
On the way home from school in the evening, Qianyu Yeyou yawned as he walked.

"Did you not sleep well this morning?"

Shiba Miyuki walked beside her brother and asked Qianyu Yeyou.

She knew that Qianyu Yeyou had slept in the student union room for the whole morning, and Shiba Miyuki went to the student union room twice in the morning and saw this guy sleeping on the table beside him.


"We patrolled hard for the whole morning, but this guy is sleeping in the student union."

Chiba Erica complained in dissatisfaction.

"I was busy last night and ended up not sleeping all night, ha~"

Qianyu Yeyou explained subconsciously

"No, why am I telling you this?"

"By the way, how is your control over magic, Miyuki?"

Qianyu Yeyou shook his head and turned to look at Shiba Miyuki.

"The minimum size can be controlled within a 20-centimeter diameter and a 2-meter height range."

Shiba Miyuki answered immediately after hearing this.

"What about the temperature?"

"Frozen will not kill you, but there is a certain probability."

Hearing what Shiba Miyuki said, Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but frowned.

"The range continues to shrink, and the temperature continues to be practiced. It is necessary to ensure that the creatures are frozen without dying."

"This will be a very useful tool for you in the future."

"At the same time, the range should be compressed to the limit as small as possible, and within a certain range, the point burst magic in a very small range can be controlled at will."

Qianyu Yeyou slowly told her requirements to Shiba Miyuki.

Shiba Tatsuya just listened, neither expressing his opinion nor agreeing, and walked forward quietly.

"Your request is too perverted!"

Qianye Erica couldn't help but smack her lips when she heard Qianyu Yeyou's words.

What kind of perverted request is this?

"But what's the point of this?"

Leoharut asked in confusion.

"Well, maybe in some books?"

Shibata Mitsuki thought for a moment and said uncertainly.


"For example?"

Honoka Mitsui asked curiously.

"It is possible to destroy a part without damaging the overall structure."

Kitayama Shizuku

"Another example..."

"For example, efficient killing."

Qian Yu Yeyou said something that made everyone present change color except Shiba Tatsuya.


Shibata Mizuki was frightened


"You seem surprised?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the group of people with interest.

"From the emergence of magic to the present day, how much magic has been integrated into society to benefit mankind?"

"How many Nova are developed just for pure destruction?"

"The pursuit of large-scale lethality can be said to be basically the mainstream nowadays, so what is such a great destructive power used for?"

"You don't think it's used for demolition, do you?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked a series of questions, which stunned the group of children.

They always thought that magic was magical and had no malicious thoughts about it.

However, only Chiba Erica and Shiba Miyuki did not have much fluctuation. It can only be said that the Hanshu family is indeed more adaptable and knowledgeable than these ordinary students.

"Is magic just for killing?"

With Shibata Mitsuki's question, everyone was silent this time. Even Shibata Tatsu didn't know what to say. After all, he was the most powerful destroyer among the people present, at least that's what he thought. He had been under military management since he was a child, and his superiors only taught him how to kill people. No one would think about such a 'childish' question. He just wanted to protect his sister Miyuki, that's all.

"That's not the case. The usefulness of magic lies in the person who uses it."

"The advantage of magic is that it destroys common sense!"

"Its existence makes people's inherent concepts, knowledge, and all theories become a joke."

"But it also has a good side, such as using magic to create and discover new energy, integrating magic into technology, and practicing the construction of houses and bridges, which will greatly improve the efficiency of social development."

"There are many, many things that can use magic."

Qianyu Yeyou's words made everyone feel that the word magic was no longer as bloody as Qianyu Yeyou had said before.

"However, the main focus now is still on killing people.

Qian Yu Yeyou changed the topic and returned to killing people.

"I say, you are right, don't say it again next time."

Qiye Erica rolled her eyes at Qianyu Yeyou.

They were all immersed in the application of magic to all aspects of their lives. They seemed to have seen that beautiful picture, but Qianyu Yeyou's words of killing dragged them back to reality and hit them hard.

You can imagine how uncomfortable they were.

Facing the resentful eyes of the crowd, Qianyu Yeyou just smiled softly.

"It's cruel, but it's reality"

"To achieve what I said, we must first resolve the conflict between magicians and ordinary people."

"This is the biggest difficulty now."

Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, everyone agreed. This contradiction has existed since the emergence of magic. From time to time, a conflict breaks out. Countries don't want to care about it, and sometimes even add fuel to the flames to achieve their goals.

It is a long way to go to completely solve this problem.

There are also some people among the magicians who regard magicians as weapons.

In short, internal and external troubles

"Is your goal to compress the magic to a certain extent, control it to a certain degree, and then snipe at a certain area or a specific target?"

Shibata has been thinking about the problem of miniaturization of large magic.

Normally speaking, the effect of large magic is not comparable to that of small magic, and the occasions of use are also different, which determines their functions are different. In this case

, wouldn't it be better to directly develop a new type of magic?

Why do you have to miniaturize large magic?

Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

However, judging from the contact with Qianyu Yeyou, this guy definitely does not have such a simple purpose, but Shibata couldn't figure it out for a while.


"The ideal situation is: compress the large magic to within a centimeter diameter, then calculate the coordinates and release the magic directly into the target's body. This is the first stage."

"The second stage is the method of magic explosion: divided into single-target killing and timed group killing."

As Qianyu Yeyou's voice fell, a group of people felt a chill.

What's the difference between this and throwing a bomb into the body?

The difference is huge!

Even if the bomb is tied to the body, you still have to operate it manually?

Isn't it more...Huh?


How many variables do you have to calculate to do this?

If you use a computer, the CPU of the computer will probably smoke.

"Your idea is simply impossible to achieve. There are too many uncontrollable quantities, so many that it is simply outrageous and it is simply not something a human can do."

Qiye Erica looked at her with an expression that said,"Your thing is useless."

"Not always!"

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