That is White Fang's sword, you are not qualified to use it.

Hinata Satoru's words were so harsh in Kakashi's ears, like a bomb, making him blush and roar.

"What do you know! What do you, an outsider, know?"

"He is just a coward. So what if he gave up the mission? So what if he was insulted by his companions? Why did he commit suicide? Why did he commit suicide?"

Perhaps because he had endured too much in the past two years, or perhaps because of the humiliation of being defeated by Hinata Satoru in public, Kakashi actually cried on the ground in front of everyone.

"He didn't have to die. Even if he was insulted by the villagers, what would happen? He still had me. Why did he choose to commit suicide? Why?……"

At some point, the crowd suddenly quieted down. Kakashi's crying sounded so harsh in such an environment.

"So this is what you care about?"

Hinata Satoru sighed.

It seems that his father's suicide made Kakashi extremely sad. In the past two years, he has been brainwashing himself with"a man who can't even complete the mission is just a coward" to numb his pain.

Until now, he was defeated in public by Hinata Satoru, and his inner defense was completely broken.

The surrounding ninjas were silent and lowered their heads slightly. Many of them participated in the serious injury of Hatake Sakumo. Rumors were burning under the nourishment of malice. When they calmed down, they found that the person was gone.

So, they tacitly understood and no longer mentioned it.

"Kakashi……"Kai couldn't help but clench his fists. He had never seen Kakashi like this before. He was weak, sad, and powerless...

Hinata Satoru showed a complicated expression and said,"I haven't seen Lord White Fang in person, but I have heard of his deeds. I think his choice at the last moment was to implement his own will."

"Carry out his will?"

On the ground, Kakashi's eyes lit up and he looked up at Hinata Satoru.

"I think he thought that he died to show his will. He didn't die because of cowardice or fear, but used his death to silently interpret his will."

"Maybe he was still smiling at the last moment when he stabbed himself with the ninja sword?"

"Is that so?……"

Kakashi stopped crying and fell into deep thought.

Interpreting his own will... the figure of the man who always wore a smile appeared in his mind.

Father, is this what you thought at the last moment?

He had always believed that his father chose to commit suicide because he was too fragile. Hinata Satoru's remarks changed his concept slightly.

Although this change was small, it was like a seed planted in his heart... the Hokage room.

Hinata Satoru's voice was transmitted to the silent Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears through the crystal ball on the table without missing a word.

For a long time, he looked out the window with melancholy, and the gentle white-haired man appeared in his mind.


Hinata Satoru's words were like tentacles that tugged at his heart.

"Don't blame me, you can't become Hokage……"

He sighed softly


In front of the mission management office, Hinata Satoru secretly shook his head.

In fact, as a time traveler, he knew very well that the truth of this matter was far more cruel, involving the power struggle among the Konoha high-level officials, and the candidates for the fourth Hokage... and he could only make Hatake Sakumo's back look as majestic as possible. After all, his words were not just for Kakashi to hear.

As early as when he just arrived here, he found a vague prying gaze here. With a little association, he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen must be watching here.

I wonder what the Hokage who indirectly forced White Fang to death would think after listening to his remarks?

Bringing his thoughts back, Hinata Satoru turned his gaze to Kakashi again and spoke with a little coldness:

"I know that today's defeat is hard for you to accept. If you feel that you can defeat me at any time, you can come and challenge me at any time."

"I'll wait for you."

After saying that, he left the confused Kakashi and the silent crowd around him and turned away.

"Hey, Wu, wait for me." Hongdou suddenly reacted and shouted and chased after Hinata Wu.

Uchiha Rin looked at the back of Hinata Wu leaving gracefully and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Satoru is pretty cool.

Kakashi looked at Hinata Satoru's back as he left, his previous words still replaying in his mind, wondering what he was thinking.


When they reached a deserted place, Hinata Satoru leaned against the wall and suddenly shouted with his teeth bared.

"Damn, it hurts so much."

His body felt like it was pierced by thousands of needles, and the slightest movement was extremely painful.

It was fun to show off, but it was a funeral procession afterwards.

His body had not yet fully recovered, and in order not to expose more of his abilities, he only used the Magnetic Fist when fighting Kakashi, which put a greater burden on his body.

At this moment, Hongdou ran over and said worriedly,"Satoru, are you okay?" Hinata Satoru turned around, grabbed her wrist, pulled her to his side, gritted his teeth and whispered

"Give me that quickly."


The unique smell of the male body rushed into Hongdou's nose, making her face suddenly red from the ears, like a ripe red apple.

"Wu...Should we, should we stay here? It would be so bad if someone saw us."

"If not here, then where? Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Hongdou's face turned even redder, and she buried her face in her hair shyly.

"If Rin knew about this, she would be angry, right?"

"What does it have to do with her?"

"Forget it, I won’t talk to you anymore, just cast the healing spell on me!"



Hokage Room.

After digesting his emotions, Sarutobi Hiruzen recalled the scene of Hinata Satoru defeating Kakashi easily and couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that the strongest member of the new generation is undoubtedly Hinata Satoru."

And he also knew very well that Hinata Satoru had a terrifying bow and arrow ninjutsu. If he used it, Kakashi would probably be defeated even faster.

"It's a pity that he is a branch family."

He couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for the branch family, he would really train Hinata Satoru to enter the Hokage lineage. He had perfect talent, and his words to Kakashi also interpreted the will of fire. He had the intention of accepting such a good seedling as his disciple.

But as a branch family, any decision on Hinata Satoru needs to be more cautious.

Immediately, he thought of Kakashi again and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Kakashi can't be delayed any longer, let Minato teach him! We need to find a few teammates for him, and we can only choose from people who are familiar with him at the same time, um……"

"Uchiha Obito's personality is very suitable, and he may be able to neutralize Kakashi's gloom. The remaining one, Nohara Rin, is a medical ninja who came from a civilian background, and she is just a perfect fit."After thinking for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction.

"Then notify Minato to come over now."

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