The next day, an explosive piece of news spread throughout Konoha, like a stone thrown into a lake, splashing waves.

"Hey! Have you heard? The son of the White Fang, Hatake Kakashi, was beaten!"

"This must be fake, right? The super genius Hatake Kakashi was beaten up?"

"Really, many people saw it, Kakashi cried in the end!"


"Hey! Did you hear that? Kakashi got beaten and cried!"

"Yes, yes, yes!! I heard that he was rolling on the ground at the end!"

"What? Didn't he lie down before Kakashi even hit him? And then he cried and begged Hinata Satoru not to hit him?"

In the early morning, Hinata Satoru just went out and heard the rumors all over the street, and his face turned green.

"How did the rumor spread like this?"

What do you mean Kakashi cried because I beat him? He was the one crying, what does it have to do with me? And he knelt down and begged for mercy, pissed and pissed...what the hell is going on!

The key point is that most of the people spreading the rumor are actually members of the Hyuga clan.

Walking on the streets of the clan, you can see many clan members in groups of three or five, excitedly discussing things like"the first genius of the new generation","beating Kakashi to tears","even Uchiha surrendered" and so on.

Hyuga Satoru lowered his head and tiptoed, afraid that others would notice him. He was not paying attention when he heard a sudden shout from the back.

"Look, it's the genius who made Kakashi cry."

Instantly, all the tribe members focused their attention on him.

"I'm not! I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!"

Hinata Satoru's face turned black, and he immediately sped away, leaving behind a group of people with question marks.


Unlike the noisy branch families outside, the main hall was silent, and the atmosphere was strangely oppressive. Most of the elders in the main family looked unhappy.

Hyuga Suigetsu's eyes swept over the faces of the elders around him, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

The reason why the Hyuga family has been passed down for more than a thousand years in the ninja world and has become the oldest family in history is because of its rules and systems.

But now, there is a member of the family who has repeatedly broken the family system.

Hyuga Satoru, the first double blood heir in the history of Hyuga, seems to have never been at peace since he appeared.

"Humph! Have these branch families even forgotten the rules?"

An elder of the clan slammed the table in anger, his face livid.

From yesterday till now, he has seen a large number of branch families gathered together, disregarding etiquette and making loud noises excitedly. Even outside the clan, he can see many such cases.

"The family's reputation has been lost by these branch families."

Another elder of the main family shook his head.

Next to Hyuga Suigetsu, Hyuga Hiashi sighed secretly. He knew that the branch families had been suppressed for too long. After Hyuga Satoru defeated Kakashi, that kind of suppression turned into excitement and excitement.

However, Hyuga is not Uchiha. In Hyuga, you have to follow the rules.

"All right."

Hinata Suigetsu sighed and felt a headache.

Although the incident was caused by Hinata Satoru, it would be too unreasonable to punish him for it. After all, he defeated Kakashi and won face for the family. But if they really ignored it

, I'm afraid those branch families would be furious.

In addition, the Hokage's attitude towards Hinata Satoru is quite intriguing, and he has to take this influence into consideration. With all these factors combined, he is indeed a little undecided.

At this moment, Hinata Hiashi next to him suddenly said:"Chief, let me handle this matter."

"Oh? What are your plans?"

Hinata Suigetsu could not help but become interested. Hinata Hiashi was almost his designated successor.

Hinata Hiashi smiled and said,"The reason why this matter is complicated is that Hinata Satoru is just an ordinary branch family member. He is neither a reward nor a punishment. In this case, let's give him another identity."

Then, Hinata Hiashi narrated his thoughts.

Hinata Suigetsu's eyes gradually lit up.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"


Hinata Satoru, who had just sneaked back from the street, was still beating fast. Almost all the way, he could hear discussions about himself.

The key is that few of these discussions are reliable.

Even some aunts in the family have set their sights on him and are trying to introduce their granddaughters to him. Hinata Satoru was so scared that he ran away and is still sweating.

"It's too scary. I'd better not go out these days."

Hinata Satoru patted his chest in shock.

Just as he was about to take a rest, he heard a knock on the door.

Hinata Satoru immediately became alert, tiptoed behind the door, and carefully aimed his eyes at the gap between the door frames.

""Secret code!""

Secret code???"

The man outside the door was stunned. Why did he need a secret code to come here to visit? What secret code?

At this moment, the door opened, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who came was not unfamiliar to Hinata Satoru. The most famous pair of brothers in the family looked almost exactly the same, and there was not much difference in their clothes. The only difference was that one of them always wore a forehead protector on his forehead.

"Master Hizashi, why are you here?"

Hinata Satoru carefully looked around to make sure no other Hyuga members followed him.

"Wu, can I come in and talk?"


There were two cups of tea on the wooden table, steaming. Judging from the quality of the tea, it was not the precious kind.

