"The story is based on me, so in a sense, I have not betrayed the Pangbo family, because I have never been loyal to her." Gao Wen said in a deep voice, then took a long breath and closed his eyes. , "Now, let's talk about everything."

"The people who assassinated Miss Anne outside the city before were sent by me. I did all this to kill our Miss Anne and cause turmoil in the Pangbo family.

However, unexpectedly failed. But failure also has the benefits of failure. The people I arranged behind unexpectedly seriously injured the Patriarch, Mr. Downers, which was more effective than killing Miss Anne. In this way, those who had endured the Pangbo family for a long time could not hold back their actions. I cooperated with them on purpose, and successfully destroyed the defense line of the Pangbo family's resident, resulting in the current result.

Sid, if you are not in a daze, you should understand that the end of the destruction of the Pangbo family has now been decided. More than half of the people in the entire city of St. Louis are on our side. Even within the Pangbo family, more than half of the magic knights and less than half of the wizards surrendered. The two most powerful third-level wizards directly announced that they would not participate in this incident, and the Pangbo family would not have any hope of making a comeback.

So, if you choose to lay down your arms, we are still brothers, and I will let you take a long vacation and accompany Katrina to the Soma League to relax. When you get back, it's all over and you don't have to worry about anything. How about it? ! "

After speaking a long paragraph, Gawain looked towards West Germany with some expectation.

Sid lowered his head slightly, and the muscles on his face twisted a few times as if he was struggling inside. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and looked at Gao Wen and said, "I can promise you, but I have one condition."


"That's... everyone breaks through!"

Sid suddenly roared, a dazzling light erupted from his whole body, and he drew out his magic pattern sword and rushed towards Gawain.

The battle then broke out, and the two parties fought fiercely together.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of metal and stone clashing sounded, weapons were interlaced, sparks splashed out from the edge, and floated upwards like fireflies in the night, sinking into the air little by little.

In the crowd, a dazzling purple light suddenly flashed like a thunderbolt. It was the magic knight who activated the magic pattern on the armor with his life force, trying to kill the enemy and break through the defense line.

Immediately afterwards, a crimson light shone from a corner of the courtyard, like the sun falling into the world, suppressing the momentum of all the magic knights and attracting everyone's attention.

At the back of Gawain's team, a soldier took off his heavy armor camouflage, revealing his black robe and wizard attire. Slowly raising one hand, an oval fireball like an eye was born in his palm, emitting infinite light and heat, and was about to throw it out.

The next moment, a black awn roared through the air, piercing precisely into the heart of the exposed wizard. It was the magic-weave dagger thrown by Sid.


A large stream of blood spattered from the wizard's wound. The wizard's eyes widened, and his face showed disbelief at first, then the fireball in his hand quickly disappeared, and his body swayed and fell straight on the ground.

"Toruk!" Gawain shouted after looking at it, then looked at Sid with red eyes, waved the long sword in his hand, and ordered to his men: "Except for Anne Pangbo, give me all the rest Kill them all!"

Sid frowned deeply, and after listening to Gao Wen's words, he took a step back, turned around and shouted at his subordinates: "Break out, break out, concentrate your strength to break out!"


Gao Wen's people rushed up like a tide.


Sid led his men forward like battering cones.

Violent collision, fierce fight.

Screams, panting, blood, corpses, the whole night was torn apart like a piece of cloth in an instant.

During the process, Li Cha kept moving his position in the arena, taking out the enemies from time to time, very simply, neatly, and at the same time very stealthily.


Li Cha swung a wind blade and cut the throat of a soldier.


Li Cha threw a fireball,

Forced back the two enemies who were about to rush up.


Li Cha fired an air missile, knocking away a wounded knight in magic costume, causing the opponent to slam into a wall next to him, causing the wall to collapse.

The battlefield then expanded to the other side of the wall, causing West Germany and his party to unknowingly shift the direction of the breakout.


More than an hour later, the night was thick.

Outside the city of St. Louis, in a low forest, a group of scarred people marched here to rest, sitting, lying or lying down. They were the group of West Germany who broke out.

In the previous battle, whether it was luck or some other reason, the group broke through multiple lines of defense in a row, and successfully got rid of the pursuers and came here. However, more than half of the staff was reduced, and almost everyone who remained was injured.

Even Sid himself was not much better, his armor was nearly half broken, the long sword in his hand was broken in the middle, and there were dense wounds on his arms and legs. Absorbing life force for a long time to activate the magic pattern made Sid feel extremely tired, as if his eyelids were filled with lead, and he might fall asleep at any time. But he still kept his spirits up and checked the situation of his subordinates one by one.

After the inspection, he walked to the side and reported to Missy Annie: "Missy, we only have 30 people who are still barely able to fight. The situation is very bad. Once the enemy catches up again, it is absolutely unstoppable. We must find support. Okay. I suggest that we immediately transfer to the Blackstone camp, where there are still several squads of magic knights stationed, and with their help, we will be much safer."

"Blackstone Camp? The one next to Manor Six?" Annie asked.

"Yes." Sid nodded.

"I'm afraid it won't work." Annie shook her head and said, "As far as I know, the magic knight team stationed there has a very close relationship with Gawain. There is a 80% chance that they have already joined Gawain's camp. They should be in the city right now. Go after the rest of our Pangbo family."

"Then—" Sid's expression sank, "then—we have nothing to do."

"Not necessarily." Annie raised her eyebrows, thinking of something, and said, "There is no need to think about the magic knight in the Blackstone camp, but there may be someone helping us in the No. 6 manor next to the Blackstone camp."

"Is there someone in the No. 6 manor?" Sid wondered, "Isn't the No. 6 manor idle because the location is too remote and cannot be managed? Is there anyone there?"

"When you get there, you'll know." Annie didn't say clearly, but said affirmatively, "We're going to Manor No. 6 now."

"Yes." Sid said.

He turned around and walked to his subordinates, and issued an order: "Those who can stand up now, go with me, and follow Miss Anne to find support. The rest of the seriously injured, stay where they are and recuperate, and come to meet you when you find support later. "

"Is there support?" Brando was pleasantly surprised when he heard Sid's words, with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but look at Li Cha next to him.

Li Cha was not surprised, he knew very well that the so-called support was Alan Pangbo, but he was also relieved in his heart, thankful that everything went smoothly. According to the current situation, it won't be long before he can meet Alan Pangbo in the secret basement of the manor. At that time, there will always be a way to get the "Book of the Void" through friendly negotiations or threats.

In the next moment, Sid looked over and said to Richard and Brando, "As for you two, stay.

"Huh?" Brando's expression froze instantly.

Li Cha's eyebrows also raised involuntarily.


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