The next day.

When Hinata Satoru arrived at school, he found that the way his classmates looked at him had changed.

Shock, envy, admiration, jealousy... and other emotions were mixed in their eyes, all cast at Hinata Satoru.

Hinata Satoru saw Iroha looking at him with complicated eyes. When he found that Iroha was looking at him, he immediately turned his head back and didn't want to look at him.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Hongdou next to him curiously put her face close to him.

"Hey, Wu, are you really the dual bloodline they claim you are?"

"Of course." Hinata Wu rolled his eyes at her.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone who possesses two bloodline limits at the same time. It's incredible. I thought one was the limit."

"Are you stupid because you eat sweets every day? The Hidden Mist Village also had double bloodline ninjas before. Although they are rare, they are not extinct. Read more books, okay?"

If Red Bean had been ridiculed by Hinata Satoru in the past, she would have immediately retorted with dissatisfaction, but now that she found out that he was a double bloodline genius, she just nodded quietly and said"Oh".

At this moment, Hinata Satoru found someone walking towards here, and when he looked up, it was Uchiha Rin

"What's the matter?"

Hinata Satoru's voice was not loud. After all, after what happened at the Nanhe River that night, he was worried that Uchiha Rin still had a grudge and came to cause trouble.

Uchiha Rin said calmly:"Let's have a fight after school." Hinata


No way? No way?

Is it that necessary?

Elementary school students making an appointment to fight after school???

As if he realized that his wording was inappropriate, Uchiha Rin considered his words:"I was unwilling to lose to you last time, and I learned some new ninjutsu. Let's have a competition after school." Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief

, and couldn't help but complain in his heart, Brother, you can have a competition if you want, what do you mean by a fight after school?

"Compared to Kakashi, you are a more suitable opponent."

Uchiha Rin looked at him straight.

Do you want to use me as a training opponent?

Hinata Satoru smiled bitterly in his heart.

What a roll king!

He rolled Kakashi before, but now he finds that I am stronger than Kakashi, so he wants to roll me?

After thinking for a moment, Hinata Satoru looked at her and said thoughtfully:"Do you want to use me as a training opponent? It's an interesting idea, not impossible.……"

Uchiha Rin's face lit up with joy

"So you agree?"

"Don't be happy so quickly." Hinata Wu rolled his eyes at her,"I can fight you again, but if you lose, you must agree to one of my conditions."

One condition???

Uchiha Rin frowned slightly.

"May I know what the condition is?"

"No way!" Hinata Satoru shook his head,"That's the meaning of betting!"

Uchiha Rin frowned

"Then if you ask me to do something weird, I have to agree to it?"

Hearing this, Hinata Satoru's expression froze. If he had been drinking water just now, he might have shot Uchiha Rin in the face.


Then, he showed a thoughtful look.

Uchiha Rin clenched his fists, gritted his teeth slightly, and there seemed to be a ridge on his forehead.

"Asshole...don't take it seriously!"

"Ahahahaha… just kidding.……"

Hinata Satoru smiled awkwardly.

He felt the icy breath on Uchiha Rin, as if he would pounce on him and eat him alive in the next second.

Hongdou looked at Hinata Satoru for a while, and then looked at the silent Uchiha Rin.

He grinned slightly, revealing a hint of expectation and playfulness.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that this condition will not involve anything weird. If you think it's too much, you can even reject it directly."

Hinata Satoru said seriously. Uchiha

Rin thought for a moment and raised his head.

"OK! It’s a deal!"


After school, Uchiha Rin followed Hinata Satoru to the grove behind the mountain. The stream of the Nanhe River flowed through the woods, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the dead leaves on the ground through the gaps between the treetops, which was very pleasant.

Because he was defeated by Hinata Satoru last time, Uchiha Rin strongly proposed the idea of fighting by the Nanhe River again.

Of course, this time the location is still a long way from the Uchiha clan.

No one will come to disturb them.

"Do you usually practice here? Why don't you go to the family's training ground?"

Uchiha Rin looked around, staring at Hinata Satoru with a hint of curiosity.

Hinata Satoru sighed:"You know, a long-standing family like the Hyuga family always has a lot of rules and regulations. Here, I can be more free." Uchiha Rin thought of some stubborn elders in the family and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, it was for this reason that I chose to practice beside the Nanhe River."

She looked at Hinata Satoru in front of her, and suddenly felt that they had some similarities.

The afterglow of the setting sun spread over the Nanhe River nearby, and golden fragments flowed with the water.

In the silence, Uchiha Rin spoke first.

"let's start!"

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