"We all know the strength of those contestants. It is difficult for them to win the men's ice column attack and defense."

"I am afraid that the men's icicle attack and defense event..."

"George, I know, I know everything!"

Kichijoji Makoro was interrupted by Ichijo Masaki.

"Even if they lose, we must give them confidence. I can't let them participate in the competition with the belief of escaping the summer heat."

After hearing what Ichijo Masahiro said, Kichijoji Shinkoro fell silent.

Indeed, not seeing the hope of victory is not a reason not to strive for victory. They should compete with confidence in themselves and perfectly display their strength. That's enough!

At least, no matter whether they win or lose, they will not lose confidence in themselves.


"Neither of us participated in this event, but the event we both participated in won the championship perfectly!"

Ichijo Masaki suddenly turned around with Kichijoji Shinkoro's familiar and confident smile on his face.


"My relatives and friends!"

When the confidence problem was solved at the Third High School, Nanakusa Mayumi and her friends, who had originally agreed to celebrate with Tiffany in the evening, had just walked into the tent of the Third High School when they found that Ichihara Suzune, Shiba Tatsuya, and Gori Kei were talking about something, and the atmosphere in the tent was a little solemn.

"what happened?"


The smile on Nanakusa Mayumi's face disappeared, and she frowned and looked at Ichihara Suzune.

"Oh, you're back!"

Ichihara Suzune greeted the others.

"The results are not satisfactory, and are different from the predicted results?"

Qian Yu Yeyou saw the nervous expressions on these people's faces and knew that there must be a problem with the men's project.


Ichihara Suzune looked at Qianyu Yeyou in surprise. She didn't expect him to think of this question.

But then she thought about it again. Even Qianyu Yeyou thought of the possible situation between them. She couldn't help but think of more.

"The men's group ball scoring results are not ideal, and we are recalculating the prospects of winning the total score."

Ichihara Suzune stared at the data on the computer screen and introduced the current situation.

"Judging from the current lead, as long as the women's wave board race takes the lead, and the men's ice pillar attack and defense, illusion star picking, and secret monument decoding win, they will be in the safe line."

The boy operating the computer said the optimal solution he calculated.

"In other words, out of the remaining six events in the final, we must win four of them?"

Shiba Tatsuya analyzed.

"Although it is only half of the total score, the results of the rookie competition will also affect the overall score.

Ichihara Suzune turned around and looked at the new contestants present, and said the unstable factors she was worried about.


"There will be no problem with the men's icicle attack and defense, right?"

"Junior Qianyu Yeyou!" Nanakusa Mayumi didn't seem so pessimistic.

"Don't worry, the men's ice column attack and defense will be no problem!"

Qianyu Yeyou said confidently

"Didn’t Xiaoling say that?"

"The rookie competition also has a great impact on the overall results!"

"You have to work hard too!"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Kitayama Shizuku and urged


Kitayama Shizuku nodded expressionlessly.

"And with Mari here, there will be no problem with surfing, right?"

Seeing Nanakusa Mayumi winking at him, Watanabe Mari smiled confidently.

"Of course!"

"The secret monument decoding is supported by the Tenmonji, so Morisaki's group shouldn't have any problems"

"Then the only thing left is picking stars in the fantasy world."

"I think the strength of Miyuki...."

"Miyuki is fine!"

Shiba Tatsuya rarely interrupted Nanakusa Mayumi and assured his sister confidently.


"Whenever he mentions his sister, Tatsuya is very confident!"

Nanakusa Mayumi glanced at Shiba Tatsuya meaningfully, but Shiba Tatsuya looked serious, so she didn't look at him any more.

"Well, it seems that our Third High School has a high chance of winning."

After hearing Nanakusa Mayumi's analysis, Ichihara Suzune suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether her team's group scoring performance was ideal or not.

What is this?

This is because I have the advantage!

Time passed quickly, and the sky dimmed unknowingly. The shining sun was replaced by artificial light.

Qianyu Yeyou was in the room, doing his own thing. The sound of keyboard tapping continued to ring, and sometimes he stopped the rhythm of tapping, frowning, as if he was stumped by some problem. The text on the computer was deleted and modified again and again, and the progress was very slow. It was completely different from the smoothness and smoothness of adjusting CAD for others. It was like the stumbling of a beginner.

"Knock, knock, knock!"


When Qianyu Yeyou heard the knock on the door, he was stunned for a moment, then he remembered something and immediately got up to open the door.

When he opened the door, it was Nanakusa Mayumi who came into view.

"Excuse me, junior fellow!"

Then, he walked into Qianyu Yeyou's room.

"Excuse me!"

Then came Watanabe Mari, Tiffana, Shiba Tatsuya and his sister, Chiba Erica, Shibata Mitsuki, Kitayama Shizuku, Mitsui Eika, Leoharut, Yoshida Mikiko.

Even the vice president Hattori Keibu came.

These people were holding some food or a large bottle of drink. Only the maverick Leoharut was holding a silver rectangular box. Qianyu Yeyou took a few more glances and thought it was probably the little toy.

Good guy, Qianyu Yeyou's room is big enough, otherwise these people can't get in.

Qianyu Yeyou knew at a glance that these people did not come together. Looking at the box in Leoharut's hand, you can tell that Nanakusa Mayumi, Watanabe Mari, Tiffana, and Hattori Keibu must have met this group of people later.


A group of people gathered in a big circle and sat on Qianyu Yeyou's pitiful bed. Fortunately, the bed was big enough, so there were still people sitting on the chairs.

"Congratulations to the president and senior sister Mori for their victory!"

Qianyu Yeyou also raised the goblet in his hand, clinked it with the two of them, and drank the drink in the cup.

"Your room is really nice!"

Qiye Erica was sitting by the window. As long as she turned her head slightly, she could see the scenery outside.

In the quiet night, the starlight and the lights intertwined, and the darkness of the night and the light of the stars intersected, creating a quiet beauty.


"By the way, the magic you used today was developed by yourself, right?"

When everyone heard Qianye Erica's question, they all pricked up their ears and looked at Qianyu Yeyou's face with anticipation.


"It's called"Quantum Smash"」"

Qianyu Yeyou nodded. It was just a name, so there was nothing to worry about. Moreover, even if he could tell the principle, it would be a copy of the same type of magic at most. Without the support of the quantum field, it would not be as perfect as Qianyu Yeyou's. It could be said that many of Qianyu Yeyou's magics were encrypted.

Moreover, even if he didn't know the principle, as long as he knew the effect, others could also copy it. It didn't matter whether he told it or not, unless Qianyu Yeyou never used this kind of magic in front of others, or killed everyone who saw it, but this was impossible.

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