"Is that so?"

Yoshida Kanbi looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Doesn't this mean that Qianyu Yeyoujun can obtain all the detailed information about the individual intelligence body he wants in an instant?..."

Shibata Mitsuki looked at Qianyu Yeyou in disbelief, and in the end, she was a little afraid to continue. What this represented was terrifying!

This terrifying ability was so powerful that it was not enough to describe it. How could it appear in a 15-year-old boy?

This was completely beyond the scope of a high school student.

At this time, not only Shibata Mitsuki had this thought, but also Shiba Tatsuya and Yoshida Mikiko. They all fell into an incredible state of shock.

"Including, humans?"

Tatsuya Shiba looked at Chiyu Yeyou very nervously.

Tatsuya Shiba was also thinking about how detailed the detailed information could be.

He himself had many secrets, and Tatsuya Shiba did not want to be peeped. These secrets were very confidential to Tatsuya Shiba, the Yotsuba family, and the military, and there were very few people who really understood them.

But once these secrets were leaked, it would have a great impact on Tatsuya Shiba personally, the Yotsuba family, and the military, which was something Tatsuya Shiba could not accept in any way.

So Tatsuya Shiba had to ask clearly, even if Chiyu Yeyou really knew about it, he had to get a guarantee so that he could continue to be the guard of the next head of the Yotsuba family.


"Regardless of whether they are alive or dead, all matter."

When Qianyu Yeyou finished speaking, Shiba Tatsuya's pupils trembled violently.

"So, have you used this ability on me before?"

Shiba Tatsuya stared at the guy in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

It's not that Shiba Tatsuya is not confident in himself, but facing the mysterious guy Qianyu Yeyou, he really can't completely guarantee that he has not been"understood" before.

"Don't worry, I'm not that boring. This ability of mine is used as an early warning. Normally, I won't read other people's information randomly."

Qianyu Yeyou saw that Shiba Tatsuya looked nervous and explained it to him.

Please take a look at it in general, which means that there are also extraordinary situations! Does it depend on Qianyu Yeyou himself whether it is needed or not?

Shiba Tatsuya thought secretly.

The unknown is what Shiba Tatsuya is most worried about.

After hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, Shiba Tatsuya relaxed a little, but only for a moment.

With this incident, Shiba Tatsuya decided to go back and add an extra layer of protection for himself and Miyuki.

The elf magic incident ended as the misunderstanding was resolved.

However, in order to guard against Qianyu Yeyou's unknown special ability, a certain jungler couldn't wait to turn on the computer and go to the jungle when he returned home.

August 1, 2095 in the Western calendar.

It was a sunny day with clear skies and a gentle breeze. It was a very good weather and very suitable for travel.

There was a bus and several black business cars parked in the parking lot of the First High School, and the people participating in the Nine Schools War were getting on the bus one after another.

Qianyu Yeyou held a mobile terminal in his hand, swiping through the names one by one, and constantly confirming whether they were in place according to the records on the list.


"Why are you in charge of this job?"

Watanabe Mari asked curiously as she looked at Qianyu Yeyou standing at the door of the car.

"Please don't ignore me, okay?"

Ichihara Suzune, who was standing next to Qianyu Yeyou, reminded her with some dissatisfaction.

"Uh, I mean it's a little surprising that you two are doing this."

Watanabe Mari explained with some embarrassment.

"Oh, originally Shibata was supposed to do this, but I asked him to go to bed. He probably didn't sleep much last night, so I took over this job."

"As for Ichihara Suzune-senpai..."

Qianyu Yeyou is also very curious、

"I'll help you confirm it again to prevent any omissions"


"Thank you then."

"But you better get in the car, I'm here for you, if you get tanned, it will be my fault."

Qian Yu Ye You looked at Ichihara Suzune, winked at her and said teasingly

"Then I'm leaving!"

Ichihara Suzune rolled her eyes at Qianyu Yeyou, then got into the car without looking back.

"Senior Molly, you should go up too."

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

Watanabe Mari watched Ichihara Suzune leave, feeling a little worried.

"Don't worry, this little thing is no problem."

Qianyu Yeyou made a gesture of"completely OK"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Watanabe Mari patted Qianyu Yeyou's shoulder to show his approval, and then stepped onto the door of the bus.

After waiting for a while, a petite figure appeared in Qianyu Yeyou's sight.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Nanakusa Shinyoumi ran over from afar, her voice coming before her, waving at Qianyu Yeyou as she ran.

"My dear president, why are you so late? You are one and a half hours late!"

"I just basked in the sunshine for an hour and a half here."

Qianyu Yeyou sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Qianyu Yeyou, I made you wait for so long because of me.

Nanakusa Mayumi quickly apologized to Qianyu Yeyou.

"I forgive you. I heard that your family had an emergency. There is nothing I can do."

"So, Junior Brother Qianyu Yeyou, how do you think of my outfit?"

""Does it look good?"

Nanakusa Mayumi said, turning around in place. The fluttering white dress with flowers printed on it and her petite body gave her a unique look. Except that her weapon was a little small, it could be said that Nanakusa Mayumi was already perfect.

But it doesn't matter, she will grow up, she is still developing, and we can't just ignore her. There is a lot to look forward to in the future!

"Well, it suits you very well. Just simple clothes can bring out your perfect figure. I can only say that my president is the most beautiful!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at her for a long time, and then praised her without reservation.



"But it would be even better if you could say these compliments to me with a blushing face, I think I would be happier.

Nanakusa Mayumi walked to Qianyu Yeyou with some dissatisfaction and looked at his expression.

"My dear president, I'm afraid you still need to grow up a little bit!"

Qianyu Yeyou took the opportunity to lean over to Nanakusa Mayumi's ear and whispered softly.


Nanakusa Mayumi didn't quite understand what Qianyu Yeyou meant. Did she think she was not tall enough?

"You bastard!"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked up and saw Qianyu Yeyou staring at a certain part of her. She blushed and slapped Qianyu Yeyou's chest in annoyance.

"Well, you look like you haven't had enough rest. You look a little tired. I guess you are very busy. We are about to leave, so you should take this time to have a good rest."

Qianyu Yeyou pulled Nanakusa Mayumi's hand and got into the car without saying anything.

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