
Chiyo was completely stunned.

Not only Chiyo, but the Konoha ninja who were watching not far away, and the remaining part, the sand ninja who cheered for Chiyo, were all stunned for a moment.

what happened?

Isn't Hyuga Satoru unable to manipulate the White Secret Skill Puppet?

Why was it turned upside down in an instant?

Ten disheveled puppets surrounded the thin and thin Chiyo?

Uchiha Rin looked at this scene, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the palm that had been clenched was loosened, revealing the sweat-stained palm.

"It's dangerous, it seems that I didn't underestimate Wu, he really is holding back his big move."

Immediately, a curious look appeared on her face, staring intently at the battlefield.

"What will happen next?"

"Chiyo's defeat is a foregone conclusion, isn't it? What method will Satoru use to solve her?"

Soon, when she saw the change in the puppet, she was stunned.

He opened his mouth slightly sluggishly.


What a moral downfall!

Or a human twist!

A certain disheveled ten big puppets actually formed a group on the battlefield, facing the thousand-year-old mother-in-law who was over half a hundred years old...

Take turns dancing in the Pure Land of Bliss!

I saw those white secret puppets, twisting their body weirdly, and while dancing their upper body, they also stretched out their right feet together, shaking their legs against Chiyo in the middle.

Chiyo collapsed in an instant.

She has been in the ninja world for decades, and she has never seen such a scene.

ashamed! humiliation!

All kinds of mixed feelings came up.

I can't wait to slam into the puppet and directly end the rest of my life.

"It doesn't smell like that..."

Hyuga Satoru rubbed his chin and frowned slightly.

Just jumping like this, there is no familiar bgm, it really doesn't taste like that.

In an instant, he had an idea.

The principle of sound is to convert electrical signals into sound signals through electromagnets, and then diffuse them out through vibration.

In this case, he can simply simulate it.

Controlling the magnetic fluid in the white secret puppet's body, the rhythmic vibrations convert the melody in his memory into sound waves, which are released through the puppet's mouth.


A brisk and jumping melody suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

Really bring your own bgm!

Although there is still a lot of gap with the Pure Land of Bliss in his memory, the sound is serious and the tone is not right.


"The taste is finally right."

Hyuga Satoru laughed.

"Chiyo, don't be idle, let's dance together!"

"This is the gift I prepared for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, those white secret skills puppets dancing in the Pure Land of Bliss froze.

While playing bgm, he grabbed Chiyo, like manipulating a puppet, and controlled her to put on various strange poses.

Chiyo's whole body was only the head that could be freely controlled. In the circle of puppets, he raised his head in humiliation, and a line of hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Yangtian sighed.

"Old body... ashamed!"

Chapter 83 Luo Sha! help me

"My God? Is that Chiyo-sama?"

"Damn, what is that **** doing to Lord Chiyo?"

"How dare you humiliate our Shayin leader like this!"

On the battlefield, the sound of gnashing teeth could be heard from time to time, and the remaining Sand Ninja could not wait to swarm up and dismember Hinata Satoru alive.

Suddenly, there was Sand Ren sighing with emotion.

"Actually, Chiyo-sama is pretty cool too!"

? ? ?

The rest of the sand ninja looked at the man in shock!

Chiyo has the heart to die, and can't wait to bite his tongue, directly kill his life, and save the rest of his life for the rest of his life.

But she was horrified to find that now she can't even bite her tongue!

The body is completely out of control.

If it was said that he was manipulated by his own puppet before and had no choice but to start dancing, but now, his body is involuntarily dancing that strange dance called "Pure Land of Bliss".

Gosh! Yaoshou!

This is really not my intention!

I can't control my body at all!


As the strongest puppet master in Sandyin Village, he was actually controlled by his own puppet in front of the public.

Who's to make sense of this?

"This beast!"

Chiyo, who couldn't control her body, could only express her anger with her eyes.

Just like the old saying, if eyes can kill, Hyuga Satoru has already been made into a shoko by Chiyo.

