
In the barbecue restaurant of the Akimichi clan.

Aburame Shiwei looked at the mountain of plates in front of him and began to doubt his life.

Just three hours ago, in order to celebrate the establishment of Team 3, he invited members to eat barbecue according to Konoha's custom. He originally thought that this was just a simple dinner party, but soon he found something unusual.


Too fast!

Is this the appetite of a human?

The moment the barbecue was served, Hinata Satoru ate it madly as if the devil suppressed in his blood was released.

Most of the mountain of barbecue plates were eaten by him. On the other side, Hongdou also ate with open stomach, and the amount of barbecue was visibly decreasing rapidly.

At this moment, the two were lying on the sofa leisurely, holding their bulging stomachs.

"Um… a total of 20,000 taels, who’s going to pay the bill?"

The chubby barbecue shop manager stood in front of the table with the account book, not knowing what to do.

20,000 taels!

After hearing the price quoted by the shop manager, Aburame Zhiwei seemed to be���The thunderbolt from the blue hit him hard on the head, and he was petrified in his seat.


Aburame Shiwei gritted his teeth and looked at Hinata Satoru and Red Bean. They were both resting on the sofa, with satisfied and happy looks on their faces.

"Um... how about I do it?" Uchiha Rin took a sip of tea and asked tentatively.

She felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't need the money anyway.


Aburame Zhiwei refused firmly, and tremblingly took out a stack of brand new bills from his wallet. He would never let the students pay.

This was his last dignity!

Ah! His heart was bleeding.……

"Welcome to come next time."

The boss waved at the door with a smile.

As soon as he walked out of the barbecue restaurant, Aburame Zhiwei immediately left the team on the pretext of a mission. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would get into a more serious situation.

"That teacher Zhiwei is quite interesting? He seems to be different from what is rumored. Uchiha Rin shrugged.

"It's quite interesting. When I first saw him, I thought he was the type that was difficult to get along with.……"

Hongdou burst out laughing, without recalling how she struggled in the insect swarm before. Hinata Satoru stroked his bloated belly contentedly. It wasn't that he ate so much because he was greedy, but because he was fed with the blood of the Byakugan and the life magnetic field at the same time, his appetite was far beyond that of ordinary people, and eating a lot also helped him improve his physical abilities.

With a slight click of his tongue, Hinata Satoru whispered,"I feel that our instructor has a slight... social phobia.""

"Social phobia?"It was the first time that Hongdou heard this word, and she looked at Hinata Satoru curiously.

"Well...I guess he's not good at socializing, but for the Aburame clan, it seems that most people are like this."Hongdou thought of the tightly wrapped appearance of Aburame Shiwei, with only a small part of the skin on her face exposed, as if she was afraid of being noticed by others, and suddenly felt that the word"social phobia" was quite appropriate.

As expected of you, Wu, you have learned a new word.

Hinata Wu thought about it, and his future mission career would probably be very interesting. Regarding my guidance, the jonin is obviously very strong but too socially phobic?


There was a knock on the door of the Hokage room.

"Please come in."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was busy with his official business. He looked up and saw a man wrapped in a large robe walking in. He looked a little dejected.

"It’s Zhiwei. How are the new team members? Are you satisfied with them?"

"They are all very talented, but I am not sure if I can teach them well."

""Zhiwei, don't underestimate yourself, you are a well-known almighty jonin in Konoha!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile. Aburame Zhiwei smiled bitterly and shook her head:"Hokage-sama, you know, the reason why I am called an almighty jonin is that I prefer to fight alone than to work in a team. It is really difficult for me to guide students."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the work in his hands, sat upright, and looked at him seriously.

"Zhiwei, being a ninja is a profession that requires cooperation. After all, the power of an individual is limited. The growth direction of the three of them has not yet been determined. Only you, an all-round jonin, are the most suitable for this task. This is a great growth for you and the entire team."

"Really? Lord Hokage really has good intentions."Aburame Shiwei nodded.

"It's good that you understand. Now report their situation to me."

Aburame Zhiwei thought of the white-eyed kid who slashed his clone's throat with ease, and suddenly smiled and said,"That double-blooded Hyuga kid is a very interesting person, and his appetite is surprisingly large.……"


"Hey, Wu, is this really what you call the training life after graduation?"

In a place full of garbage, Hongdou covered her mouth and nose with a towel in disgust, and was poking the blocked sewer with a wooden stick.

"Well... on the bright side, this can be considered as training our willpower, right?" said Hinata Satoru, who was sweeping the garbage nearby.

"So helping the old lady clean the clogged sewer is also training?"


Hongdou sighed. These days, every time he received a task, it was a rubbish task like finding cats and dogs to clean the sewer. He suddenly missed the days when he was studying at the Ninja School. The tasks were not too heavy, at least he didn't have to do these dirty and tiring jobs.

Why did I listen to Wu's slander and graduate?

Isn't it better to lie down? Hongdou gnashed his teeth in hatred.

She learned the word"lying down" from Hinata Wukou, which perfectly fits her philosophy. However, she glanced at Hinata Wu and Uchiha Rin next to her. There were two monsters next to them. It was so difficult to lie down! She roared in her heart.

Hinata Wu didn't have much objection. The completion record of D-level tasks was a necessary requirement for taking high-level tasks. However, he seriously doubted whether the task of cleaning the sewer was deliberately accepted by Aburame Zhiwei out of revenge?

What a stingy ninja!

As for his daily practice, it was not affected too much. On the back mountain where he usually practiced, there was a shadow clone who was making up for his lost efforts. The practice method of the shadow clone It was obtained from Uchiha Rin. For her, B-level ninjutsu training was not a particularly precious thing.

It took a while to master the shadow clone, and since then he has been able to do both training and tasks.

Hinata Satoru has always had a sense of urgency. The upcoming Third World War and the shackles on his forehead are constantly spurring him on.

Without strength, he is just a fish at the mercy of others. Although life in the ninja school is comfortable, it does not conform to his philosophy. Only by constantly moving forward can he feel safe.

The attitude of the main family towards him is very subtle. In any case, the title of the first double-blooded ninja in the history of Hyuga will always attract a lot of attention. According to his understanding, it seems that the pressure from the Hokage is the reason why he can live so steadily in Hyuga.

A bird in a cage, if the external force cannot be released in a short time, then the only way left is scientific research. The reason why Red Bean was pulled into the team is also largely to catch up with Orochimaru. After all, in the original work, Red Bean was accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru.

"I really hope I can get a mission and fight soon!"

Uchiha Rin's voice brought Hinata Satoru back to reality. He looked up and saw Uchiha Rin stretching his muscles, looking eager to try.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Uchiha Rin looked at him, his dark eyes full of eagerness.

"The family elders said that the Sharingan can only be awakened in life and death, and I can't wait to obtain that kind of power."

Too much, Hinata Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

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