Soon, everyone finished their meal, cleaned up, and started to work on their tasks.

"Senior Lingyin, how about changing this, this, and this in this order?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the data on the screen and made a suggestion to Ichihara Lingyin.

"Indeed, the characters will be better this way."

Ichihara Suzune nodded and started to operate


"You brought the silver horn today!"

Zhongjo Azusa's voice attracted Qianyu Yeyou, and then saw that Shiba Tatsuya had two guns on his body, which looked like a holster.

Sure enough, Shiba Tatsuya immediately gave the answer.

"Well, I made a new holster and I want to get used to it."

He mentioned the CAD in the holster and gestured to Nakajo Azusa.


"Can you show it to me?"

Nakajo Azusa suddenly became a little excited.

""Okay, here you go."

Shibata also took off the holster from his body and handed it to Nakajo Azusa, who then looked like he had gotten a favorite toy, with a silly look on his face.


"Original product from Silver!"

"I can finally feel it up close!"

"Uh, Senior Nakajo is a fan of Yotsuba Technology?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nakajo Azusa who was obsessed with a CAD with some amusement.

"This cutting process is amazing!"

"A perfect curve for easy drawing and shooting!"

"Consider practicality without abusing high technology!"

"This guy is a fan of Thors Silver!"

Nanakusa Mayumi also looked at Nakajo Azusa who seemed to be holding a holy object and feeling it carefully.


"Dear Lord Silver!"



"This guy!"

Qianyu Yeyou felt that this senior was really hopeless.

Sibo Miyuki, who was processing data next to her, couldn't help it and accidentally made a wrong operation, which attracted many people to look at her.

"It's really rare for Miyuki to make a mistake!"

Nakajo Azusa held Shiba Tatsuya's CAD with some confusion.

It's all because of you! X2

A joint complaint from Chiba Yeyou and Shiba Miyuki

"This time it's a bad coincidence!"

Shiba Tatsuya covered up his embarrassment to his sister with a blank expression.

Then he took the CAD back from Nakajo Azusa's hand, stood up and put it on.

"What kind of person is Thorus Silver?"

Zhongjo Azusa looked at the silver horn covered by the school uniform and couldn't help wondering.

"Are you curious?"

Shibata Tatsuya saw Nakajo Azusa asking this and couldn't help but ask


"Of course!"

"That's Thorus Silver!"

"He was the first to put loop casting into practical use, and was praised as a genius technician who advanced specialized CAD software by ten years in just one year!"

Nakajo Azusa was afraid that Shiboda didn't know how talented Torres Silver was, so he tried his best to introduce Torres Silver's glorious achievements to him.

"I am ignorant, I didn't expect him to be so highly praised."

I was not the first person to do this, someone did it earlier than me, but he never wanted others to publish these results.

Shiboda also thought silently, this is something he just learned recently, it turns out that he is only the second person to do this, and the first person....

Shibata couldn't help but look at Qianyu Yeyou, who happened to be looking over here. The two looked at each other, and then looked at Nakajo Azusa.

"Right! Right!"

"Junior Tatsuya also thinks that Thorus Silver is a genius!"

"But what kind of person is he?"

Nakajo Azusa couldn't help but wonder again what Torres Silver looked like.

"Mine too!"

"let me see...Maybe they are Japanese teenagers who are similar to us."

""Buzz buzz buzz~"

Various warning windows kept popping up on the computer screen, and various warnings kept coming.

When Shiba Miyuki heard what Shiba Tatsuya said, she fell directly on the operating table.

Brother, do you want to blow yourself up like this!

Shiba Miyuki felt very tired.

At this moment, even Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Shiba Miyuki who sat up immediately with some doubts.

"Is he Japanese?"

"Because it belongs exclusively to the Japanese company FLT (Four Leaf Clover Technology)!"

Shiba Tatsuya said as a matter of course

"Miyuki, are you okay?

Ichihara Suzune looked at Shiba Miyuki with some concern.

"I'm fine."

Shiba Miyuki shook her head quickly.

"By the way, Xiao Zi, aren't you going to finish the assignment during the lunch break?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the idle Nakajo Zi and suddenly remembered something, so she asked


Nakajo Azusa screamed when she realized what was happening. She hadn't done anything yet!


Nakajo Azusa immediately looked at Nanakusa Mayumi pitifully.

"Don't worry, Chiyu Yeyou and I will help a little."

Nanakusa Mayumi put on an expression that she really can't do anything to you and smiled at Nakajo Azusa. I don't know why Chiyu Yeyou always looks like she is coaxing a child. Maybe it's because senior Nakajo Azusa is too short?


"Why did you drag me into this again?"

Qianyu Yeyou ate the melon and it fell on himself again.


Nakajo Azusa looked at Nanakusa Mayumi happily. As for Qianyu Yeyou, just ignore her. These two are in big trouble now.

"So, what topic is it about?"

Qianyu Yeyou also came over, and Zhongjo Azusa took out his mobile terminal, called up the information, and displayed it in front of the two of them.

"Actually, it is a report on"Three major technical problems of weighted magic""

"I know about the realization of gravity-controlled thermonuclear fusion reactors and the realization of quasi-perpetual motion machines that use infinite inertia, but I cannot explain why general-purpose flying magic cannot be realized."

Nakajo Azusa counted on his fingers one by one, and then raised his question.

"You need to rely on flying magic. Every time you accelerate, decelerate, ascend, or descend, you must use new magic to cover the magic you are currently using. The required interference ability will increase each time. After ten times of covering, it will be the limit, and it will be difficult to continue."

"Therefore, flying magic is impossible to achieve in the real world."

"If you want to overwrite it, I think you should just cancel the magic that is currently being activated and then activate the new magic."

Nakajo Azusa was a little confused.

"But if it's to that extent, someone should have tried it a long time ago, right?"

"After all, it's almost the same as launching a field interference afterwards."

Nanakusa Mayumi said, looking at Ichihara Suzune who was still operating the computer.

"The conceptual experiment mentioned by the president was carried out in the UK two years ago, but they failed."

"What's the reason?"

After hearing what Ichihara Suzune said, Nakajo Azusa asked

"It seems that there is no writing here"

"Can't Junior Brother Qianyu Yeyou use flying magic?"

"How did you achieve that?"

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