"Wu, am I a waste?"

Hongdou raised her head, her brown-gray eyes were dull and without any color.

"Waste?" Hinata Satoru smiled helplessly,"To be honest, I don't understand why you would use this word to describe yourself."

"But I really feel useless. You and Rin are both so outstanding, and Teacher Zhiwei is also a well-known jonin.……"

Hongdou's voice became lower and lower

"Why do you think so? Hongdou, you are already very good."

Hinata Satoru sighed and tried to make his voice softer.

"I just want to do something for everyone, no matter how small it is. When Rin and Kakashi were fighting, I wanted to help, but I couldn't beat Kakashi at all, so I had to run to you."

"I really hate that feeling, that feeling of powerlessness, even though I'm right next to you.……"

Hinata Satoru was silent.

In the original novel, Red Bean was definitely a genius to be accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, but under his influence, her trajectory changed. She was supposed to be a disciple of Orochimaru, but now she is a little confused.

And this gap was infinitely widened by comparing herself with Uchiha Rin.

"Red Bean."

Hinata Satoru took a breath, put his hands on her shoulders, and tried to speak in a gentle tone.

"You are actually very good, but you may not be so conspicuous among us. As long as you find your strengths and stick to it, you will definitely become an excellent ninja."

"do you understand?"


Hongdou nodded and responded softly.

Hinata Satoru sighed slightly. Perhaps after returning this time, he would discuss with Teacher Zhiwei to give Hongdou a special training.

Under Hinata Satoru's guidance, Hongdou's mood was obviously better. The two stayed for a while and began to look for the last base in the intelligence.

This location is quite secret. Hinata Satoru searched for a long time and did not find any trace of them.

"It seems that the Anbu responsible for the investigation only speculated that the bandits' base was in the vicinity based on their trajectory, but they probably didn't find the exact location."

"This is a bit troublesome."

Hinata Satoru curled his lips helplessly, looking up at the place where he and Aburame Shiwei agreed to meet, which was very far away from here.

If there is no harvest, he can only go back to meet them and discuss countermeasures.

Looking around, this place is very close to the coast, and the view is unobstructed. There are only tracts of woods around, and a cliff facing the sea.

If there is a bandit base nearby, it should be easy to be discovered.

"Strange." Hinata Satoru couldn't help but frowned.

Beside him, Hongdou suddenly asked in confusion:"Satoru, I can't understand why the bandits set up their base here? This place doesn't seem suitable for a base."

Why set up the base here?

Hinata Satoru suddenly had a flash of lightning in his mind, and he vaguely felt that he had grasped something.

Since the bandits set up their base nearby, it naturally means that there is a place here that can meet their goals. He quickly glanced around, and his eyes gradually stopped on the cliff next to the coast.

"Hongdou, don't move around here. I'll go over and take a look."



Arriving at the foot of the cliff, looking up at the cliff, Hinata Satoru opened his Byakugan and indeed found some clues.

"This group of bandits actually has such great perseverance."

There are traces of artificial excavation on the cliff. From the perspective of the Byakugan, one can clearly see the footholds of iron spikes, ropes, etc. on the cliff. Following those traces all the way up, he found a huge pit on the top of the cliff.

This is also the reason why he has been searching in vain. If he does not come to the foot of the cliff, the range of the Byakugan and electromagnetic perception cannot cover it.

Hinata Satoru smiled:"No wonder they chose to use this place as a stronghold. At the top of the cliff, merchant ships coming from nearby waters cannot escape their surveillance."

After figuring this out, Hinata Satoru jumped up, stepped on the protruding rock wall, jumped again, and kept approaching the top of the cliff.

The strength of that group of bandits is not very strong. It takes too much time to kill them from a distance with a sniper. It is a more time-saving approach to go directly into the stronghold.


In the forest.

Hongdou couldn't help but get anxious.

"Wu has been gone for so long, why hasn't he come back yet? Did he encounter an accident?"

The location they were in was far away from Konoha Village, and it was also the most chaotic area in the Land of Fire, where ninjas from other villages often appeared.

This was also the reason why the Hokage arranged for them to eliminate the bandits.

Hinata Wu's long absence made her worried.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, and her hanging heart finally relaxed.

"Hongdou, let's go meet up with Teacher Zhiwei."

Hinata Satoru came over from the forest and said to him with a smile.

"Has the mission been completed?"

"Well, now we just need to meet up with Shiwei-sensei and it will be over. With his and Rin's abilities, they should have solved it."

"Is that so? I still can't help at all."

Hongdou couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't say that, Hongdou. If you hadn't reminded me, I would never have discovered the location of their base. Now I might still be wandering around like a headless fly."

"Let's go and meet up with Teacher Zhiwei."

""Yeah." Hongdou responded softly.

The agreed meeting place was far away from here. After walking for a while, Hinata Satoru looked back at the gray sky above the sea. He could vaguely see lightning flashing in it.

Hinata Satoru frowned.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily, let's speed up."

The two of them sped up and shuttled quickly through the woods.

After walking for a while, Hinata Satoru suddenly looked serious, grabbed Hongdou beside him, and whispered

"Wait, Hongdou, there are two ninjas from other villages ahead."

Hearing this, Hongdou also stopped and looked at Hinata Satoru nervously.

"Wu, is it an enemy?"

"It is not clear yet, but their strength is estimated to be very strong."

Hinata Satoru looked very solemn. Just now, he suddenly found two very powerful biomagnetic fields that broke into his perception. They must be very powerful ninjas. The

Byakugan quietly opened. After seeing the forehead protection pattern on the other party's forehead and the ninja sword on one of them's back, Hinata Satoru subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

"Hongdou, let's retreat, the enemy is the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."The Seven

Ninja Swordsmen?

Hearing these five words, Hongdou's heart seemed to be grasped by a big hand.

They were the strongest humanoid weapons in the Hidden Mist Village. Each of the Seven was an extremely strong elite jonin, and their cruelty and bloodiness, even in the Land of Fire, she had heard about it.

"Are both of them members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?" Hongdou swallowed and asked subconsciously.

"No, the other one is not, but his strength may be more terrifying."

Hinata Satoru silently held his breath. The man without the ninja sword had a stronger biomagnetic field than Aburame Shiwei. Even if Shiwei was here, he would not dare to face two people at the same time.

Not knowing whether the other party had the ability to perceive, Hinata Satoru did not dare to make too much noise, for fear of being caught by the other party.

The air around him seemed to condense into ice, and the movements of the two people also slowed down. They held their breath and slowly retreated.

At this moment, the two people in the Byakugan's perspective moved.

The speed was quite fast, and they were constantly approaching here.

"Damn it! Has he been noticed?"

Hinata Satoru's face was extremely ugly.

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