"Quantum Smash」?"

"Does that mean it can be quantized?"

Nanakusa Mayumi put her finger on the corner of her mouth with some doubt, pretending to think.

"Well, it should be a molecular operation on individual intelligence entities, right?"

Shiba Miyuki also frowned and thought.

Although Shiba Tatsuya also agreed with his sister's statement, he always felt that it seemed not that simple.

"No, it is to interfere with the most basic particles of individual intelligence bodies in the microscopic state by magic, so that the particles can self-decompose, thus causing the overall collapse of individual intelligence bodies from a macroscopic perspective, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying individual intelligence bodies."

Qianyu Yeyou corrected Shiba Miyuki's statement.

When Qianyu Yeyou said this, everyone was silent, except for Tiffany, who had seen it before, so her expression was very normal.

They were all thinking, how can we make the most basic particles of individual intelligence bodies self-decompose, what is this method? Does this method really exist?

In an instant, many questions appeared in their minds, even Shiba Da was no exception.

His"decomposition" belongs to his own inherent magic, which is the so-called"characteristic", and others can't use it at all.

At least now no one can do the same as him.

When he saw Qianyu Yeyou's"Quantum Smash" for the first time, he also thought that this was a person who could also use"decomposition", but he soon denied the conclusion of self-decomposition.

It's very simple. The person who is most familiar with the magic of"decomposition" is not someone else, but himself.

Qianyu Yeyou's"Quantum Smash" cannot be said to have any relationship, but can only be said to be completely different.

These are magics that achieve similar goals in two directions, and the results cannot be said to be the same.

It is similar to his"Clouds and Mists Dissipate", but still different.

"Oh, by the way, the Magic University wants to record your magic, remember to help.

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly remembered something and reminded Qianyu Yeyou.

Qianyu Yeyou ran too fast before, so the people from the Magic University found her, so she just mentioned it.


Qianyu Yeyou nodded.

But what he thought in his heart is another matter.

Then a group of people chatted and laughed, talking about the past, the present, and the future. A group of people imagined their careers as magicians, but among them, Shiba Miyuki seemed a little silent.

Qianyu Yeyou also knew why, so he winked at her quietly, and then sent her a message with his mobile terminal.

Shiba Miyuki noticed the prompt on the mobile terminal and took it out to take a look.

"Those things that make you unhappy will eventually pass, so relax and have a better mood, girl!"


"What's going on?"

"So funny?"

When Mari Watanabe saw Shiba Miyuki suddenly laughing while holding the mobile terminal, he came over curiously.


Shiba Miyuki quickly put away her mobile terminal and responded with a smile.

Seeing her sister smiling again and chatting with everyone enthusiastically, Shiba Tatsuya, who wanted to comfort her sister, cast a grateful look at Qianyu Yeyou. Qianyu Yeyou gave this guy a helpless look, which made Shiba Tatsuya confused.

"Good man, aren’t you afraid that your sister will fall in love with someone else?"

"Thank you for that..."


"Given how much of a brother complex Shiba Miyuki has, it seems like this is really not possible."

"That's fine."

Qianyu Yeyou was talking to Nanakusa Mayumi and the others while thinking silently

"Bye now!"

"See you tomorrow!"

As time passed, it was finally time to leave. A group of boys and girls waved goodbye.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to finish watching this game."

Tiffany sighed quietly to Qianyu Yeyou.

"Is there something going on over there?"


"I've been out for a while, and I've achieved my purpose of coming here to see you. I'm afraid there are a lot of things piled up at home, so it's time to go back."

Tiffany explained, looking at the pig she raised at home with some reluctance.

"It's a pity that I can't take you to the airport. Be careful on the way.

Qian Yu Yeyou also knew that Difanna had been with him for a long time and she was still needed there. She couldn't be a hands-off boss for too long, but he couldn't take this elder sister away now.

"Don't forget to come to your sister's house and play for a while when you have time."

Tiffany waved her hand and walked outside.


Qianyu Yeyou sighed. She would not be able to see this elder sister when she returned home.

Qianyu Yeyou stood at the stairs, watching Tiffany get into the car through the window and gradually go away, then walked towards her room.


"Why are you still here?"

Qianyu Yeyou opened the door and saw Fubu Xingbu still in his room, a little confused.

"Um, I would like you to help me adjust the CAD."

Hattori Keibu hesitated for a moment, then turned into a determined look.


After saying that, Hattori Keibu bowed respectfully to Qianyu Yeyou and asked.

Hattori Keibu has been very distressed recently.

Although he can finally perform normally with the help of Shiba Tatsuya, Shiba Tatsuya can only spare time to help him adjust the CAD.

Shiba Tatsuya is responsible for many contestants, and he will be busier and busier in the future.

Hattori Keibu also has the idea of relieving Shiba Tatsuya's pressure.

What's more important is that seeing the exaggerated improvement of Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari, it is impossible not to be moved, not to mention that he is not sure of winning the next game, so after thinking for a long time, he still came to Qianyu Yeyou.

"Shiba Tatsu has no time either?"

Qian Yu Yeyou clearly remembered that it was Shiba Tatsuya who came to help the Hattori and the Ministry of Justice, so why did he come to find him?

"He will be responsible for many players next, and the work will not be easy."

Futori Keibu said seriously.

"With his skills, even if you are added, it won't be too much. He can handle it."

"Are you sure there is no other reason?"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled and stared at Fubu Xingbu.

"Well, to be honest, after two days of observation, I am not sure I can defeat my opponent, and I saw the incredible strength bonus shown by the CAD that you debugged, so I want to ask you for help."

Qianyu Yeyou listened and nodded.

No wonder!

"Now is not the time for me to act on my own for the sake of face. If it can increase the chances of the Third High School winning, I will do it without hesitation!"

Futori Keibu is indeed more face-conscious, but this guy also has a strong sense of collective honor.

"Sure, please send me the project and specific time of your subsequent competition later."


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