"As expected, the Sand Ninja came to kill the Rock Ninja. Aburame Shiwei groaned and said

"Yes, who would have thought that the so-called large-scale material transactions were actually directed and performed by the Sand Village?"

Hinata Satoru raised his eyebrows and said helplessly.

After obtaining intelligence through his method, the result surprised everyone.

The mysterious seller who sold huge amounts of materials on the black market turned out to be from the Sand Village, which is also one of the five major ninja villages.

This transaction is like fishing bait, attracting innocent fish to take the bait. When the time is right, they will show up behind the scenes and make both money and money!

Hinata Satoru couldn't help but complain in his heart: This kind of thing can only be done at noon, because sooner or later something will go wrong!

The Sand Village is at the bottom of the five major ninja villages in terms of strength, but it has such courage, which really makes Hinata Satoru surprised.

But think about it carefully, it seems that in the original work, the three wars were because the third generation of Kazekage of the Sand Village disappeared, and he was so stubborn that he went to war with the big brother Konoha, but was beaten and peed, and ceded land to beg for mercy. It does n't seem surprising to do such a thing now.

"Satoru, the Sand Village has sent out the Burning Style of Hagura and the Magnetic Style of Rasa. If we intervene rashly, our chances of winning may not be very high."

Aburame Shiwei's face was a little solemn. If there was only one bloodline ninja, he was confident that he could stop the opponent, but if there were two, the result would be hard to say.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhiwei." Hinata Satoru smiled at him,"We don't have to fight them, we just need to destroy their plans." Aburame

Zhiwei seemed to have thought of something, suddenly smiled and scratched his head.

"I almost forgot you had that!"


In the forest, the battle continued.

But the defeat of the Rock Ninja was inevitable. Under the joint attack of the two bloodline ninjas, the remaining Rock Ninjas had no way to resist and died miserably one after another.

Seeing his companions dying in front of him, Yamazu's eyes were bloodshot and his eyes were broken.

"Bastard! Even if it means death, you will pay the price!"

He quickly formed seals with both hands and slammed them on the ground. The chakra in his body rushed into the ground through his hands.

"Earth escape! Mountain earth technique!"

The ground beneath his feet suddenly split apart, forming two huge hemispherical walls that kept closing in the middle. The fierce pressure seemed to crush all the Sand Ninjas into powder.

"It's useless."

Luo Sha said indifferently, and he slowly raised his hands. Countless gold sand surged out from under his feet, filling the cracked ground in an instant. Several golden tentacles stretched out from the waves of gold sand, pressing tightly against the closed walls on both sides.

Amid the rumbling sound, the two began a tense contest!

Debris kept falling from the huge wall, and cracks spread like spider webs at the positions where the gold sand tentacles pressed.

Shan Tu still had a lot of chakra left, and he could continue to fight with Luo Sha, but this was not a one-man battle after all. He looked back behind him.

In just a few short breaths, his fellow Rock Ninjas were strangled by the joint efforts of Ye Cang and Sand Ninjas, and there were few left.

Until the last Rock Ninja fell beside him, his blood-stained palms tightly grasped his trouser legs, looking at his pupils trembling constantly, and his Adam's apple rolling

"Lord Shantu, run away!……"


As if something was broken, a huge force surged out of his body, Shan Tu roared to the sky, and a line of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. The huge wall that Luo Sha was holding tightly against actually trembled violently, constantly closing in the middle.

"Damn it! Are you still struggling?"

Seeing that he could no longer resist Shan Tu's dying counterattack, Luo Sha cursed and suddenly jumped backwards, trying to jump out of Shan Tu's attack range.

""Back off! This technique is very powerful, don't resist it!"

Without Luosha's support, the golden tentacles trembled slightly for a few times before suddenly breaking apart. The huge circular wall closed with a bang, like a huge tomb, swallowing up the sand ninjas who had no time to escape.

The earth shook and dust flew.

Luosha narrowed his eyes and stared at the position of the mountain soil.

"After using this technique, he has completely lost the ability to resist."

He thought carefully and did not choose to take action himself. Instead, when the dust was about to clear, he looked at a Sand Ninja in the team.

"Cang, go kill him!"


The Sand Ninja named Cang took out a kunai from his arms and approached Shantu carefully.

As he approached, he saw Shantu half-kneeling on the ground in front of the huge hemispherical tomb, gasping for breath weakly, and obviously he had lost his ability to resist.


A trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly stabbed the kunai at the back of Shantu's head.

Something strange happened!

Before the kunai in his hand fell, Cang's goose bumps suddenly exploded all over his body, and a chill broke out from his tailbone along the spine to the back of his head. Before he could react, he saw a flash of blue light, and his head exploded directly, and his brain burst.

This tragic scene shocked everyone.

The Sand Ninjas stood there in a daze.

In a flash, they didn't see what happened at all.

After a brief blank, Shantu's eyes shrank, and he immediately formed a seal, mobilized the trace of chakra that had just recovered, and drilled into the ground

"Damn it! Don't let him escape!" Luo Sha's heart trembled.

The Sand Ninjas reacted immediately and ran towards the position of Yamazu.


The second arrow arrived!

The power of this arrow was even more terrifying, and it shot straight into the defenseless group of Sand Ninjas.

With the broken flesh and shrill screams, this arrow first pierced the chest of a Sand Ninja, then cut open the abdomen of the second Sand Ninja.

Finally, it pierced the third Sand Ninja's thigh and nailed him firmly to the ground.

One arrow, three in a row!

"Who is it?

Luo Sha's pupils suddenly contracted and he roared crazily.

Just as he roared, the hairs on his body suddenly stood up, and the terrifying chill appeared behind him! The strong desire to survive forced him to stop his steps and mobilize the sand gold defense with all his strength.

The blue light passed in front of him, smashing the lower limbs of a sand ninja next to him, and his internal organs flowed all over the ground.

The air was dead silent, with only the screams of the sand ninja who did not die immediately on the ground.

No one dared to act rashly, and the sound of Adam's apple rolling and swallowing saliva continued to sound. The strong chill has been shrouding them, fearing that the next second, the blue light representing death will fall on their heads, and they can only watch Shan Tu escape from under their noses. It was not until a long time later that they did not see the blue light appear, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Should... should have left.……"

Arisa swallowed and stammered

"I don't know." A Sand Ninja looked horrified and carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Luo Sha dispersed the gold sand defense that wrapped around him and ordered coldly:"Go and investigate the situation. The other party should have left."

"Yes." Seeing that Luo Sha had given up the defense, the remaining Sand Ninjas could only bite the bullet and go over to investigate.

""It's a bow and arrow!"

A Sand Ninja held up what he had found. It was a slender metal arrow with a flat body, slightly different from regular arrows.

Bow and arrow?

Luo Sha narrowed his eyes slightly. What kind of ninjutsu could make a bow and arrow so powerful? Moreover, while fighting, they were also observing the changes in the surroundings. There were no ninjas within at least a kilometer.

Could it be that the attack was launched from outside the one-kilometer range?

How is this possible?

"Luo Sha, I think you need to think about how to explain to Lord Kazekage, this mission is a complete failure!"

Beside him, Ye Cang looked at him coldly. The relationship between the two has always been bad. If it weren't for the Kazekage ordering Luo Sha to lead the team, she would never obey his command.

Luo Sha's face was very ugly. Shan Tu escaped, which means that the Tsuchikage will definitely know what they did today. I'm afraid that the Sand Village will suffer a great loss.

"Who is it?" He gritted his teeth.


On a big tree a kilometer away, Hinata Satoru put down the metal crossbow in his hand, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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