The black mass of insects was like a black cloud, sweeping towards Hinata Satoru and the other two.

Is the fight starting now? Didn't they warn us?

Hinata Satoru's scalp was tingling, and he wanted to jump out of the swarm of insects, but suddenly there was a dense buzzing sound from behind. In just a short moment, a large group of parasitic insects began to bite his back.

"If you are bitten by a parasitic bug, your chakra will be sucked dry."

Behind the swarm of insects, Aburame Shiwei pushed up his black sunglasses and said,"Let me see what you, a double-blooded person, can do."

However, just as he finished speaking, an arc of electricity suddenly appeared on Hinata Satoru's back, and all the biting insects stiffened and fell to the ground with a crackling sound, emitting a burning smell.

"Lightning escape? Did this guy learn lightning escape?"

Aburame Shiwei showed a surprised look.

Compared with Hinata Satoru's calmness, the other two were not so relaxed. Uchiha Rin held a kunai in both hands and attacked the surrounding insect swarm. The sharp cold light flashed, and the parasite was split in two. The ground was gradually covered with a layer of insect remains.

But this trend did not last long. Soon, small bites from the parasite appeared on her arms.

"Bugs, so disgusting!"Uchiha Rin's eyes were filled with disgust.

Giving up attacking the bugs, she jumped back suddenly, leaping into the air from the encirclement of the bugs, and quickly formed seals with her palms.

At the same time, a dense swarm of bugs swept towards her, like a ball of black mist.

Hot chakra surged up from her throat, Uchiha Rin took a deep breath, and spit out at the black mist from midair.

"Fire escape! Great fireball technique."

The huge orange fireball instantly engulfed the pursuing insects, and charred ashes fell from the sky, emitting a smell similar to that of barbecue.

Standing on his toes, Uchiha Rin looked at the insect corpses on the ground calmly.

"Although Wu has been mocking that the fireball can't kill people, it must be said that the fire is still very lethal to such tiny insects."

Aburame Shi, who was behind the insect swarm, nodded slightly.

"A in physical skills, A+ in ninjutsu, and good combat reaction and quality"


He looked at Hongdou's position. In the black fog-like swarm of insects, Hongdou could only rely on kunai to continuously slash the surrounding insects. On her exposed arms, she could see dense red marks of insect bites. After a large amount of chakra was sucked out by the insects, her movements also became stiff.

"The ninja squad is a team. Even if the individual abilities are excellent, they still can't go far if they don't care about their teammates."

Aburame Shiwei shook his head secretly.

Even if a senior ninja is surrounded by his parasitic bug attack, it is difficult to escape. They can hold on for so long, which is already very good. However, there seems to be a lot of room for improvement in teamwork.

Aburame Shiwei silently analyzed the situation of several people in his heart and made plans for subsequent training. Just as he was thinking, the insects around him suddenly issued a warning. He just raised his head and didn't see anything clearly, and suddenly his eyes went black.

A shuriken wiped off his throat neatly. His pupils suddenly dilated.

How could it be? I have already prepared for it? When?

The doubt just arose and then dissipated. The whole body suddenly swelled up and exploded into countless black insects flying around.

"We are saved."

The surrounding insects stopped attacking, and Hongdou sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Hinata Satoru pulled her up.

"It's okay, there are just some marks on my arm. Anyway, I know how to heal, so it won't matter. But where is the teacher?"

Hongdou looked around curiously. The dense black bugs were frozen in place like a computer crash, and Aburame Zhiwei had disappeared.

"That guy has never been here." Hinata Satoru shrugged.


A few hundred meters away, on a big tree, Yu Nu Zhiwei scratched her hair awkwardly.

"This is really embarrassing. I wanted to give them a warning, but I didn't expect the insect clone to be killed!"

They are all geniuses, especially Uchiha Rin. If I don't show off my skills, it will be difficult to suppress them.