"Mr. Hiashi, I don't usually drink tea, so I can only treat you with this defective tea."

"No problem."Hinata Hizashi smiled and took a sip of tea.

Hinata has a tea tasting culture. If someone offers tea, it is polite to take a sip.

After the courtesy, Hinata Hizashi looked at the still immature face of Hinata Satoru, and his expression became complicated.

"I had guessed that you would be a variable in the family, but I didn't expect that this variable would grow up so quickly."

A genius who surpasses Kakashi, the first of the new generation, just silently reciting these titles in his heart would make Hinata Hizashi's heart burn.

There is no doubt that Hinata Satoru is the most outstanding genius in Hyuga since the founding of Konoha!

"I think a genius like you would never be willing to be shackled."

Hinata Hiashi looked at Hinata Satoru with a complicated expression.

Hinata Satoru said nothing. This sentence was too pointed. If the main family heard it, there would be trouble.

Seeing that Hinata Satoru did not speak, Hiashi sighed, took out a scroll from his arms and put it on the table.

"What's this?"

"You will know when you open it."

Hinata Satoru opened the scroll, probed into it a trace of chakra, and his face suddenly became surprised.

The things stored in the scroll were rich, definitely the most valuable things he had ever seen. In one corner, there was a huge amount of cash. Hinata Satoru roughly estimated that there were at least 5 million taels. On the other side, there were a lot of secret techniques related to cultivation, and some of them were even family secrets.

The cash was fine, but the family secrets were involved later. If the main family knew about it, Hinata Hizashi would definitely be severely punished.

"Why?" Hinata Satoru asked in a deep voice.

Hinata Hizashi smiled helplessly and said,"Just think of it as an investment."

Then he stood up and walked out the door.

"I really hope that this change of yours can create a gust of wind and bring new life to the rotten old tree of Hyuga."

Hinata Satoru looked at his back silently. It was more of a stance than an investment.

Knowing that he would never be willing to be imprisoned by a bird in a cage, do you plan to resist with him?

In the original work, did Hizashi Hizashi, who finally recognized his fate and committed suicide, change his original trajectory under his influence?

Hinata Satoru carefully put away the scroll. Hizashi Hizashi's funding was of great use to his practice.

About half an hour later, there was another knock on the door outside.

Hinata Satoru opened the door and saw the familiar face. He almost subconsciously blurted out,"

Sir Hizashi, why are you... again?"

The voice was stuck in his throat.

The other person's forehead was extremely smooth.

"It's Master Hiashi, what's the matter?"

Hinata Satoru said calmly.


It was still the same wooden table, with two cups of tea on it. When Hinata Hiashi glanced at the tea in front of him, he frowned slightly and did not choose to drink the tea. Instead, he spoke directly.

"I came here to take in a disciple. Satoru, how about being my disciple?"

He smiled and looked at Hinata Satoru in front of him.

Taking in a disciple was naturally the result of his careful consideration. Everyone knew that he was the next clan leader. In terms of strength, he was already a jonin just over 20 years old, and it was more than enough for him to teach Hinata Satoru, a genin.

More importantly, once Hinata Satoru was given the title of the next clan leader's disciple, all problems would be solved.

The branch family would be more obedient to the main family because of Hinata Satoru's status as a disciple of the main family. As for the Hokage, since he had already taken in a disciple, it would probably be difficult for him to interfere.

"I refuse."

The smile on Hinata Hiashi's face froze instantly, as if he was still doubting whether he had heard it wrongly.

"Are you worried about Aburame Zhiwei? Don't worry, he is just your instructor, and it does not conflict with being my disciple. Once you become my disciple, the family will give you a subsidy of 100,000 taels every month. In addition, some secret techniques of the main family will also be open to you."

Hinata Satoru looked at him helplessly:"I think you misunderstood, Master Hiashi, I don't want to be your disciple. It has nothing to do with Teacher Zhiwei, and it has nothing to do with others.……"

"Once I become Master Hiashi's disciple, I'm afraid I won't be able to do many things on my own. I don't want to be subject to so many restrictions."

This answer made Hinata Hiashi stunned, and he didn't know how to say the words he had prepared in his throat.


Do you know how many people dream of becoming my disciple?

A trace of anger surged in Hinata Hiashi's heart. His family upbringing over the years made him instinctively maintain his so-called demeanor. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"Well, since you have made up your mind, I will not force you. Although you have not become my disciple, you will still receive a monthly subsidy of 100,000 taels. This is the reward from the family."

After saying that, he stood up and left without stopping.

Hinata Satoru looked at his back with deep eyes. Today, both the brothers Hiashi and Hiashi came to him, but their purposes were completely different.

He rejected Hiashi's plan to accept him as a disciple, which in a sense was also a statement.

The future may not be too peaceful.

He sighed in his heart.

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