Nanakusa Mayumi's words pushed Chiyu Yeyou against the wall, and he didn't know what to say.

After all, he knew that he wanted to test the level of these seniors at that time, otherwise he would have suppressed them directly. However, judging from the results, these people were really ordinary. He also understood why Shiba was able to catch people everywhere in the wild. They were not on the same level!

Chiyu Yeyou didn't know the strength of some people in the student union. It seemed that ordinary students were not as extraordinary as Chiyu Yeyou imagined.

Oh, by the way, the strength of the Futori and the Criminal Department was already known. Two words to sum it up: noobs!

Well, I won't explain it. Chiyu Yeyou has no interest in a bunch of noobs chattering. Just knock them down and ask,"beat them to death"?


Isn't there nothing wrong?

Any disputes, large-scale magic fireworks festivals, and other beautiful fights will disappear.

But this can't be said directly!

"Well, it’s my first time as a discipline committee member, so mistakes are inevitable!"

"And I stopped them before they launched a magical fight. Shouldn't you praise me?"

"Besides, I am not that guy like Shiba Tatsuya. I can't read the magic words released by the opponent with my eyes. He can use this to judge whether the opponent's magic has a greater lethality, but I can't!"

Well, I can't see directly with my eyes, but it doesn't mean I can't. I just said that I can't see directly with my eyes, but I didn't say that I can't"see" through the magic field.

Qianyu Yeyou is already looking for an excuse to expose this ability in the future.


The serious ones, the expressionless ones, and the ones with playful smiles were all silent.

At this moment, the facial expressions of Watanabe Mari, Jūmonji Katsutomo, and Nanakusa Mayumi were extremely consistent, as if they were pressed out by some machine through a template.

"cough cough..."

"Um....Thank you!"

Watanabe Mari was about to say something, but when she thought of what Qianyu Yeyou said later, it seemed to make some sense....Bullshit!

This guy always gave her a mysterious feeling. Who knows what kind of inexplicable magic he can do?

For now, what Qianyu Yeyou showed was enough to shock everyone. It can be said that Qianyu Yeyou rarely uses magic in the system.

This is why Jumonji Kazuto stared at Qianyu Yeyou when Qianyu Yeyou just came in, and it is also the reason why he did not leave now.

He is still very curious about Qianyu Yeyou.

"Uh... that's not necessary, it's my duty!"

Qianyu Yeyou immediately clenched his right fist and placed it in front of his chest, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.


"Okay, okay, you should be more normal, uh, don't be so normal."

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly remembered that this guy was not very normal when he was normal....It should be said that it is not very serious.

As Nanakusa Mayumi's voice fell, the serious atmosphere in the entire conference room eased. It should be said that after Shiba Tatsuya left, the atmosphere in the conference room was not so serious.

"Why do I feel that your reason is not very valid?"

Watanabe Mari said leisurely at the same time


No, what does your suspicious look mean?

Why do you believe everything Tatsuya Shiba says, but you doubt me? Is your IQ suddenly high?

"Don't slander me, I'm serious, no matter how much you say, I won't admit it."

Qianyu Yeyou just spread his hands.


The three people understood, this guy did it on purpose!

However, there will be no special situation in the area patrolled by this guy in the future, unless it is a very serious problem. It

's a bit like killing one to warn the hundred!

Jumonji Katsuto thought silently.

Chiba Erica on the side saw that several people seemed to be unaware that this was a good start, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou, who was unwilling to admit it, and felt helpless.

"Chiba Erica, there were some disputes during your patrol. I can understand that. After all, as a second-year student serving as a discipline committee member, you will definitely suffer a lot of contempt, even hostility. You can take some tough measures, but you must control the degree."

Watanabe Mari changed the topic and fell on Chiba Erica.

"Yes! I understand!"

Seeing Chiba Erica salute and hearing her firm answer, Watanabe Mari nodded with satisfaction.

"Qianyu Yeyou, you also have to control yourself. They will not have any dissatisfaction with your identity as the discipline committee member, so the means cannot be too tough."

Watanabe Mari reminded Qianyu Yeyou again.

Looking at Watanabe Mari with a serious and helpless face, and Nanakusa Mayumi who was looking at Qianyu Yeyou with a smile, Qianyu Yeyou nodded and said that he would definitely do it next time!

As for Jumonji Katsuto, this guy was eating melons on the side.

Jumonji Katsuto's eyes kept scanning back and forth between Qianyu Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi.

Don't ask why Watanabe Mari had nothing to do with it. Jumonji Katsuto knew that Watanabe Mari had a boyfriend.

Maybe Shiba Tatsuya left?

It is more likely that Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi Mei's attitude towards Chiyu Yeyou and her trust in them made Jumonji Katsuto have a good impression on Chiyu Yeyou.

Or maybe it was the youth that young people can become friends with just a few words, which made him unconsciously regard Chiyu Yeyou as a friend with whom he could communicate on an equal footing.

Jumonji Katsuto was not as rigid as Chiyu Yeyou had imagined, always keeping a serious look on his face.

That's true.

After all, no matter how mature a high school student is, he can't lose the heart of a teenager.

Chiyu Yeyou thought humorously about the changes in Jumonji Katsuto.

"Then, let's end today's meeting here."

Nanakusa Mayumi stood up and stretched.

Her petite body was exquisite, and her two small pouches became more and more obvious. The afterglow of dusk shone through the window on this graceful figure, adding a bit of temptation.

You are worthy of being my president!

Qianyu Yeyou admired this picture of the beauty at dusk, and kept evaluating it in his heart.

"How about it?"

"Does it look good?"

""It's beautiful!"

Qianyu Yeyou answered without thinking when she heard the question suddenly.

After saying this, Qianyu Yeyou finally realized it, but it didn't matter.

She's beautiful and I can't see her?

Qianyu Yeyou took it for granted.

"cough cough.."

"You are such a thick-skinned guy, you are not embarrassed at all."

Qianye Erica rolled her eyes at Qianyu Yeyou in anger.

"Hello, let me introduce myself to you. I am the president of the Social Association, Jūmonji Katsuto.

Just as Chiba Yeyou was about to refute Chiba Erica, Jūmonji Katsuto came over and introduced himself.

"Hello, Class A, Qianyu Yeyou, nice to meet you!

Qianyu Yeyou nodded and introduced herself.

Then Jumonji Kazuto left without saying anything, as if he just wanted to get to know Qianyu Yeyou.


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