
"Welcome to the Discipline Committee!"

Tatsumi Kotaro and Sawaki Aoi greeted Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica respectively, and smiled apologetically.

They also accepted the two new members from the bottom of their hearts, and did not look down on them because they did not have badges. They only recognized their strength.

Obviously, Shiba Tatsuya and Chiba Erica's ability to defeat the Futori Criminal Department was enough to make them look at them differently.

"How about it?"

"The atmosphere here is good, right?"

Watanabe Mari looked at the harmonious scene in front of him with satisfaction, and smiled at the two new subordinates.

"They are indeed much better than those self-righteous guys."

Qiye Erica looked at the two people in front of her and couldn't help but think of those self-righteous guys, the idiots who couldn't let people have a good meal. She felt that the two people in front of her were quite pleasing to the eye and nodded.

Shibata didn't say anything, but from the expression on his face, it was clear that he had a good impression of this disciplinary committee.

"This school is full of people who are obsessed with boring titles like"crown" and"weeds" and are full of superiority and inferiority complex.

To be honest, I have been depressed for a long time.

Fortunately, Mayumi and the representative of the club alliance, Jumonji, know that I have this kind of personality.

In the personnel elections of the student union and the club alliance, they recommended people with fewer concepts to me.

Although I can't say that I don't care about superiority at all, these people judge others by their strength.

I think this is a very comfortable place for you two!


After Watanabe Mari made a grumbling statement, the selection of the discipline committee member came to an end.

"I didn't expect you to make such a choice to add people."

Qian Yu Yeyou said unexpectedly on the way home.

"Are you surprised?"

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled playfully.

"It's a bit unexpected indeed"

"As far as I know, your class seems to be the most special....Well, it should be said that all the special situations happened in your class.

Qian Yu Yeyou carefully reviewed the previous student unions and found that only this class had too many special things.

"So, since this precedent has been set, it doesn't matter how special the situation is, not to mention that these exceptions can make the future better!"

Watanabe Mari next to Nanakusa Mayumi looked indifferent.

After listening to her words, Nakajo Azusa and Ichihara Suzune beside her couldn't help but fall silent.

To be honest, according to their thoughts, they actually don't care. The two of them don't have any sense of superiority as"flower crowns". Instead, they think that first-year students should set an example, especially first-year students who are members of the student union should set an example for others. They should work harder.

"But if you do this, it might cause a lot of trouble for the next student union."

Qianyu Yeyou sighed, feeling that being dragged into the student union was a trap. Who knows if those students will have a second-class student revolution after these people leave?

"Aren't you here?"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a malicious smile.


So you guys brought me into the student union just to do this?

"But don't worry, the Shiba brothers and sisters are special. They will be able to coordinate the relationship between the first and second department students very well."

"At least in personnel appointments, there won't be too much bias, and the idea of "not accepting students who are not from the first department" will also change."

Ichihara Suzune analyzed

"Indeed, maybe the next session will be more harmonious?"

Watanabe Mari nodded.

"I hope so!"

Qianyu Yeyou nodded.






"How did the door open?"

Before he could insert the key, he just put his left hand on the door and it opened.

Qianyu Yeyou's expression suddenly became serious.

"There were no signs of prying on the door. It was not opened violently or mechanically. Was it magic?"

Qian Yu Yeyou observed the crime scene and rejected the suspicion of an ordinary thief.

"Throw away the complicated appearances and see through the essence of the incident, then there is only one truth!"

Qian Yu Yeyou pretended to push the non-existent glasses.

"Sister Tiffany!"

Qianyu Yeyou suddenly shouted into the house.

"came back?"

"Come inside and eat!"

"Your favorite Chinese food!"

Sure enough, a purple-haired lady came out of the house, and she was a cook!


"Why are you here?"

Qianyu Yeyou wiped the corners of his mouth quickly. He was greedy. He was greedy for Chinese food!

Anyone who questioned him would be killed!

"What do you think?"

The blue glasses showed a hint of interest, which made Qianyu Yeyou's scalp tingle.

Well, this is to"urge offline updates". It seems that I have stood him up for too long, so he flew over directly.


"Of course I welcome it!"

Qianyu Yeyou laughed and quickly changed the subject.

"Well, let's eat first and see if my income has improved."

Tiffany took Qianyu Yeyou to the table and sat down.


"There’s even sauerkraut stewed with meat!"

"Isn't this dish lost?"

