As soon as Uchiha Rin finished speaking, he swung his palm violently.

With the sound of several slicing air, several kunai quickly flew towards Hinata Satoru, aiming at his vital parts.


After seeing the material of the kunai, Hinata Satoru's pupils shrank slightly.

Knowing that my ability can control metal, did you replace all the ninja tools with wood in advance?

After figuring this out, Hinata Satoru's face was solemn, and his body rolled backwards, narrowly avoiding all the attacks of the kunai.

Uchiha Rin touched the ninja tool bag on his waist and threw out a bunch of wooden kunai again. These kunai collided with each other in the air and changed their trajectories, turning into an airtight net that swept away. Hinata Satoru was shocked. He actually used the Uchiha throwing technique on wooden kunai. You know, the rebound coefficients of metal and wood are completely different. The same throwing technique is much more difficult with wood!

I didn't get any benefit from using this trick last time, and now I change to wood and use the same trick again?

Hinata Satoru smiled bitterly.

What a king of rolls!

It's conceivable���Uchiha Rin spent a lot of effort training in secret in order to repeat this move with a wooden kunai.

Holding the metal kunai, Hinata Satoru backed away while blocking all the kunai that were shot at him. Fortunately, his reaction speed was greatly improved due to the activation of the electric current, and it was more than enough to deal with this kind of attack. Glancing out of the corner of his eye

, he saw that the place where Uchiha Rin had stood before was already empty. There was a sound of breaking air beside him, and a slender leg swept across, with the toes facing his chest.

Hinata Satoru dodged sideways, and the toes passed through his chest, and the wind from his legs whistled.

Are you going to be serious?

Feeling the pressure, Hinata Satoru did not dare to underestimate it. He opened his Byakugan and entered a combat state.

The snapping sound of flesh colliding continued to echo in the woods, shaking the leaves on the big trees to fall one by one and land on the ground.

"Why don't you use soft fist?" Uchiha Rin asked curiously.

"I don't like that thing very much. The soft fist is too rigid and has too many limitations."

Hinata Goti blocked Uchiha Rin's calf with his palm, and used his right fist to hit her thigh, forcing her to retreat.

"But if I split the boxing techniques and attack the weak points, it will be more suitable for my rhythm."

Uchiha Rin nodded. If it was a regular soft fist, the single attack routine might not be so oppressive to her, but Hinata Satoru's attack was disorganized, and every blow hit her weak points, which made her a little flustered.

Seeing that getting close to her would not be beneficial, Uchiha Rin took a step back, distanced himself from Hinata Satoru, and formed seals with both hands at the same time.

After seeing the order of the seals, Hinata Satoru raised his eyebrows and said with some contempt:"You dare to use the Great Fireball, wasn't the lesson last time enough?"

However, Uchiha Rin seemed not to have heard his words. He took a deep breath and instantly spewed out an orange-red hot fireball.

Hinata Satoru was shocked. The fireball was not attacking him, but the open space between him and Uchiha Rin!

Due to the drastic shortening of the attack distance, the fireball instantly hit the ground. The orange-red flames swept the fallen leaves and flew everywhere. The gray-black smoke mixed with sparks exploded and suddenly swallowed Hinata Satoru. Hinata

Satoru had to jump back to avoid it immediately.

Just as he had just exited the range of the flame explosion, a cold wind suddenly blew from behind.

Before he could react, slender arms wrapped around his upper body, controlling his hands and body together, and a wooden kunai was aimed at his throat.

Uchiha Rin held the wooden kunai aimed at Hinata Satoru's throat, a hint of pride appeared on her pretty face, and her lips pursed.

"I won!"

Haha... took advantage of my contempt for the fireball, attacked the ground and exploded the flames, forcing me to dodge in a hurry, and then predicted my landing position in advance and attacked from behind?

Although the main reason was because I was careless and didn't dodge.