It must be the ghost of this Hyuga brat!

Before, I suddenly felt that there was a sticky liquid in the puppet's body, as if it had life, and got into the body.

Then he suddenly couldn't control himself, and took the initiative to cooperate with the puppet to dance this ugly dance.

Is it some top-level puppet master ability?

Is it more powerful than the chakra line control ability?

She was completely dead, and since she could no longer resist, Chiyo simply gave up her struggle and began to think about the source of this strange ability.

The puppet master uses the chakra line released by the fingertips to control the puppet. If it is connected to the weak ninja, it can also be controlled.

The point is, Chiyo has never found traces of Chakra invasion from his own body.

This is what scares her the most!

This ability does not require chakra? ? ?

This unscientific!

The shocking discussions surrounding Sand Shinobi reached her ears one by one.

She knew that Hyuga Satoru didn't choose to kill herself, and let herself dance this dance in public, in order to destroy the will of Sandyin Village from the root!

It can be expected that her deeds will spread throughout the Ninja world in the future.

Even some horns, there will be ninja surprises talking about that shadowsuke Chiyo of Sandyin Village was actually controlled by his own puppet!

The reputation of Shayin Village will also suffer a devastating blow!

How can I ask, even one of the leaders of his own village was so easily played by the enemy?

In the future, how will the ninjas of Sandyin Village behave?

Will be ridiculed for a lifetime!

A chill poured out from Chiyo's heart, she knew that with her own strength, she could not break free no matter what.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally made up her mind.

Chakra surged in the body and rushed to the abdominal cavity.

He raised his head suddenly and let out a piercing roar.

"Luo Sha, save me!"

The sound seemed to turn into sound waves, spreading out in circles with her as the center.

Luo Sha stepped on the gold dust flying carpet and looked down at the Orochimaru below from midair.

The duel between sand waves and snake waves continues.

In terms of quantity, the placer gold surge summoned by the placer gold explosion far exceeded the formation of the Ten Thousand Snakes. Under the impact of the placer gold surge, a large number of brown poisonous snakes were buried alive.

If you deal with regular ninjas, these venomous snakes will be very scary, especially for intensive phobias with increased damage bonus.

However, gold dust is a dead thing, and they are not afraid of poisonous snakes, nor do they need to worry about the effects of toxins.

However, whenever the placer gold surge drowned the snake group, the buried poisonous snakes would actually explode directly!

With the rumbling roar, the big wave of placer gold was directly blown to pieces, and after Luo Sha re-manipulated the placer gold to gather, another group of poisonous snakes attacked.

"Orochimaru, is his stomach a bottomless pit?"

Luo Sha frowned slightly, staring at the Orochimaru below with a slight dislike.

The latter is lying on the ground like a four-legged lizard, as if doing a nucleic acid test, the boss with his mouth open.

Dense poisonous snakes are constantly crawling out of his mouth.

From the battle until now, he has maintained this posture, constantly summoning a large number of poisonous snakes.

It is precisely because of this that the snake group can maintain a certain number under the continuous self-destruction attack.

"It should be a special psychic technique. It is connected to a snake cave in Longdi Cave, and the poisonous snakes are continuously transported."

Luo Sha thought for a while, and said with a frown.

In this case, the battle between him and Orochimaru can only be stalemate.

Even if it was a sneak attack with gold dust, it had to be able to get past the densely packed snakes.

However, Luo Sha was not in any hurry.

The strength of the ninja sent by Konoha has been thoroughly understood by him.

Not to mention that the number of regular ninjas on his side greatly exceeds that of Konoha, in terms of top combat power, Minato Namikaze was dragged by Ye Cang, and he is fighting Orochimaru.

But Chiyo is empty, and it will definitely cause a terrifying suppression force to Konoha's regular ninjas.

For Chiyo, Luo Sha is still quite at ease.

After all, from the second-generation Kazekage period, he became known as the powerhouse of the ninja world.

And the special identity of the puppet master will be maximized on the battlefield!

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