
"Not bad!"

It must be said that the contestant in white clothes had very good skills. He successfully interfered with three contestants and put Watanabe Mari far ahead.

"Yeah, it's really good"


The two girls beside Qianyu Yeyou also agreed with his opinion.

"The application of hardening magic and multiple releases of movement magic is indeed a smart move."

"In order to avoid falling off the surfboard, the relative position between oneself and the surfboard is fixed, and oneself and the surfboard are regarded as one, and then the components are assembled and reinforced, and then the acceleration is applied accordingly to save unnecessary acceleration waste. It is a really smart approach"


"Yeah, it's really good"


Qianyu Yeyou looked around with strange eyes. Why did he feel like he was being dealt with in a perfunctory manner?

"What's wrong?"

"Your explanation is correct!"

The two girls instantly returned to normal and looked at Qianyu Yeyou with a puzzled look.

There was no other way, Qianyu Yeyou could only attribute the feeling just now to an illusion.


"I still used vibration magic, um, the magic power is pretty good."

Watanabe Mari jumped down from a high place, adjusted his posture during the fall, tilted the surfboard slightly, and then a huge wave rushed up to the sky, and then he looked back at the audience.

"My goodness, this is just showing off!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Watanabe Mari's smug look, as if the whole audience were her fans. This was really a performance! It was purely Watanabe Mari's personal show!

There was no way, the gap was too big!

Watanabe Mari was a whole long straight distance behind the three players behind, and the distance was still increasing!

Sure enough, not long after, Watanabe Mari stood at the finish line and began to look back and greet the audience around the stadium.


The whole audience cheered!

"Boy, this is really..."

Qian Yu Ye You didn't know what words to use to describe it.

After Watanabe Mari had greeted everyone around, the three hurried over.

"The third wave surfing preliminaries, winner: Watanabe Mari!"


"Lord Mori!!"

The scene reached a climax for a moment.


"Are you really that crazy?"

Qianyu Yeyou felt like she had entered a concert venue. She didn't expect these people who were learning magic to be so fanatical.

"This is normal. Molly has also won many events in the previous Nine Schools Tournament. Her smooth movements, cool magic and battle plans have earned her a large number of fans. She likes to greet her fans, which further boosts the morale of these students. Therefore, they are very enthusiastic and a little loud."

This time, Qianyu Yeyou finally didn't hear 'Hmm’、‘You are right. The person who said this was Nanakusa Mayumi. She was not surprised that Watanabe Mari had many fans.

"When you show your superb magic skills in the Nine Schools Tournament this year, you will become famous and naturally attract many new people. Next time, these people will become your fans.

Nanakusa Mayumi thought Qianyu Yeyou was envious and spoke to comfort her.


Tiffany smiled silently and said nothing.

"Uh, I'd better forget it."

Qianyu Yeyou still didn't have the idea of letting these people pursue him.

"By the way, what is the level of these three players?"

"Is their strength of reference value?"

Qianyu Yeyou turned to look at Nanakusa Mayumi. He needed to use this to measure the strength of the contestants from other colleges and universities.

"These three are pretty good, right?"

Nanakusa Mayumi rolled her eyes at Qianyu Yeyou, while Divanna watched silently from the side.

"You know, the strength of the participants who were selected to compete in the Nine Schools Tournament has been recognized by their respective schools."

"It seems that the players from other colleges and universities are not much stronger than these three!"

Hearing Nanakusa Mayumi say this, Qianyu Yeyou can probably guess the strength of the players from other colleges and universities after this game.

"It seems that there is no need to use"Light Energy Pulse"."

To be honest, I had some selfish motives when I gave this magic to Watanabe Mari. The CAD used by Watanabe Mari had its own detection program. He had only tested it a few times by himself, and the data he got was his own. The data of the magic had been figured out, and after eliminating the danger, I decided to load it on Watanabe Mari and test it out.

This new type of magic, under the influence of the god-level assistance of the quantum field, could not be used as a reference for ordinary people. This magic had just been developed, and there was no way to go back home to find Tiffany to arrange a test, so I could only use Watanabe Mari to test it. I didn't expect Tiffany to come today.

"Isn't this better?"

Nanakusa Mayumi felt that it didn't matter whether this strange magic was used or not, but Watanabe Mari's steady and solid crushing of the opponent was undoubtedly the most perfect way to win.

Moreover, there were so many restrictions on"Light Energy Pulse". Just listening to Qianyu Yeyou's explanation, she felt that this magic was quite dangerous. Even with Qianyu Yeyou's guarantee and the magic protection mechanism, Nanakusa Mayumi was still worried.

"「Light Energy Pulse」?"

"Is that plan completed?"

"Did you really do it?"

Tiffany and Nanakusa Mayumi had completely different reactions, their faces were filled with disbelief, and then they were extremely excited.

"What are you thinking about!"

"How can success be achieved so quickly?"

"Don't get too excited"

"This is just a super weakened version."

Qianyu Yeyou also wants to do that!

That is one of his biggest pursuits when he came to this magic world!


Tiffany sat back in disappointment, looking very happy.

"However, don't be impatient. This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. I think with your strength and intelligence, you will be able to do it sooner or later."

Tiffany also did not forget to encourage Qianyu Yeyou. She also wanted to see whether this miracle would blossom in the hands of her younger brother.

"Do you think I'm anxious?"

Qianyu Yeyou raised his eyebrows at Tiffany.

Qianyu Yeyou is not anxious at all now, on the contrary, he is very steady now!

「The success of"Light Energy Pulse" marks the first step of this plan!

Qianyu Yeyou is absolutely qualified to say that"Light Energy Pulse" is a small step for himself, a big step for mankind!

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