"That's right!"

Watanabe Mari suddenly clapped her hands

"How could I forget about him!"

Watanabe Mari said as she turned her attention to Tatsuya Shiba who was quietly opening the lunch box prepared by his sister.

"I also think that Shibata should be able to do it too."

Nakajo Azusa spoke weakly at the side.

"This is truly a blind spot!"

"This way, we have one more maintenance division!"

Nanakusa Mayumi happily looked at Shiba Tatsuya who was eating quietly there.

"This way we have two first-year maintenance divisions!"

"Xiao Zi's pressure was also relieved a lot"


Shibata Tatsuya interrupted Nanakusa Mayumi's happy mood


"Tatsuya-kun, do you have any questions?

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Shiba Tatsuya with a smile.

"It seems that there has never been a precedent for first-year students to serve as technicians in the First High School, right?"

Shibata Tatsuya asked his question calmly.

"As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning!"

Nanakusa Mayumi doesn't mind this kind of thing

"Precedents are meant to be broken!"

Watanabe Mari also agrees

"Or does Junior Tatsuya not have confidence in himself?" Watanabe

Mari looked at Shiba Tatsuya provocatively.

"It's rare that you two have such advanced ideas. Maybe you can consider it this way, but I'm a first-year student, and even more so a second-year student, and I've also established a lot of negative images."

Shiba Tatsu did not accept Watanabe Mari's provocation, and slowly stated the facts and analyzed the impact of his position as a technician.

"This one?..."

"That's no problem!"

Seeing that Nanakusa Mayumi didn't know what to say, Qianyu Yeyou directly ended Nanakusa Mayumi's words.

"Wasn’t I also appointed as a technician?"

"I'm not a first-year student?"

"Can the negative image you create when enforcing the law be worse than mine?"

Qianyu Yeyou has discovered the character of Shiba Tatsuya. He considers things very comprehensively, which is an advantage, but he also needs to consider the occasion and the situation. At this time, he seems too long-winded.

"Of course, it would be even better if my president could pay attention to my personal wishes.

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at Nanakusa Mayumi who was looking apologetic.

"But the key to adjusting CAD is the trust between the user and the user. After all, this is a very private item. If the players reject it, I think there will be big problems and it may cause a bad impact."

Shibata frowned and looked at the contract.

"How do you know if you don’t try?"

"Anyway, let him try it. If he really rejects it, we can consider it again. What do you think, President?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi who was sitting next to him and asked for her opinion.

"I think we should give it a try."

After thinking for a while, Nanakusa Mayumi also felt that she should give it a try first, as she didn't know how effective it would be.

"I also hope that my brother can adjust the CAD for me during the Nine Schools Tournament."

Shiba Miyuki, who always wanted her brother to shine, couldn't help but stand up to support her brother.

"Yes, it would be reassuring to have a mechanic you can trust, right?"

"Deep snow?"


After hearing what Nanakusa Mayumi said, Shiba Miyuki expressed her strong agreement

"Let's decide it this way. We'll have a preparatory meeting after school, and then we'll discuss it."

"Well, I agree.

Watanabe Mari nodded.

"Well, let's start eating lunch!"

Except for Shibata, who had already started eating, the others hadn't taken out their lunch boxes yet.

So they took out their lunch and started eating.

"Here, let me give you a taste of this, I made it myself!"

Nanakusa Mayumi passed a piece of fried chicken to Qianyu Yeyou, and showed off her work with a smile, and then looked at Qianyu Yeyou with expectation. Nanakusa Mayumi

's words attracted the attention of several bastards, staring at Qianyu Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi without blinking.

"Senior, why have you been acting more and more strange these days?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the chicken nugget in his lunch box with some surprise.

He didn't know what was going on, but after the Blanche incident, Nanakusa Mayumi started to be much gentler to him, which led to a closer relationship between the two. Otherwise, Nanakusa Mayumi would not have let him take the position of maintenance engineer without asking for his opinion.

"Is there something strange about me?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the others and asked

""No, no, no!"

Several people shook their heads frantically.

Qianyu Yeyou picked up the chicken nugget, put it in his mouth and took a bite.


"not bad!"

"It’s delicious. Senior sister’s cooking skills are pretty good!"

Qianyu Yeyou ate the chicken nugget and gave Nanakusa Mayumi a thumbs up, affirming Nanakusa Mayumi's cooking skills.

"If it tastes good, eat two more pieces!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said as she gave Qianyu Yeyou two more pieces.

"I think you made this lunch for me, right?"

Qian Yu Yeyou picked it up and continued to eat it. He didn't dislike it. It must be said that it was really delicious.


"Is that so?"

Nanakusa Mayumi pretended to be stupid.

But the food in her lunch box was not bad either. After all, it was oriental food made by Tiffany herself. It was not easy to find such authentic oriental food in this era.

"Here, you can try my authentic braised pork ribs!"

Qianyu Yeyou took out a pair of chopsticks that he had never used before, and quickly picked up two pieces of braised pork ribs for Nanakusa Mayumi that he had never touched before.

"Mm, it's really delicious!

Nanakusa Mayumi was eating the ribs, looking very happy.

"Why do I feel a little full all of a sudden?"

Watanabe Mari said leisurely as she fiddled with her lunch box and looked at the two people opposite her.

"But you haven't eaten yet?"

Nakajo Azusa looked at Watanabe Mari's untouched lunch and reminded her.

"Someone is eating dog food, leave her alone."

Ichihara Suzune ate her lunch silently.

"Brother, try this!"

Shiba Miyuki also learned from Nanakusa Mayumi, hoping that her brother could also pick up food for her like Qianyu Yeyou, and it would be best if he could feed her!

However, the girl's fantasy was destined to be disappointed.

"Yeah, not bad."

Shibata finished eating and nothing more happened.


The girl snorted in dissatisfaction and ate her lunch.

Shiba Tatsuya looked strange and felt a little puzzled.


Watanabe Mari couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Watanabe Mari quickly waved her hands to indicate that she was fine.

Sorry, I haven't been trained, so I really can't help it!

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