One, one, and another...

As Brando's hair was pulled out one by one, there was a dense sound like popping beans from a distance outside, getting louder and more urgent.

This lasted for about a few minutes, and when it reached a peak, it seemed that it had encountered some obstacle and was suppressed in pieces. In the end, it could not be heard at all, and there was a deathly silence in the night outside.

Brando stopped pulling his hair, looked out the door with some palpitations, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment the sound reappeared, much sharper and louder, like a wave, advancing layer by layer towards the location of the room.

Getting closer, getting closer.

According to the ears, it was only a few hundred meters away.

Sid showed a strange look, thought for a moment, waved to a black armored soldier next to him and said, "Go outside and have a look, and report back."

"Yes." The black armored soldier who was called nodded, walked out the door, and quickly walked into the darkness outside the courtyard.

As a result, after leaving, no news came, only the distant voice continued to approach the room.

A few minutes later, Sid's expression became serious. He was sure that the black-armored soldier must have encountered an accident and couldn't come back. He turned to look at the blue-armored soldier next to him, and pointed: "You, you, and you."

This time, Sid named the names of three people and ordered: "Go outside together and have a look, be careful, stay vigilant, don't disperse, come back and report immediately after you figure out the situation."

"Yes, my lord." The three blue-armored soldiers nodded, walked out the door, and entered the darkness on guard.

In a blink of an eye, several minutes passed, and the three soldiers seemed to be swallowed by the night, and never came back.

At this time, the distant voice had advanced to a position less than 100 meters away from the room, accelerating its approach.

Ninety meters, eighty meters, seventy meters.

Sixty meters, fifty meters, forty meters.

The sound has reached outside the courtyard!

All the soldiers and magic knights inside and outside the door were on alert. Sid touched his waist, where hung a long sword engraved with magic patterns and a magic pattern dagger.

The eldest lady Anne on the cushion also stood up, holding a bracelet in her left hand, and three rings shimmering in her right hand, squinting at the door.

Thirty meters!

The sound got closer. Right at the gate of the courtyard, everyone made preparations for battle. Even Brando, who had never known what was going on, began to silently prepare defensive spells.

At this moment, the sound stopped abruptly.

A group of people showed puzzled expressions, and the next moment heavy footsteps sounded.


A burly figure stepped into the yard. It was Gawain, the orthodox leader of the magic knights, leading many magic knights and soldiers behind him.

The group of people seemed to have experienced fierce battles, and the surface of the armor on their bodies was covered with blood and traces of sharp weapons.

The area in front of Gao Wen's chest was covered with thick hoarfrost, which was obviously attacked by a wizard.

Seeing that it was Gao Wen who came in, Sid hurried up to meet him, and couldn't help asking: "Commander, why is it you? According to the plan, you should be stationed in the south, why are you here?"

"Don't talk about it." Gao Wen said with a serious face, "There are more enemies than we imagined, and there are internal support. The south side only held on for a while and then fell. I had to lead people back and shrink the line of defense. It was hard to fight. After repelling the enemy's first wave of attack, I found it difficult to persist, so I brought people over to prepare for the transfer of Miss Anne."

"Is that so?" Sid nodded and asked, "Then where will it go?"

"It's not safe inside the city, we have to go outside the city." Gao Wen said.

"Okay, I'll tell Miss Anne right now." Sid said, turning to Anne.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Gawain called out to Sid again.

"What, Commander?" Sid wondered.

Gawain approached, put a hand on Sid's shoulder, and said with a serious expression: "There is one more thing I forgot to tell you,

That is……"



Suddenly a golden light flashed from Gawain's right shoulder, and he turned over a short blade, stabbing straight into Sid's side rib.

The next moment, it was the sound of Jinshi Mingming.


Sid's eyes widened, and he looked at Gawain in disbelief, and Gawain also widened his eyes, looking at Sid in surprise.

He saw that the end of the short blade in Gawain's hand almost stabbed Sid's body, but was blocked by a dagger - Sid's dagger.

Time stood still for a moment, and then Sid and Gao Wen quickly separated.

Gawain looked at Sid, and asked aloud, "You've been on guard against me?"

"No, I'm not guarding you, Commander, but I've never relaxed." Sid shook the dagger in his hand and said with a bitter smile, "

I really didn't expect that the internal response you mentioned was you. I really didn't expect that you actually betrayed the Pang Bo family! I have always admired your loyalty, but unexpectedly, it was all your disguise. It's all a disguise! Are you not ashamed? "

Amid Sid's questioning, Gao Wen lowered his head, then raised his head, looked straight at Sid without flinching and said, "Yes, Sid, I did betray the Pangbo family, but I don't regret it, and I don't regret it. Not ashamed, not having a bad conscience.

Because, I know very well that if the Pangbo family continues to rule the city of St. Louis, it will be a disaster for everyone. The Pangbo family was too greedy and harsh, how many lives were taken in order to earn profits? Only the Pangbo family is destroyed, and the rest can live. If the rest want to live, they must destroy the Pangbo family. "

"But, are you sure that after destroying the Pangbo family, the order established will be better? Or worse?" Syd questioned unceremoniously, "Besides, can you really not be ashamed? You have to know, you Everything now is given to you by the Pangbo family! If it weren't for the Pangbo family, you would not be a magic knight at all, but a poor man who can't even support himself!"

Gawain froze for a moment, then suddenly showed a strange smile, glanced at Sid, stepped back silently, and put away the dagger.

He reached out and grabbed the edge of the armor he was wearing, pulled it hard, adjusted to a more comfortable position, let out a long breath, and looked at Sid.

"Sid, you are actually wrong, if there is no Pangbo family, I will not be a poor man who can't even support himself, but a beggar who will directly starve to death in the city of St. Louis.

Uh, no, if it weren't for the Pangbo family, I wouldn't have come to St. Louis City at all, and I would have stayed in the village in the mountains. Although it is poor and the conditions are difficult there, there are not so many disputes in the outside world. The most important thing is that my parents, my sister, my sister, the big white dog Small, and the little black dog Devin will not die, will not die. "

Sid looked surprised.

"Sid, you told me that when those people outside the city assassinated Miss Anne, they told a lame story.

Basically, a small mountain village was massacred because it did not agree to the harsh contract of the Pangbo family. Only a seven-year-old boy survived, along with a handful of others. Before the other party could finish speaking, Miss Anne interrupted her. You also told me that although the other party has always emphasized that the little boy in the story is not yourself, you don't believe it. "

"Actually, you should believe it, because that little me." Gawain looked at Sid and said with a serious expression.

The audience was amazed!

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