Accompanied by the cheers of Watanabe Mari's victory, Nanakusa Mayumi and Chiba Yeyou also left the audience seats and walked to the contestant preparation area, waiting for Watanabe Mari's triumphant return.

"I'm back!"

Watanabe Mari's face was full of excitement, which was quite different from her usual calm and steady personality.

"With your ability, you can still win even if someone else is your mechanic. Why are you so excited?

Nanakusa Mayumi saw her friend's excitement and looked at her in confusion.

"Besides, it’s not like you haven’t participated in the Nine Schools Competition before, and won, right?"

"Besides, that was the finals, and now it's the preliminaries, is it that serious?"

Nanakusa Mayumi felt more and more confused as she spoke.

"You don’t understand, I won the victory in the past only after trying my best, but this time I crushed my opponent easily!"

"This is a crushing defeat!"


"Do you understand what gold content is?"

Watanabe Mari expressed her feelings to Nanakusa Mayumi in a somewhat exaggerated manner. In Qianyu Yeyou's opinion, it was actually very satisfying.

After all, this can be said to be a competition of different levels, just like a high school student bullying an elementary school student.


"Although I still don't quite understand, I still want to congratulate you, Mori!"

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled sweetly and was truly happy for her friend.

"You will know when you experience it."

At this point, Watanabe Mari turned his attention to Qianyu Yeyou.

"Congratulations, Watanabe-senpai"

"Qianyu Yeyou, I want to send you a formal invitation. I hope you can come to work in my house after you graduate. After this game, I deeply realized how powerful you are as a maintenance engineer. To be frank, among two people with a certain gap in magic talent, the one with less talent can definitely reach the level of the one with higher talent with your help, or even surpass it!"

Watanabe Mari's face suddenly became serious, and the more he spoke, the brighter his eyes became, and then he felt that his invitation was an extremely correct decision.


Nanakusa Mayumi looked at this good sister who was stealing her boyfriend with a bad temper, and pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.

At an angle that Watanabe Mari couldn't see, Nanakusa Mayumi quietly stretched out her little hand and tugged at Qianyu Yeyou's clothes.

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi with some amusement.

"a ha ha ha...."

Watanabe Mari was a little embarrassed, but still looked at Qianyu Yeyou, waiting for his reply

"Uh, forget it!"

"I don't plan to work for anyone anywhere, and I am confident that I will have a good future."

Qianyu Yeyou was a little amused by Watanabe Mari's sudden invitation.

Are you kidding? What do you Watanabe family use to attract me?

I, Qianyu Yeyou, am definitely not worse than Shiba Tatsuya!

Are you selling yourself to me?


Watanabe Mari was a little disappointed when she heard Qianyu Yeyou's answer, but she thought it was normal. It was only the first year of high school, and there was still a long time to go. After hearing Qianyu Yeyou's answer, Nanakusa Mayumi's heart was relieved, and the corners of her mouth that had been pouting were relaxed, and she smiled again.

"Well, although I feel a little disappointed, I still hope that if you have this consideration in the future, you can give priority to coming to my place. The salary is no problem!"

"I am indeed a little too impatient to talk about this now, there is a long way to go!"

Watanabe Mari smiled and looked at Qianyu Yeyou, but this look made Nanakusa Mayumi a little angry.

But thinking that this guy has a boyfriend, Nanakusa Mayumi silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart

"Let's go, go eat something and replenish our energy. Mayumi Nanakusa will also be participating in the preliminaries later."

"Well, that's great, you'll understand why I'm so excited later."

Watanabe Mari said to

Nanakusa Mayumi with a smile. Nanakusa Mayumi's expectations were aroused by Watanabe Mari.

The three of them walked towards the dining area, talking and laughing.

Speed Design Preliminary Competition

"how's it going?"

"The final adjustment is being made."

After hearing Watanabe Mari's question, Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the CAD on the machine and answered


Qianyu Yeyou's keyboard tapping sound stopped abruptly.

""I'll go this time."

According to convention, before each competition, the CAD must be handed over to the operation committee for testing to prevent cheating. After all, it is a magic festival in Japan, and the face still needs to be saved.

In the morning, Watanabe Mari's CAD was tested by herself, but in the afternoon, Qianyu Yeyou suddenly remembered that the operation committee was not very good. The guy in charge of operating the testing machine was a traitor. No one could guarantee that the guy would not do something to Nanakusa Mayumi's CAD if they participated.

"I can do this myself, no need to trouble you.

Nanakusa Mayumi thought that it was just a matter of convenience to test it, and there was no need to let Qianyu Yeyou make an extra trip.

"Okay, I'll go, you take a rest here first.

Qian Yuyeyou picked up the CAD on the operating table and walked towards the tent of the Operation Committee.

"Hey, I don't even have this treatment!"

The two people who stayed where they were were puzzled, and then Watanabe Mari began to tease Nanakusa Mayumi.

Nanakusa Mayumi blushed and punched Watanabe Mari's chest with her fist. Ahem, she was a little envious and jealous.

After walking in, I saw many people from the school queuing here, waiting for the test.

There was a desk in front of the line. The machine on the desk was running continuously, emitting scattered faint light. The strings of data and lines of different colors on the indicator showed whether the CAD was normal or not.

"Next one!"

As the people in front of him finished the test, Qianyu Yeyou really saw this guy in a blue work suit and with a serious face.

He put the CAD on the test table, and the screen showed the photo of Nanakusa Mayumi and the specific information of her school. As the machine ran, a blue line like a water wave swept across the CAD, constantly testing whether it contained magic or cheating methods that exceeded the power stipulated in the competition.

The operator looked normal and recorded it slowly. After the test, he gave the CAD belonging to Nanakusa Mayumi to Qianyu Yeyou.

You are sensible!

In this case, let Shiba Tatsuya worry about it.

Qianyu Yeyou saw that this guy was very honest, so he didn't say anything and turned around and left.

After all, Qianyu Yeyou had no evidence even if he wanted to catch him, and he didn't have that idea.


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