Use a insect clone to suppress them and dampen their spirit. When the time is right, I will make a dashing debut and take back the clone in the midst of shock and admiration.

A perfect debut performance, at least that's what he thought.

However, the insect clone was killed...

He recalled Sarutobi Hiruzen's instructions not long ago, and his face darkened.

"Hokage, I disappoint you."


"Zhiwei, I have a task for you."

"Hokage-sama, please speak"

"Three students from the Ninja School graduated early. They are all very promising. I want you to be their instructor."

"Um... Lord Hokage, you can let me kill people, but forget about guiding students."

"Sigh! Zhiwei, I know that you Aburame don't like to interact with others, and you are even worse. You always go alone on every mission, but ninja is a teamwork profession after all, and teaching students is also a test for you."

"Zhiwei, don't let me down."

"All right……"


Aburame Shiwei scratched his head in distress. Teaching students was not his forte, and the shocking debut performance he had planned had completely failed.

But how could the insect clone suddenly die?

Aburame Shiwei was quite confused. Although it was just a clone, its strength was enough to rival that of an ordinary jonin.

The last image sent back by the insect was a shuriken? ? ?

Magnetic escape?

No matter how strong it is, it is just a clone, and its fragility cannot be changed. The shadow clone next door exploded with a poke, and the insect clone is not much better.

Aburame Shiwei pondered.

But at this distance, he was able to control the shuriken to penetrate the dense insect defense, and he also had the power to kill the insect clone with one blow. It seems that Hinata Satoru's magnetic escape is more powerful than he thought.���Quite a few.

This ability to sneak up on people is hard to defend against.

The problem now is how to face the three of them. Aburame Zhiwei has a headache.


"Why hasn't Teacher Zhiwei appeared yet?"

In the training ground, Hongdou looked around in the swarm of downtime insects, but couldn't find the figure of Aburame Zhiwei.

""Haven't you figured it out yet?" Uchiha Rin curled his lips,"He's fooling us, creating a bug clone to ambush people, but we don't even know where his real body is hiding?"

"So are we going to continue the fight?"

"It's over halfway through the fight?"

"Have we passed the test?"

Hongdou began to ask three fatal questions.

At this moment, a man wrapped in a large robe jumped down from a tree not far away, walked towards the three people, waved his hand to collect the insect swarm, and said

"You guys are all very good..."

"Being able to defeat one of my insect clones shows your strength is quite impressive. You all have passed the test."

It was still the same gloomy voice, but the difference was that it was no longer as calm as before.

"Eh, it's just a bug clone? I thought the teacher was so weak?"Hongdou said with wide eyes.

Aburame Zhiwei Critical Hit x1

"Uh... Actually it was just a test, and you all passed it perfectly."

The unwilling Aburame Zhiwei tried to save the situation. Damn it, if she lost face like this on the first meeting, how could she be a teacher in the future?

"Then the teacher will make the test a little more difficult next time? My body has just warmed up, it's boring."

Uchiha Rin wrapped his arms around his shoulders and said calmly. Aburame

Shiwei Critical Hit x2

Little Ghost... Don't be so proud!

Aburame Shiwei gritted her teeth slightly, that's why I hate little ghosts, it's too troublesome to guide students, having bugs is enough.

Uchiha Rin and Red Bean looked at Hinata Satoru at the same time, and Hinata Satoru thought about it.

"It's quite weak."

Yu Nu Zhiwei Critical Hit x3

Her fists clenched involuntarily, her hair seemed to tremble in anger, and Yu Nu Zhiwei only felt a surge of anger gushing out of her body. Just as it was about to explode, it withered down as if it had been poured with a basin of cold water.

"All right……"

The tone began to become weak, and Yume Zhiwei was like a wilted cucumber.

"This assessment was my mistake. To make up for it, I will treat everyone to a barbecue to celebrate the establishment of the third class."

"Great! Barbecue." The foodie Hongdou was the first to cheer, tears streaming down her face.

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