In the forest, Aburame Shiwei swallowed her saliva and stared at Hinata Satoru who was holding a bow and arrow beside her.

""Satoru, your move is too ruthless!"

From a distance of one kilometer, he shot three arrows in succession, killing several Sand Ninjas. Even he was shocked by this record.

Especially the second arrow, which shot into the Sand Ninja group, directly piercing three!

Hinata Satoru pretended to be pale due to excessive consumption, put the metal bow back into the storage scroll, and shook his head.

"Teacher Zhiwei, now is not the time to discuss this matter. My chakra is almost at its limit. Let's leave now."


Aburame Shiwei nodded, and after simply cleaning up the traces around, she and Hinata Satoru hurriedly left.


The proprietress

Hong Ge was restless and paced back and forth. When she saw the two of them coming, her eyes lit up and she immediately walked over.

"how's it going?"

"It's over."

Hinata Satoru said.


Hongge's eyes widened. What does it mean to be over? Was the mission completed? Did the Rock Ninja bring back the supplies? What happened? She was full of questions.

"The mission has been accomplished, Hongge, I will report your contribution to the Hokage when I return.

After completing the mission, Aburame Zhiwei felt much better and nodded to the proprietress.

"Is it... solved?"

Hong Ge opened his mouth wide, still full of questions. Wasn't it said that the Sand Village was involved in this matter? Is it over just like that?

There was not even a speck of dust on the two of them, and it seemed that they had not fought with the enemy. Could it be that they just went around the scene and the mission was completed?

Aburame Zhiwei saw Hong Ge's confusion, smiled and said,"This mission is really thanks to Wu, otherwise it would be troublesome. However, due to the confidential nature of the mission, I cannot tell you the details."


Hong Ge looked at Hinata Wu beside him in confusion. Such a young ninja, it seems that he is not even a Chunin, right?

Can he play such a big role?


After saying goodbye to the red pigeon, the two set out on the journey back to Konoha Village.

On the way, Aburame Shiwei said in a deep voice:"Satoru, this mission involves two major countries. After reporting to the Hokage, it will definitely be upgraded to S-level."


Hinata Satoru's eyes lit up. The bounty for an S-level mission is at least 1 million taels!

This is a huge sum of money!

"That's right."

Aburame Shiwei paused and continued

"After I go back, I will discuss with the Hokage and give you a chance to choose a forbidden technique from the Sealing Book. You might as well think about it now and decide which forbidden technique to choose."

Sealing Technique?"

Hinata Satoru smacked his lips. All the techniques recorded in the book were powerful forbidden techniques, and there happened to be a very famous technique among them. He had been coveting it for a long time.


After several days of traveling, the two finally arrived at Konoha Village.

As soon as they arrived at the village, Aburame Shiwei did not delay at all and immediately took Hinata Satoru to the Hokage room to report the mission.

After listening to Aburame Shiwei's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes gradually lit up and he said three"good" words in a row.

If Aburame Shiwei's report is true, then after this mission, Iwagakure Village will have a big grudge with Sand Village. Seven elite ninjas and materials worth more than 100 million taels. With his understanding of the stubborn old man Ohnoki, this grudge cannot be avenged!

In this way, Konoha will temporarily become a safe party.

Even if the situation in the ninja world becomes chaotic again and a war breaks out, the first to fight will be Sand Village and Iwagakure Village, and Konoha will be able to sit on the sidelines.

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched his beard and looked at Hinata Satoru with more appreciation. The originally complicated situation, under his stirring, has turned into the most favorable situation for Konoha.

Hinata Satoru smiled embarrassedly.

In fact, his starting point was not Konoha Village. The reason why he wanted Yamatsu to go back alive was that he knew that the outbreak of World War III would be caused by the Sand Village's head-on attack on Konoha, which would trigger the conflict between Sand Village and Iwagakure, and would greatly delay the outbreak of World War III.

At least at this time, the overwhelmed Sand Village should not have the mind to cause trouble for Big Brother.

Then he could get more time to develop!

Time is what he lacks the most.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said in a deep voice:"I have a general understanding of the process of the mission. The level of this mission has been upgraded to S-level. In addition……"

He looked at Hinata Satoru, paused for a moment and said,"Because of your outstanding performance in this mission, I will reward you with a chance to choose a seal book ninjutsu. I hope you don't waste it."

Hinata Satoru's eyes lit up. Here it comes, finally here...

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a scroll from the drawer and handed it to Hinata Satoru.

"This is the catalog of the Sealed Book of Ninjutsu. Pick one you like from it, and I'll take you to where the Sealed Book is actually kept."

Hinata Satoru quickly scanned the catalog and soon selected the ninjutsu he liked.


He pointed to Sarutobi Hiruzen


Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but frowned:"Why did you choose this technique? This opportunity is very important. If you waste it, it will be difficult to get it again."

After seeing the ninjutsu chosen by Hinata Satoru, Aburame Shiwei couldn't help but get anxious and hurriedly advised

""Satoru, this technique has very high requirements for the practitioner. Are you sure you want to choose this technique? It would be a pity to waste this opportunity."

Hinata Satoru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen firmly and said,"I have decided, Hokage-sama, I choose this ninjutsu."

"Well, since you have made up your mind." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed,"But I want to remind you that if you want to practice this technique, you must have a large amount of chakra reserves. Remember not to force it before you have fully mastered it.���Use, otherwise there will be danger to life"

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

Hinata Satoru nodded solemnly.

The ninjutsu he pointed out in the catalog of the Sealed Book was exactly the prince's signature cheat in the future.

The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!


Soon after leaving the Hokage room, they met Uchiha Rin and Red Bean who had been waiting for them to return.

"Your mission is finally completed. I've been waiting for so long that my body is almost rusty." Uchiha Rin rubbed his shoulders and said impatiently. Hinata Satoru smiled and scratched his head and said,"There have been some unexpected changes in this mission. The level has been upgraded to S-level, which has delayed a lot of time. After the bounty is exchanged, I will treat everyone to a meal."


Uchiha Rin opened his mouth in shock, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"You and Teacher Zhiwei completed an S-level mission?"

"Yes."Aburame Shiwei nodded and said in a deep voice:"Not only that, Wu also played a leading role in this mission."

Uchiha Rin looked at Hinata Satoru in shock. Even if she was conceited, she knew very well that with her own strength, she could not play any role in the S-level mission.

Hongdou was also shocked, with her mouth wide open, and then she seemed to think of something, and said with some concern:"The mission is so dangerous, no one is injured."

Aburame Shiwei shook her head and looked at Hinata Satoru helplessly. He really couldn't understand why Hinata Satoru would waste such an important opportunity on the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

You know, the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is not a particularly powerful one in the forbidden techniques of the Sealed Book, and the conditions for using it are quite harsh.

Hinata Satoru couldn't wait any longer. After saying goodbye to a few people, he immediately ran to the forest where he usually practiced. He had a very tricky operation to try.

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