Looking at this dish that no one had learned before and cannot be learned now, I was a little surprised.


"It’s quite authentic!"

Qianyu Yeyou took a bite and it was very delicious, this is the taste!

"Many things are lost only for ordinary people. Do you think I am an ordinary person?"

Tiffany also took a bite and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, sister Tiffany is awesome!"

"Love you~"

Qianyu Yeyou winked playfully.

Tiffana was stunned for a moment.

Then she recovered.���The attitude is not as casual as before.

As expected, to capture a man's heart, you must capture his stomach. The ancient Chinese saying is true!

""Don't worry, sister. I will definitely help you finish that thing as soon as possible. I didn't expect you to come all the way to urge me to update offline. Am I a person who doesn't keep my word?" After eating, looking at Difanna who clearly wanted to stay permanently, he said helplessly.

"Well, of course I will let you go, little brother!"

"I came here just to take care of you. Anyway, I don't have anything to do right now. I'm so bored."

"Just in time, you are at school, so I can take care of you!"

"How about it, isn't my sister considerate?"

Seeing Difanna's expression of"I'm really not in a hurry, I'm doing this for your own good, it doesn't matter if you go a little slower", Qianyu Yeyou was puzzled.


Qianyu Yeyou was confused.


Tiffany nodded affirmatively.


What's so good about a broken CAD?

I'll just take you home and eat you up. You're mine too!

Still care about a CAD? Are you kidding? You underestimate me, Sylvia von Tiffany!

Looking at Qianyu Yeyou who didn't think much, Tiffany smiled happily.

"Have all the materials been delivered?"

Qianyu Yeyou put away his lazy look and asked

"They are all in your laboratory."

Tiffany nodded.

"Then I'll get busy!"

Qianyu Yeyou stood up and walked into the laboratory.

Difanna followed in.

"This kind of material is not easy to find. My sister has searched many places and across countless countries. This is a rare resource!"

Looking at the several non-ferrous metals in front of her, Difanna said with emotion

"Fortunately, these things are not taken seriously. I am also a little curious about why you need these things."

"So you don't mind coming in and taking a look?"

Tiffany said with a smile

"It doesn't matter, you can't learn it anyway."

Qianyu Yeyou didn't care at all.

He roughly stacked these materials in a container and started to operate.

Generally speaking, the production of CAD requires an industrial foundation. Various confidential originals inside, magical bearing capacity tests and other precision operations are inseparable from their support. In Japan, the most famous CAD manufacturing industry is led by Four Leaf Technology.

Its excellent performance and continuous innovation have made Four Leaf Technology's CAD widely praised by the outside world.

The CAD made by Qianyu Yeyou is quite special, and only he can make it. This is a CAD that is different from all existing ones!

It includes wide-area magic and micro magic, system magic and Qianyu Yeyou's unique quantum magic. Macro magic and micro magic, including the self-extensibility of CAD, are extremely special, completely violating the rules of specialization and general use.

Its special nature also determines that this thing cannot be mass-produced.

A huge design drawing was hung on the wall, and the countless parts on it made Tiffany's scalp numb. This is not something that can be mass-produced by industry at all!


It should be said that there is not even a processing technology!

This is not something that can be made by the current process system at all!

After Qianyu Yeyou prepared everything, he stretched out his right hand and began to operate on the materials in the containers.

Quantum magic:"Quantum crushing"

The materials in the container quickly disintegrated, and the originally hard substances piled up at the bottom of the container like a pile of fine sand.

Then Qianyu Yeyou began to use various magics to process various materials, and then fuse, process again, and fuse again. He repeated this operation, stopping from time to time to observe the fused materials, and then calculating something.

After four hours, this step of processing was completed.

The next step was simpler. Just cover the quantum field and copy the things on the design one-to-one perfectly.

With the coverage of the quantum field, direct multi-line precise operation, a large number of precision parts will soon appear

"What kind of CAD do you want?"

Qianyu Yeyou turned her head and looked at Difanna and asked

"Ring it!"

""It should look better!"

Tiffana thought for a moment.

Then, Qianyu Yeyou began to integrate the parts. The assembly process was extremely energy-consuming. Even if he could operate accurately, he could not make the slightest mistake. As long as the installation order of a part was wrong, the structure of the CAD would completely collapse, and these precision components would be useless.

Five hours later, a gun-shaped CAD and a ring-shaped CAD appeared in front of Tiffana.

"All that’s left is the construction within the system!"

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