In the forest, several figures were like ghosts, stepping on the branches and moving quickly, sweeping the surrounding trees behind them.

Aburame Shiwei's low voice sounded and reached the ears of the three people behind him.

"Recently, many caravans have been robbed in the southern part of the Land of Fire. Our mission is to eliminate those bandits. Don't underestimate them. According to intelligence, there are many Chunins among them."

"This is secondary. The point is that the bandits are quite cunning. The intelligence has marked four locations, all of which may be their bases. We may act separately at that time."

"Got it."

Hinata Satoru said helplessly.

Judging from the nature of the mission, this is probably another ANBU mission. Did the Hokage treat them as ANBU substitutes?

But as far as the mission is concerned, it is indeed quite suitable for them. Bandits are good at hiding, and both he and Aburame Shiwei have good reconnaissance capabilities. As for the reward, it is much better than ordinary missions.

As long as the bandits in that area are cleared, an A-level mission will be completed, and the reward is also quite generous.

It smells so good. Hinata

Satoru couldn't help smacking his lips.

After two days of traveling, several people came to the place in the intelligence.

Hinata Satoru obviously felt that the humidity in the air had increased a lot. His eyes swept across the forest and he could see that behind the gray border was a blue sea.

Although it was far away, Hinata Satoru had a feeling that he could vaguely hear the sound of the sea.

In his previous life, he lived inland all his life. This time was the closest to the sea, which made him a little melancholy.

He found that Hinata Satoru was looking at the sea, and Aburame Shiwei was also looking at the sea, and said with emotion

"Every year, the countries on the other side of the sea send a large amount of goods to the Fire Country, including the Ninja Tools of the Craftsman Country and the specialties of the Sea Country. Therefore, there are so many caravans along this route."

"After we clear out those bandits, they will feel more at ease to deliver the goods in, which is what you want, right?"

Aburame Shiwei looked at Hinata Satoru with a sly smile.

"The first genius of the new generation, the successor of the will of fire, and the dream of world peace."

Hinata Satoru smiled helplessly.

"Teacher Zhiwei, please stop teasing me."

Sure enough, Aburame Zhiwei also heard the rumors in the village, and he still remembered the dream he mentioned casually when they first met.

"Satoru, don't be so modest. At least you can't take off the title of the first genius of the new generation."Uchiha Rin showed a trace of envy.

In other words, when she saw Hinata Satoru defeat Kakashi so easily, she was quite shocked. After all, she had fought against Kakashi before and knew how difficult the other party was.

"Rin, even you……"

Hongdou, who rarely participated in this topic, lowered her head silently, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"Then let's start the mission." Aburame Shiwei took a breath,"There are four locations indicated in the intelligence. Since the enemy's overall strength is not strong, it is more efficient to act in groups."

Aburame Shiwei looked at Hinata Satoru

"Then I'll be in a group with Uchiha Rin, and Satoru, you and Red Bean, is that ok?"

"No problem."

Hinata Satoru nodded. Judging from the strength of the bandits in the intelligence, he alone was more than enough.

After the division, the two teams began to act separately.


Hinata Satoru moved towards the location in the intelligence, and soon found the target cave. The location was quite hidden, and under the cover of dense trees, only the cave entrance could be vaguely seen.

""Baiyan, open!"

From the perspective of the Baiyan, the situation inside the cave was clearly visible.

The space inside was much larger than it looked from the outside. Many ninjas could be seen moving around in an orderly manner, with clear division of labor.

"Red Bean, there are 9 bandits in total, 3 of them are Chunin, 2 are Genin, and the remaining 4 do not have the chakra to reach the Genin level."

"I'll take care of the three Chunins and Genins, and you deal with the rest, okay?"


Hinata Satoru, who didn't hear a reply, turned around in confusion.

He saw Hongdou with her head down, looking listless, wondering what she was thinking.

"Red Bean?"

Hinata Satoru pushed her shoulder.


Hongdou immediately raised her head

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Oh, I see." His voice was still weak and he looked listless.

"Forget it."Hinata Satoru shook his head helplessly,"You rest here first, let me deal with these bandits." As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a scroll from his arms, the white mist dissipated, and a slender ninja sword appeared in his hand.

Ninja Sword: Long Fang!

Against such a group of enemies, this slender ninja sword is very effective.

"You wait here for me, I will be back soon."

After giving the instructions, Hinata Satoru rushed into the cave with the ninja sword in hand.

"Enemy attack!"

"What the hell? It's actually a little ghost?"

"Don't worry about your life! Let me teach you well……"

The voice stopped abruptly, the pupils trembled in fear, a bloodstain spread from the forehead to the chest, and the body fell backwards weakly.

"There's so much nonsense."

"Asshole! Let's attack together. It's just a little kid. I don't believe that so many people can't deal with him!"

"kill him!"


In an instant, a large number of shurikens and kunai swept towards Hinata Satoru.

An incredible scene appeared. The moment the shurikens approached, they seemed to be gently lifted by a big hand and passed around his body in an arc.

"What's going on? Does this kid know any magic?"

Hinata Satoru rushed towards the nearest bandit, his long fangs cut at a tricky angle and slashed the man's throat fiercely.

""Little devil! Go to hell!"

Some bandit suddenly tore open a scroll, the white mist dissipated, and a large number of metal ninja tools shot towards Hinata Satoru, with the detonating talismans wrapped behind them hissing and emitting smoke.

A fierce look flashed in Hinata Satoru's eyes, and he took a strange stance, with one foot as the center of the circle, and suddenly turned very fast.

"Huitian Yin!"

The high-speed rotating blue hemisphere suddenly wrapped around his body, and the ninja tools that swept over first condensed in the air for a short time at the moment of contact, and then splashed in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

In a short moment, the violently flying metal ninja tools engulfed the entire interior of the cave.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The flames of the detonating tags exploded one after another in the chaotic cave.

The bandit who tore open the scroll never thought until his death that his angry attack would destroy the entire team.

Until a certain moment, the explosion subsided, and wherever the eyes could see, there was a tragic scene, and there was no living bandit.

Hinata Satoru shrugged helplessly:"I was planning to leave you a whole body."

Kaiten Yin is a secret technique he developed based on Kaiten. When performing Kaiten, he uses electromagnetic force to build a repulsive magnetic field, which instantly bounces nearby objects away.

Kaiten Yang, which was developed at the same time, attracts surrounding objects, similar to Wanxiang Tianyin.

After crawling in the ninja world for such a long time, he is no longer as fragile as he was when he was tortured by insomnia after his first murder.

Ninja has always been a profession accompanied by death. After storing the items needed to prove the mission in the scroll, Hinata Satoru left the cave and came to Hongdou's position. The other party still looked listless.

"What's wrong with you, Hongdou?" he couldn't help asking.

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