"Well, I'm going home with Miyuki soon, so I won't be eating with you guys."

Shibata Tatsuya silently raised his hand and suddenly interrupted.

"I won't go either, Qianyu Yeyou, you'd better take this woman down, so that she can leave my brother!"

Qianye Erica said loudly that she would not go, and then deliberately moved close to Qianyu Yeyou's ear, with her right hand in front of him as if she was afraid that the sound would be heard by Watanabe Mari. In fact, her volume did not drop much at all, and she even winked at Watanabe Mari provocatively after she finished speaking.

"What are you talking about? I won't betray Xiu!"

A blush crept up on Watanabe Mari's face. She slapped the table unhappily, making a banging sound, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"There are only two of us left, so it would be boring."

Qian Yu Yeyou heard that the two of them didn't want to go, so he also lost interest.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't often invite people to dinner, are you sure you don't want to take advantage of this opportunity?"

Watanabe Mari suddenly smiled and looked at Qianyu Yeyou in a playful way.

"Forget it, I'd better go home and eat!"

After all, there were only two of them, so Qianyu Yeyou had no interest in it.

"I have almost finished cleaning up. Thank you all!"

Watanabe Mari stretched lazily.

"I really don't know how someone who is just watching the fun can have the nerve to say this."

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at Watanabe Mari sarcastically.

"that is!"

"Even your own office is in such a mess. As expected, I can't trust my brother to a guy like you!"

Chiba Erica was even more ruthless. After all, she was still very unhappy with the guy who took her brother away.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"I moved several boxes of stuff!"

Watanabe Mari patted the box in front of him.

"It's as if you are here to help us!"

"That’s right!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"That's right!"

Qianyu Yeyou said unhappily in front, and Qianye Erica followed behind. The two of them sang the same tune, and Watanabe Mari's face turned red.

"I think you two already know why I want to recruit you two!"

Watanabe Mari looked at Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica and suddenly said


"You are trying to change the subject, right?"

Qiye Erica finally had a chance to ridicule this bad woman who stole her brother, but this bad woman actually changed the subject.

"I already understand it."

Shibata also picked up a CAD and looked at it.

"But the second-year student policy had the opposite effect."

"Why do you think so?"

Watanabe Mari looked at Shiba Tatsuya with some doubt.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"What would they think if a self-righteous first-division student suddenly had to be disciplined by a second-division student?"

Chiba Erica rolled her eyes at Watanabe Mari.


"These"weeds" are actually riding on our"crown"?"

"Do they also have the power to control us?"

"Are they worthy?"

Chiba Erica was there, looking angry, as if she had been offended by something outrageous.

"You're pretty good at learning it!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help laughing when she saw Qianye Erica's expression.

However, Watanabe Mari didn't laugh. She had a paralyzed face and couldn't laugh.

Watanabe Mari really couldn't laugh either, which showed that it was urgent to solve the contradiction between the students in the first and second departments.


"We thought that since you are all new students who have just entered the academy, we should make some favorable changes while your thoughts are not distorted, so that the new students can reduce the conflicts between the first and second department students, and continue to ease the relationship between the two, so as to achieve the goal of solving the problem step by step."

Watanabe Mari looked like everything was under control.

"You're thinking long-term!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but nodded.

"We didn't intend to solve this problem in such a short time."

Watanabe Mari said calmly.

"In fact, there is still a way to improve the relationship between the two in a short period of time."

Qianyu Yeyou blinked at Watanabe Mari.

"What method?"

Looking at Qianyu Yeyou's appearance, Watanabe Mari felt that it was definitely not a good method.

"Stimulate the conflict between the two, intensify the conflict, completely ignite the confrontation between the first and second department students, attract the attention of the school, and then let both sides be punished, and the conflict between them will not be so intense."

Qianyu Yeyou said

"No, your method is too risky. It may also make their conflicts even greater, especially causing dissatisfaction among the students in Section 1.

Unless something serious happens, it will be useless even if the fire department intervenes, so Watanabe Mari rejected this plan without thinking.

"At present, this is the only way to resolve the conflict between the students of the first and second departments, and at the same time, both sides will not be so dissatisfied with each other."

Watanabe Mari analyzed

"Yes, things will get much better between them, and Da Ye and I will cause a lot of dissatisfaction among the first-year students."

Chiba Erica pouted.

"Besides, the freshmen will also be dissatisfied."

Shibata Tatsuya said calmly

"There will be, right?"

"But they haven't been poisoned by this kind of difference thinking. I guess there won't be that many people, right?"

Watanabe Mari said uncertainly.

"Maybe, I heard a statement like"I don't agree with you" yesterday!"

Shiba Tatsuya said helplessly

"That guy Senqi?"


