's the point in covering it up?"

"Do you think it is better to let the"weeds" discipline the"crown"?』,『Will the flower crowns listen?"

"I understand your idea that if only students from one subject punish students from two subjects, but not the other way around, the divide will only deepen. I also know that you don't want the committee under your leadership to promote these discriminatory ideas."

"But if you do this, the conflict between them will only become more intense"

"Do you want to anger more than one-third of the students in the school?"

The Futori Keibu watched Watanabe Mari carefully analyzing the drawbacks.

"Besides, the position of the discipline committee member is to use physical strength to stop unruly students. Weeds who lack physical strength cannot be competent for this position. Can they do it?"

"Just because he can analyze magic formulas in motion, does he need a bodyguard?"

"I admit that I can't beat Qianyu Yeyou, but how long has Qianyu Yeyou known them?"

After hearing what Hattori Keibu said, the Shiba siblings and Chiba Erica were surprised.

Although they had only known each other for a short time, the three of them had experienced how arrogant this guy who looked annoying was. However, this guy actually admitted that he was not as good as Qianyu Yeyou, which was another surprise.

"Can you guarantee that their force can subdue those who violate the rules?"

Hattori Keibu looked at Qianyu Yeyou who was sitting next to Nanakusa Mayumi and asked


"Please wait a moment!"

Shiba Miyuki finally couldn't help it and interrupted Qianyu Yeyou.

"My brother did have some flaws in his ability test, but that was just because the school test was not suitable for him. If it was a real fight, no one could beat him!"

Shiba Miyuki hysterically defended her brother.

Shiba Miyuki's action frightened Shiba Tatsuya, who instinctively did not want to join the student union. As the guardian of Miyuki, he also had this special identity, so he really did not want to be too ostentatious.

"Shiba-san, a magician must look at problems rationally and logically. Because they have the ability to turn the impossible into the possible, as a person who contributes to society, they must strictly restrain themselves. As a person who wants to become a magician, they must not let their emotions control themselves."

The Hattori Keibu lectured Shiba Miyuki in an educational tone, with the appearance of an elder imparting experience to the younger generation.

"You misunderstood, I was not being sentimental!"

""If my brother shows his true strength..."

Shiba Miyuki emphasized again but was blocked by a hand.

Shiba Tatsuya looked at his sister's aggrieved look and finally couldn't help

"Uncle Shiba decided to take action!"

"Let him see what it means to call him your uncle or your uncle!"

Qianyu Yeyou said in a somewhat excited voice in Nanakusa Mayumi's ear.


This strange narration made Nanakusa Mayumi speechless, and she rolled her eyes at Qianyu Yeyou in anger.

"Vice President Hattori, do you want to have a mock battle with me?"

Shiba Tatsuya walked to the window, put on his collar, and turned his back to the crowd with the afterglow of the sunset. It was simply amazing!

Seeing this, Qianyu Yeyou shouted in his heart,"Fuck!"

"What did you say?"

Fubu Keibu said incredulously.

"Oh, count me in too!"

"I've been annoyed with you for a long time!"

A voice suddenly sounded, it was Chiba Erica


Hattori Keibu was shocked again.

Losing to Qianyu Yeyou was fine, after all, he was really someone he couldn't afford to offend.


Just because you heard that you lost to that pervert, you think you can challenge me as long as you are a human being?

It's just a naked provocation!

"Don't be too proud, you are just two"weeds"』!"

Hattori Keibu's face was twisted with anger, and his whole body trembled.

Although it was expected, the people in the room were still a little surprised.

Oh, except for Chiba Yeyou, this guy is laughing, after all, there is a good show to watch.

Not to mention Shiba Tatsu, the youngest daughter of the Chiba family is not a good person.

It can be said that the two strongest (actual combat) people in the first high school except Chiba Yeyou were selected by the vice president. It must be said that this is also a kind of talent.

It is really like looking for a lantern in the toilet, what are you looking for?

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