The two puppets who were secretly approaching Hinata Satoru twisted strangely, posing in various strange poses.

"Is Hyuga Satoru's magnetic escape so terrifying?"

"Even puppets..."

On the other side, the Konoha ninja who wanted to support was dumbfounded.

The movement of every joint, every angle of opening and closing, and even just the right shaking, all interpret…

What is a puppet superstar! (tactical lean back)

Looking at this scene, Rin Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief.

Having been with Hinata Satoru for so long, she naturally knew that Hinata Satoru's magnetic escape was not just for metals like Shuriken Kunai.

To be exact, as long as it is metal, he can control it!

It is precisely because of this that she stopped the Konoha ninja who wanted to support. These puppets seemed to be arrogant and threatening.

But in Hyuga Satoru's eyes, it's just a humanoid toy for entertainment.

After trembling for a while, the two humanoid puppets suddenly disintegrated, revealing the metal parts that had been twisted into a ball.

Hyuga Satoru snorted coldly.

Don't tell me who the other party is!

Don't tell me how many people there are!

Just a puppet master!

I **** kill!

Chiyo's eyes were three-pointed with shock, three-pointed dull, and four-pointed with ashes.

Only now did she realize that she was so wrong!

It turns out that what Hyuga Satoru can control is not just the metals like the Kunai Shuriken, but even the special metals in the puppet's body can be easily manipulated!

In the process of making a puppet, it is impossible not to add metal, whether it is for the needs of joint movement or to improve the strength of the puppet body.

In other words...

The puppet master had no threat to Hyuga Satoru at all!

A deep sadness and fear flooded her heart. Over the years, after dozens of battles, she had never been so panicked.

What is the concept of this ability?

As long as Hi Xiangwu leads a team of elites, they can even directly enter Shayin Village, cos Zhao Zilong goes in and out seven times!

Nearly half of Shayin Village's combat power is puppet masters, and in Hyuga Satoru's eyes, these ninjas are just serving food.

For the rest, if the Kunai Shuriken cannot be used, their strength will be greatly reduced.

This child must not be left!

After the strong fear is over, only the thick killing intent is left!

Hyuga Satoru must not be allowed to live!

At this age, he is far from the peak of his strength, once he has fully grown up.

Chiyo took a deep breath.

As long as he is willing, he can completely destroy a country by one person!

Shayin Village is removed from the name!

Taking a deep breath, Chiyo immediately calmed down his head and shouted in a deep voice.

"Retire all puppet masters and immediately recycle all puppets!"

After hearing Chiyo's order, the surrounding puppets hurriedly responded, moving their fingers slightly, trying to control the puppet to return.

However, it was too late.

"After being arrogant for so long, you want to run away?"

Hyuga Satoru snorted coldly.

I saw a large number of puppets around, and the body suddenly twitched a few times, and then, as if suffering from pink eye, waving a weapon and rushing towards his own puppet master.

"It's a long life! The puppet chops the puppet master!"

It wasn't just who roared first, the scene was very chaotic for a time.

Those puppets that were still connected to the blue chakra lines chased their puppet masters like crazy.

Like chopped ribs, with the sound of creaking, the ninja knife in his hand kept chopping off.

so brutal...

Those Konoha ninjas onlookers twitched their eyelids.

Even if they have lived for so many years, they have never seen such a tragic scene. The puppet master was dismembered by his own puppet. Who is to make sense?

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's eyes, he became more and more frightened.

Chiyo’s teeth are about to be shattered. The training of puppet masters is different from that of ordinary ninjas, which requires a lot of resources. The production of each puppet also requires a lot of money and manpower.

Now, it's all ruined...

There seemed to be bloodshots in the eyeballs, Chiyo stared at Hyuga Satoru, wishing to peel it off and cramp!

"Is the priority of Magnetic Dun above the puppet master?"

This kind of unscientific magnetic escape is simply unheard of!

Obviously, while Hyuga Satoru was manipulating the puppet, the puppet master was also trying his best to control the puppet.

But with little success!

The most obvious effect is to make the puppet cut down slower, or to freeze for a while after cutting the knife.

Not only can it not help myself to solve the predicament, but it is even more painful to die.


Chiyo took a slight breath, with murderous intent in his eyes, took out a scroll, and threw it up high.

"Can you control the puppets made by the ancestor of the puppet master!"

The huge white scroll unfolded impressively, and ten strange characters were twisted and wriggled in blue light.