The door of the conference room suddenly opened, and two men with black and red shields on their left arms walked in.

One of them looked a bit tough and rough. The other was much quieter.

"Good evening~"

"Good evening~"

The werewolf who came in greeted first


"Why are there so many people!"

"Big sister!"

"You are here too!"

The rough man who pushed the door open first said in surprise.

"Chairman, today's patrol is over, no one violated the discipline!"

The man who seemed a little quiet stepped forward and reported today's work to Watanabe Mari seriously.

Watanabe Mari ignored the quiet man's work report, but took a few pages of paper on the table, rolled them into a tube, walked quickly to the front of the rough man, and suddenly went down.

"How many times have I told you!"

"Don't call me Big Sister!"

"I have to say it several times before you understand!"

"Is your head just a decoration?"

As if she had touched upon the name that Watanabe Mari didn't want to hear the most, she kept hitting the man's head.

"Please don't hit me like that!"

The man quickly covered his head and kept complaining.


Watanabe Mari sighed helplessly.

This guy is the kind of person who never changes his ways. He dares to do it again next time after making a mistake! This makes Watanabe Mari very helpless.

"Uh, speaking of which, Chairman, are these guys new here?"

The Discipline Committee member glanced at Qian Yu Ye You and the other two and said slowly.


"I found them with great difficulty!"

When Mari Watanabe heard the guy's question, he said with some boasting

"Let me introduce you to Class 1-E, Tatsuya Shiba!"

"Class 1E, Chiba Erica!"

"Class A, Qianyu Yeyou."

Watanabe Mari introduced them one by one.

"I am not under the jurisdiction of your Discipline Committee!"

Qianyu Yeyou reminded

"Although your position is still under discussion, there is a high probability that you will become the personal secretary of the student council president!"

"Although you are a member of the student council, I can be seconded to Nanakusa Mayumi!"

"I have the right to do so!"

Watanabe Mari said, while raising his index finger and gesturing proudly at Qianyu Yeyou.

"By the way, the student union doesn't seem to have a secretary position, right?"

Qian Yu Yeyou seems to have the impression that there is no secretary position in the first high student union.


"You have to pay attention to a word: personal secretary!"

"What is a private secretary? Do you understand?"

Watanabe Mari winked at Qianyu Yeyou playfully.

A private secretary?

If there is something to do, do it yourself. If there is nothing to do, do it yourself.......


Qianyu Yeyou shook off the impression of a personal secretary in his mind and nodded.

"Hello, I am from Class 3-C, Tatsumi Kotaro!"

Tatsumi Kotaro looked at Chiba Yeyou's shoulder, then extended his hand and introduced himself.

"Class A, Chiba Yeyou.

Chiba Yeyou shook hands with Tatsumi Kotaro.

"Second year, Class D, Zemu Aoi."

Shake hands with Zemu Aoi again

"Are those two guys without badges okay?"

Tatsumi Kotaro also saw that Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica's shoulders were not���Zhang, couldn't help but ask with some doubt

"Senior Tatsumi, your remarks may have violated the prohibited language."

"In this situation, it should be the students of the second department."

Sawaki Aoi said, looking at Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica.


Chiba Erica snorted in dissatisfaction.

Shiba Tatsuya still had a calm face, without any expression, as if all this had nothing to do with him

"You two will suffer if you hold on to this kind of thinking!"

"I'm just saying here that Hattori Keibu Hongai is already on the verge of a fall."

Watanabe Mari supported the table with one hand, leaned over and looked like I'm telling you a secret. The two looked surprised.

"Did they defeat Hattori Keibu?"

Tatsumi Kotaro looked at Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica in surprise, and he and Sawaki Aoi looked back and forth at the two of them.

They knew that Hattori had never suffered a loss since he entered school.


"In the official competition, we will compete in an upright manner!"

Watanabe Mari said as he looked at the two future subordinates with a satisfied look.

"What? Hattori, who has never been defeated since entering school, was defeated by him!"

Sawaki Aoi said in shock

"I never thought that the Hattori and the Criminal Department could suffer losses twice in a row. That's amazing!"

"Looks like two very reliable partners have come!"

Tatsumi Kotaro looked at the two people with satisfaction.

His eyes inadvertently swept over Chiyu Yeyou, and he couldn't help but think of his competition with Hattori Keibu. Well, that should be called a complete defeat, so it can't be considered a defeat, after all, they are not on the same level.

In Watanabe Mari's view, Chiyu Yeyou is very mysterious, which makes her a little interested, and the person who is most interested in him should be the president.

However, when she thought of Hattori Keibu being educated by three people in a short period of time, she couldn't help but feel that this child's life is too hard.

Well, go home and eat an extra bowl of rice!

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