Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 973 Dazzling White Light

"call out!"

The javelin whizzed towards it, and then hit the "Holy Golden Shield" heavily with a "bang". The golden holy shield trembled slightly, and a dazzling red-gold light burst out, as if a flame was burning.

The surrounding temperature rose sharply, and it was visible to the naked eye that the tip of the javelin quickly deformed and softened, and then melted into hot and shiny metal juice. Drops fell on the ground, and when it came into contact with the wet turf, a large puff of white smoke rose.

A few seconds later, the entire javelin disappeared completely, turning into a puddle of molten iron on the ground.

The energy shield supported by Li Cha also slowly dissipated, and Li Cha calmly looked at Sid, waiting for the other party's response.

He believed that just this round of fighting, the opponent should be very clear about his strength.

Sure enough, Sid's complexion changed, he clenched his hands, his knuckles were a little white, and he stared and said, "You are a high-level wizard!"

"Yes." Li Cha replied simply.

Sid pursed his lips. For him, he just thought that Li Cha's hidden strength was just a first-level wizard, and he could barely deal with it. But after watching Li Cha easily defuse his javelin attack, he has already confirmed that Li Cha is at least a second-level wizard.

This is completely different.

A second-level wizard is enough to fight against and even beat all of them, if stronger...

Sid didn't think about it any further, just pursed his lips and stared at Li Cha.

After waiting for a while, Li Cha saw that the other party didn't make a statement, and raised his eyebrows: "Why, even if you know my strength, you still don't want to cooperate? Do you have to use irreversible means to deal with the current situation?"

Sid lowered his head, then raised it slowly, his sky blue eyes shot a firm gaze, he clenched his teeth and said, "I will never hand over Miss Anne to you, I will never betray the Pangbo family Even if it is death! Because my life was saved by the Pangbo family. Therefore, if you want to catch Miss Anne, you must first step over my corpse."


Sid stomped on the ground, causing the surrounding soil to sink downwards. Blood-red rays of light poured out from the broken armor again. The whole person was like a locomotive out of control, rushing towards Li Cha crazily.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a few steps in a row, he rushed to Li Cha, and punched Li Cha in the face violently.

Li Cha looked at it, his eyebrows moved, and a bright golden luster quietly covered his whole body, then he stretched out his hand and grasped the opponent's fist precisely.

Sid tried to break free, but found that his strength was as weak as that of a baby, so he didn't give up. He twisted his arm violently, and a finger-length black arrow shot out from the metal armguard, shooting straight into Richard's eyes.

With a "snap", the arrow was easily caught by the two fingers of Li Cha's other hand.

Glancing at the arrow, Li Cha threw it away, looked at Sid and said, "You really have no chance of winning, it's better to recognize the reality."

"I will never betray the Pangbo family!" Sid still insisted on shouting, and raised his other fist to hit Richard.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and without being polite, he grabbed it with a "snap", and suddenly exerted force, throwing Sid out like a sandbag.


Sid flew a full tens of meters before stopping when he hit a tree heavily. Blood gushed out from the many wounds on his body, and the blood-red light on the armor was dim and almost invisible.

But Sid did not die. As a great knight in the seven-stripe magic suit, his vitality was extremely strong. Even after receiving such a serious injury, he still remained awake, and even tried to stand up and continue to resist. But just trying to stand up halfway, the body went limp, and fell down again. Sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, as if trying to gather strength.

Li Cha stepped up.

At this time, a "boom" sounded, and a fireball the size of a washbasin fell from the sky.

Li Cha looked into the distance, and it was no accident that the one who made the shot was indeed Miss Annie.

This should be the most powerful spell that the opponent can cast so far. After casting it, his face turned pale, his body shook, and he tried to control the spell to fall.

But to him, this is just an ordinary one-ring spell.

As soon as he raised his hand, a ball of golden light gushed out, like a viscous liquid, quickly covering the falling flames. Then it shrank suddenly, first to the size of a fist, then to the size of a walnut, and finally disappeared with a "poof", as if nothing happened.

Annie in the distance looked startled, her eyes widened, she gritted her teeth and was about to release other spells, her lips opened and closed, and mana waves gushed out from her body.

Li Cha flicked his hand casually, and a golden light shot out, hitting Annie's body.

Annie shook her whole body, and the mana she had gathered with great difficulty collapsed in an instant, and the magic backfired, and she barely stood still after taking several steps back, with almost no blood on her face.

"Give up." Li Cha persuaded.

Annie stared and didn't want to give in at all. The three rings on her right hand began to light up, and she continued to prepare to attack.

On the other side, Sid, who was thrown by Li Cha and fell to the ground, finally gathered enough strength at this time, stood up shaking with his hands on the ground, and shouted to all his subordinates: "All attack, we must protect Annie!" Missy!"


Thirty soldiers and knights in magical costumes pulled out their weapons and glared at Li Cha as he rushed forward, as if facing a heinous sinner.

Sid followed closely behind and kept approaching Li Cha, blood-red rays of light emerged from the armor again. In the beginning, the light or darkness was extremely unstable, but after a few seconds, it became dense and covered the whole body, even the cheeks were dyed blood red, and the eyes were also full of blood, which was trying to desperately.

It was indeed desperate, and he didn't want to cooperate at all. Even if he was killed in battle, he didn't want him to easily take away Miss Anne... Li Cha couldn't help sighing softly when he had this thought in his mind.

To be honest, he didn't want it to go this way at all, because it wouldn't do him any good. He just wanted to take Anne away as an insurance to open the door of the secret room of the manor, and he didn't want to have a meaningless fight with Sid and his party.

If the two sides can cooperate, it will be a good thing. However, because the time is too short, it is impossible to gain the other party's trust, which is also one of the difficulties of his mission.

So, now the other party doesn't want to cooperate with him at all, and just wants to kill him.

Well, he will not cooperate with the other party.

If the other party wants to fight him to the last man, then he will let the other party...not even fight.

Goodbye... Li Cha said goodbye in his heart, watching the soldiers, magic knights, Sid who charged up, and Anne who was about to release the spell, and raised his hands.

One hand was raised above the head, it was squeezed violently, and then released, a ball of extremely bright white light exploded. The white light illuminated the entire forest, turning the night into day in an instant, stinging everyone's eyes.

The crowd rushing up, including Sid, couldn't help blocking the light with their palms, but found it was useless. Even if you close your eyes tightly, the light seems to be alive. It is opening their eyelids, drilling into the depths of their eyes, all the way to their minds, and then illuminating the depths of their minds brightly.

Bright, bright, and in the back of their minds there is nothing but a bright light.

A group of people rushing up couldn't help slowing down in the light, and then stopped uncontrollably, motionless, as if petrified. Their eyes were dull, their expressions were stiff, and they slowly showed innocent smiles like children.

After more than ten seconds, the light disappeared, and the crowd seemed to wake up from their sleep. Holding a weapon, they were vigilantly looking for Li Cha, but where could they find him? Li Cha had disappeared without a trace, followed by Miss Anne, whom they desperately protected.

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