In an instant, he turned into ten strange puppets in white robes.

White Secret Skill! Near Song ten people!

Ten legendary puppets left behind by the puppet's ancestor, Zaemon!

Chapter 82 Come, Thousand Generations, Jump to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss

Ten strange puppets with strange shapes and white robes.

The moment he was summoned, he was controlled by Chiyo and immediately threw away the metal weapon on his body.

Menzaemon was the first generation of puppet masters, the ancestor of puppets. In his time, the secret method of making puppets was completely different from today.

Even if metal is used, the amount is quite rare.

More, it is made of other high-strength materials.

Although throwing away the armed metal ninja tools will greatly reduce the attack ability of the puppet, but now, Chiyo has no choice.

Those puppet masters who were hacked to death by their own puppets were still vividly remembered, and some did not die immediately, but were lying in a pool of blood and wailing in pain.

Chiyo carefully opened the distance, and controlled the white secret skill puppet to make a creaking sound, and surrounded Hyuga Satoru.

Sure enough, while approaching, the puppet body responded with a strong resistance, as if it had its own consciousness.

But under the control of her thick Chakra, this kind of change was suppressed one after another.

"so close!"

Chiyo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he is the strongest puppet master in the world. Whether it is the ability and skill of manipulating puppets, or the depth of Chakra, they are far from what ordinary puppet masters can match.

Coupled with this special puppet from the ancestor of the puppet master, he was finally able to suppress Hyuga Satoru's counter-control and avoid being hacked to death by his own puppet.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.

He can perceive a small amount of metal parts inside these puppets, but it is too difficult to compete for the control of these ten puppets just through this.


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

My abilities are not so simple as they appear on the surface.

Those puppets that had been completely controlled by him, after solving their own puppet masters, rushed towards the ten white secret skill puppets surrounding them.

But the gap in quality is almost irreparable.

After a few simple fights, it was torn apart by the white secret skill puppet, and the parts were scattered.

"Should we go up and help?"

On the Konoha Ninja side, someone looked worried and looked at Rin Uchiha hesitantly.

"No! I believe in Wu's ability, it will never be that simple."

Even though she said so, the clenched palm revealed the tension in her heart.

After all, the opponent is Shayin Village Kagesuke Chiyo, who was already famous in the ninja world during World War II, and his prestige is even higher than that of the newly appointed fourth-generation Kazekage Luosha.

The Ergou jade writing wheel has opened, staring firmly at every change in the battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru here.

It's still a big fight between puppets.

Because of the fear of Hyuga Satoru's magnetic escape ability, none of Bai Secret Skill's ten puppets were equipped with any metal weapons.

Relying on the absolute advantage in quality, Kankan has the upper hand.

After some chaos, the original clean white robe became tattered, revealing the puppet's body.

Almost everyone didn't notice.

While the puppets were fighting, some black liquid was squirming along the puppets controlled by Hyuga Satoru and onto those white secret skills puppets.

Like small black bugs, they drilled into the inside of the white secret technique puppet along the gap...

Chiyo couldn't help showing a sneer on his face when he saw that his white secret puppet had the upper hand.

"It seems that you are nothing more than this. For the future of Shayin Village, you must be eliminated this time!"

But soon, she was stunned.

The resistance of manipulating the white secret technique puppet suddenly increased countless times, and every movement was abnormally astringent, as if the joints were filled with mercury.

"How... what happened?"

Chiyo looked terrified and spoke in horror.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

In the X-Men movie Reversing the Future, the young Lao Wan manipulated the rails on the train and drilled into the body of the sentinel in order to deal with the little demon's mechanical sentinel.

Thus gaining control of the Sentinel robot!

After that, Lao Wan led his sentinel brother and made his debut in a diamond ring on the football field.

Hyuga Satoru's nano-magnetic fluid is more than a star and a half stronger than railroad tracks?

The magnetic fluid particles he manipulated are all between 1 nanometer and 10 nanometers in size. This special nanoparticle, with a coercive force of 0, exhibits superparamagnetic properties.

As long as you enter the inside of the white secret technique puppet and attach to the corresponding mechanical joints, the ability to control it will far exceed Chiyo!

This is also the reason why Chiyo suddenly lost control of the puppet. With her ability, she wants to compete with the nano-magnetic body for control, and she is still tender.

The scene suddenly changed.

The ten white secret technique puppets that originally surrounded Hyuga Gou suddenly turned around and surrounded Chiyo.

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