After completing several D-level missions in a row, one day, Hinata Satoru and his companions were called to a training ground by Aburame Shiwei.

After briefly describing the mission requirements, Aburame Shiwei said in a deep voice:

"Did you understand the requirements of this mission?"

"I understand."Hongdou raised her hand hesitantly,"But Teacher Zhiwei, isn't it too difficult for us to carry out a B-level mission on our first trip?"

Konoha's scouts found traces of Rock Ninja activities at the border of the Grass Country, and they seemed to be searching for supplies, and their mission was to prevent them from taking the supplies back.

This kind of mission involving a battle between ninjas of two countries starts at a minimum of B-level.

"The strongest enemy is only a Chunin. If I were alone, I could finish it in an instant. This is a training for you."

"Really direct."Hongdou's mouth twitched slightly.

Hinata Satoru's eyes flickered. The traces of Iwagakure's activities were found at the border. This was a sign of the coming of war. It seemed that the tragic third war in memory was not far away.

With the configuration of their team, the strategic significance of their Byakugan, and the omnipotence of Aburame Shiwei, the mission they were carrying out must not be a simple one. Uchiha

Rin didn't think so much, but was eager to try.

"It's decided then. You will be given half an hour to prepare your supplies. Meet here in half an hour."


After several days of traveling, Hinata Satoru and his companions finally reached the location indicated in the intelligence. Standing on the tree branches and looking out, they could see a green field.

"According to the latest intelligence, the Rock Ninja will pass by here with a batch of supplies. My mission is to stop them from taking the supplies back."

Hinata Satoru hid in the bushes, silently observing the changes around him.

Searching for supplies during this period is undoubtedly a preparation for war. Cutting off the Rock Ninja's supply preparations may delay the arrival of the Third World War. What he lacks most now is time.

His Byakugan has been opened to the extreme. After more than a year of training, the range of his Byakugan has increased to three kilometers.

Not long after, a disguised caravan appeared in the field of vision. From the perspective of the Byakugan, one can clearly see the impressive chakra flow in their bodies.

"Here they come!" Hinata Satoru said in a low voice,"At three o'clock, three kilometers away, there are five of them, four Chunins and one Genin."

"5 ninjas?" Hongdou swallowed subconsciously.

"With Teacher Zhiwei here, there's nothing to worry about."

She looked back and got goosebumps.

Where's Teacher Zhiwei? She was just here? How come she's gone?

The bushes where they were hiding were empty. Apart from the three of them, there was no one else.

"Forget it, there is no need to worry about Teacher Yiwei. He should be hiding somewhere else to watch the battle. We have to rely on ourselves for the time being."

Hinata Satoru took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and looked at the two

"They should pass by here in ten minutes. Let's make a battle plan in advance.……"

Hongdou and the other two listened silently.


Iwato was walking in front of the team. The five-man team looked like an ordinary caravan. If you look closely, you can vaguely see shuriken and kunai and other ninja equipment under their dusty clothes.

This time the handover of supplies was quite successful. As long as the supplies were delivered back, they would definitely receive rewards from Lord Tsuchikage.

Iwato was thinking happily that their team had set out from the Land of Craftsmen, passed through the Land of Grass, and was now getting closer and closer to the Land of Earth.

When passing by a bush, something strange happened!

A kunai suddenly shot out from the bush and shot straight at him.


This level of attack, you want to hurt him? Iwato's eyes were cold.

He held the kunai horizontally to block the attack, but just when the kunai was about to be blocked by Iwato, the trajectory of the movement suddenly changed, and it crossed an arc with a strange posture, firmly nailing his throat.

The pupils suddenly shrank, and Iwato opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief, and wanted to say something, but his mouth was full of overflowing blood-red foam

"Captain Geotechnical!"

"Damn it!"

"Enemy attack!"

After seeing the captain fall, the Rock Ninja Team calmed down after a brief panic, tore off the windbreakers used for camouflage, revealing a full set of standard ninja equipment.

Since they had been ambushed, it meant that their identities had long been exposed, and continuing to keep the disguise would only add inconvenience to the battle.

At the moment they tore off the disguise, three figures suddenly rushed out of the bushes, holding kunai and rushing towards the Rock Ninja.

"Roll your eyes? Just three little ghosts, actually gave the Geotechnical Captain……"

The tall rock ninja gritted his teeth, looked towards the carriage and shouted,"Huitu, you take care of the supplies, leave these three little devils to us."

""Yes!" the thin Chunin shouted.

Seeing that one of the remaining Rock Ninjas did not rush over, but chose to guard the supplies, Hinata Satoru was delighted. In this way, their lineup was exactly three against three, and the pressure was suddenly reduced.

"Rin and I will deal with the two Chunins, Anko, you stop the Genin."

"Got it!"

The one fighting against Hinata Satoru was the tall rock ninja, with muscular body. In terms of size, Hinata Satoru was only as tall as his waist. Hinata

Satoru threw several shurikens in succession. While flying, the shurikens suddenly changed their trajectory, but were blocked by the opponent's kunai, causing only some superficial injuries.

"Kid, is this how you killed Captain Iwao?"

Looking at the bloody wounds on his body cut by the shuriken, the tall Iwao ninja gritted his teeth.

"Controlling shuriken, a strange ability, no wonder Captain Iwao fell for it! But it's useless now."

Hinata Satoru's face remained unchanged, using electromagnetic force to change the trajectory of shuriken. Although the ability is strange, its greatest effect is to kill at first sight. If the opponent is prepared, the effect will be very low.

Exposing this ability in exchange for the life of the strongest person on the other side is a win no matter how you look at it!

On the other side, Uchiha Rin's face was a little solemn, holding kunai in both hands, resisting the ninja sword that was slashing at him at high speed.

"Sword ninja? What a hassle."

Uchiha Rin spitted with disdain after dodging the ninja sword that was slashing at her waist with a backflip.

It must be said that sword ninjas are more restrained against her type. Her kunai is too short to be useful in close combat, and she will be quickly approached if she uses ninjutsu. For a while, the battle was deadlocked. The battle situation on Hongdou's side was also quite thrilling. The Genin who was fighting against her had much more combat experience than her and suppressed her tightly.

With his eyes back, Hinata Satoru said to himself: We can't delay any longer, we must end the battle as soon as possible to support them.

The tall rock ninja who was fighting against him seemed to see through his thoughts and laughed:"As long as I'm here, you can't successfully support them."

"It's been delayed for so long, it's time to end it"

""Secret Technique! Rock Armor Technique!"

The rock ninja suddenly formed seals with his hands, and dense rocks covered his entire body like armor. His originally tall figure suddenly became taller, and he looked like a rock giant.

The giant opened his mouth and made a rumbling sound like the wind blowing through the valley.

"White-eyed brat, you are a ninja from the Hyuga clan, right? I didn’t choose close combat because of your soft fist. In this state, the soft fist can’t break my defense at all."

He rushed towards Hinata Satoru, and the rock fist like a casserole was aimed at his head.

"Who told you that I use a soft fist?"

Hinata Satoru raised his eyebrows, squatted slightly, and quickly printed a palm on his side waist.

With a dull bang, the intense pain made the rock ninja's pupils shrink. He looked down and saw that the part of his side abdomen where Hinata Satoru's palm was printed had completely disappeared, and the blood-red hole was terrifying.

Hey, my kidneys are hot?

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