But Hinata Satoru couldn't help but praise, Uchiha Rin's combat thinking, I'm afraid it's not weaker than that of an ordinary Genin.


"You think you can beat me with just this method? Your idea is too simple."

He raised his mouth slightly.

"Have you forgotten my other bloodline limit?"

Uchiha Rin's pupils shrank slightly, as if she remembered something, and her perspective moved slightly downward. Suddenly, a chill rose up along her spine.

She saw a metal shuriken floating at her throat, slowly spinning.


Her voice was trembling, and her previous arrogance was no longer there.

"At the moment your fireball exploded, I used magnetic escape to control four shurikens floating around. As long as you appear, these shurikens will definitely take your life. In short,……"

"I predicted that you predicted my prediction!"

After hearing this, Uchiha Rin searched for a while and found the other three slowly rotating shurikens floating around her body.

"Magnetic escape...what a terrifying ability"

"I lost……"

The kunai was removed from Hinata Satoru's throat powerlessly. Uchiha Rin's eyes no longer had the previous color, only loss and shock.

"Hey, don't give up on yourself. After all, your Sharingan hasn't awakened yet. If you had a Sharingan, the result would be hard to say."

Fearing that the other party would give up on himself, Hinata Satoru couldn't help but comfort him.

"You don't need to comfort me, I'm not that fragile yet."

Glancing coldly at Hinata Satoru, Uchiha Rin's eyes returned to their previous color.

"Tell me, what are your conditions?"

Uchiha Rin put the wooden kunai back into the ninja bag on her waist and stared coldly at Hinata Satoru.

She agreed to Hinata Satoru's conditions before the battle. Since she lost, she naturally had to fulfill the contract.

She believed that she still had some spirit of contract.

"But let me tell you in advance, if you dare to make any excessive demands……"Uchiha Rin bit her lip,"Even if it costs me my life, I will kill you!"

"Not really!"

Recognizing the coldness in Uchiha Rin's voice, Hinata Satoru touched his head and smiled.

Then, he took out a blueprint from his arms and handed it to Uchiha Rin.

"You Uchiha clan and the Ninja Neko clan have a good relationship, right? The cat lady in the Ninja Neko clan is one of the largest ninja tool merchants in the ninja world. I would like to ask you to customize this thing for me. I will pay you the price."

Uchiha Rin was stunned.

She took the blueprint. It was a weapon similar to a crossbow, but it was different from anything she had seen before.

"That's it?"

Uchiha Rin looked up at Hinata Satoru in astonishment.

"What do you think?"

Hinata Satoru rolled his eyes at her.

He had basically asked all the ninja tool shops in Konoha. It was very difficult to customize this kind of sophisticated electromagnetic cannon. The Uchiha clan was also on good terms with the largest ninja tool merchant in the ninja world, Granny Cat, and was the clan in Konoha that was least short of ninja tools.

To put it bluntly, he was just using Uchiha Rin's connections.

"I'll take care of this matter. No need to pay for anything. It's a piece of cake."

Uchiha Rin said generously.

"Really... Then thank you, Rin."

Hinata Satoru was stunned. Uchiha Rin's words made him embarrassed.

He had asked about the price in advance. This set of weapons would cost tens of thousands of taels at least. He had originally planned to let Uchiha Rin take advantage of their friendship as classmates to get a discount.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Rin didn't want to pay!

This guy...

Could she be a rich woman?

Hinata Satoru's eyes lit up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Uchiha Rin looked at him in confusion.


Hinata Satoru swallowed his saliva. Uchiha Rin was a little cold little loli with long black hair. This eye contact made his heart beat faster.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

You can't be a Titled Douluo!!!

"But I have a doubt."

Uchiha Rin said hesitantly

"Why is your Magnetic Style so powerful? I remember that ordinary Magnetic Style can't control shuriken and kunai so freely, right? Otherwise, Sand Village wouldn't be the weakest of the five major villages."

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