"That won't happen!"

Yoshida Kanbiko raised his hands and denied in a panic.

"It's all right now, Yoshida-kun."

Shibata Mitsuki took out her glasses and put them back on, looking at Yoshida Kanbiko who sincerely apologized to her, saying that she forgave him.

"I was just startled."

"But I'll be very shy, so let's take the bottom lane as an example."

Shibata Mizuki's face turned red again.

"I'm really sorry."

Yoshida Kanbiko felt that his behavior was a bit excessive, and his face turned red. It was not because he was shy, but he felt a little ashamed.

"Um, does Crystal Eyes refer to hypersensitivity to light from the spirit particles?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Yoshida Kanbiko with some curiosity.

"Well, we, the sorcerers who can summon and command spirits, can distinguish the types of spirits by their colors, but this is not the true sense of seeing."

"In other words, it is not to capture it visually, but to understand the fluctuations of the spirits through magic."

Shibata listened to Yoshida Kanbiko's explanation and understood his meaning.

"That’s right!"

"There are many schools of ancient magic, even for elf magicians, so the colors you see are different depending on the school."

"For example, in my school, water is blue or red, so I color it uniformly in my mind.

As Yoshida Kanbiko explained, the three of them also learned some of the spirit magicians.

"But Mitsuki saw the color."

Shibata Tatsuya looked at Shibata Mitsuki.

Chiba Yeyou also showed some interest in Shibata Mitsuki's eyes for the first time and observed them carefully.

"Shibata can probably distinguish the power and nature of water spirits in the form of color. Our school yearns for spirits and worships them like gods, so the eyes that can see like gods are called crystal eyes."

"In other words, for you, Shibata Mitsuki is not only your nemesis, but also a rare talent?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Shibata Mitsuki and said

"Well, if it was me a year ago, I would have been so proud of myself that I would have taken her for myself."


Shibata Mitsuki took a step back in fear.

"Wait a minute, I no longer have that kind of desire or courage."

"Even so, I will not mention you, the key figure in the divine art, to other sorcerers.

Yoshida Kanbiko assured Shibata Mitsuki

"Yes, I will keep what happened just now to myself."

Shibata also knew the seriousness of the matter and promised

"Are all of you elf magicians so sick?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Yoshida Kanbiko and asked a somewhat pointed question.

"Well, in fact, all ancient magicians are similar, especially those who think highly of themselves as the inheritors of ancient magicians. Even if they have not kept up with the times, they still do their own thing. It is not too much to say that they are pathological."

Yoshida Kanbiko said with a wry smile.

He used to be like this, but...


As expected of a Japanese family!

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Seeing the three people's eyes on him, Qian Yu Yeyou shrugged.

"But how did you find out that Yoshida Kanbiko was practicing spirit magic?"

Shiba Tatsuya suddenly looked at Qianyu Yeyou and asked in confusion.


Shibata Mitsuki was a little confused.

"Didn't he come here just because he saw you two?"

Yoshida Kanbiko looked at Qianyu Yeyou in surprise.

"Oh, I haven't asked for your name yet."

"Grade 1, Class A, Qianyu Yeyou.

Qianyu Yeyou introduced herself.

"First-year class E, Yoshida Mikihiko, Tatsuya's classmate.

Yoshida Mikihiko also formally introduced himself.

"Do you have crystal eyes too?"

"It doesn't seem right..."

Yoshida Mikihiko denied it as soon as he asked the question. The man in front of him showed no signs of crystal eyes, and crystal eyes were not some cheap stuff. How could it be so easy for two to appear at the same time!

"He is not allergic to the light of the spirit particle, I am sure of that."

Shibata Tatsuya said with certainty

"I don't have crystal eyes, but mine is special."

"If Mitsuki was attracted here because she saw something unusual, I am different. I was just in the room three rooms away, using one of my special abilities."

Qianyu Yeyou hesitated, but thinking that Miyuki didn't tell her brother, he decided to keep it secret for the time being, so as not to attract the attention of the 101 Special Forces behind Tatsuya too early.

Originally, he showed it to Miyuki with some ideas. It's not that he wanted to join the forces behind Tatsuya, but just wanted to attract some attention. After all, there will be many messy attacks later, and it's easier to talk with more friends!

But he didn't expect Tivana to live directly in his house, which made the previous operation seem a bit redundant. What he didn't expect was that Miyuki really kept it a secret for him.

Shiba Miyuki's brother complex really surprised Qianyu Yeyou.

"Special ability?"

Shibata Mizuki was a little confused, shouldn't it be magic?

"If Mitsuki saw the spirits, and Yoshida Kanbiko got feedback based on the spirits' fluctuations, I was just pure information feedback and reading."


"You can actually read the exact information of the elves!"

Yoshida Kanbiko's face changed drastically, and he rushed directly to Qianyu Yeyou, holding Qianyu Yeyou's shoulders and shaking him constantly, forgetting that he had just met the person in front of him.


""Miku, calm down."

Shibata also put his hand on Yoshida Miku's shoulder, signaling him to calm down.

Shibata was also very shocked. He thought that this could not be limited to elves. This ability was too outrageous.


"Sorry, I lost my temper.

The popular bowing apology was staged again

"I say you are too rude, aren't you?"

Qianyu Yeyou shook his head unhappily. He thought that the two would be very shocked, but he didn't expect Yoshida Kanbiko to be so out of control.

"I can not only get data feedback from the elves, but also other magical and physical data can be obtained or analyzed. Including dynamic, solid"

"As long as I want, I can get their individual intelligence information"

"When you cast the elf magic, I sensed a special wave, so I"saw" your elf and you casting the elf magic."

"And you were using magic in a potion laboratory. I think anyone would be curious about this strange behavior, right?"

"So I came to see it, and that’s what happened next."

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