Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 974 Playing Stupid to the End

Everyone in Sid stood there in a daze. After a few seconds, they looked at the only outsider - that was Brando.

At this time, Brando also looked sober from the dazzle just now. He glanced at Sid and the others. He wanted to reprimand them and ask them to apologize for slandering him, but when he saw Sid's murderous eyes, he was rational. Dispelled this idea.

Twitching the corners of his mouth, he said, "Well, there seems to be nothing wrong here. Since you don't trust me, then... I'll leave first. Well, I'll leave first, and I'll see you when I have a chance."

He waved his left hand, then covered the wound on his right shoulder, and walked out of the forest.

Sid watched Brando's back until he disappeared without saying anything. After that, his body shook, and he knelt on the ground with one knee like a landslide, shaking violently all over his body. The blood-red light on the armor faded away, and blood continued to ooze out from under the skin. This was the price of activating the magic pattern with life force many times—more painful than the backlash of spells.

In pain, Sid looked at the position where Richard had been, and then at the position where the eldest lady Anne was, feeling powerless for a while, and then at a loss for a while.

He had no idea where Li Cha had taken Annie, let alone how to rescue him.

His emotions were very complicated. In the end, he clenched his fists, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he vented like the roar of a wounded beast: "Ah, damn spy wizard, I will definitely find where you are going. I will definitely find you, and take the young lady Rescued, then kill you, kill you! Definitely!"


In fact, Li Cha didn't go anywhere, he just brought Miss Anne to Manor No. 6 - this is where Sid was supposed to come.

Because of this, Li Cha wanted the other party to cooperate, but the other party refused, so he had to go first.

Manor Six.

In the night, the huge Manor No. 6 was as quiet as a cemetery.

Li Cha led Annie into the gate of the manor, and all he heard was the whistling of the wind like a ghost crying, and the "swirling" sound of branches in the woods in the distance.

A few hundred meters ahead, three dilapidated stone buildings stood like tombstones. Among them, the one on the left had faint light from the second-floor windows, which should be an oil lamp in the room. But the lights were extremely unstable, bright or dark, like the last breath of a dying person, just like the current bad situation of the Pangbo family.

Li Cha stared at the stone building for a few seconds, then looked back at Annie beside him.

At this time, Annie's cheeks were tense, her brows were deeply frowned, and her lips were tightly pursed. Although she was quietly staying by her side, her face was full of expressions of unwillingness to cooperate. If it wasn't for being on the road, Li Cha had fully demonstrated his strength, and would have rushed to bite someone. Even so, the gaze in the eyes seemed to be saying viciously: Although, I can't beat you, but... I'm not afraid of you!

Li Cha shook his head lightly, and said to Annie: "Okay, Manor No. 6 is here, take me to find the big man who lives in seclusion here."

"Big man? What big man?" Annie said with a puzzled expression, "This is just an abandoned manor of my family, and there is no one there."

Li Cha exhaled lightly, looked at Annie and said, "Miss Annie, it's already reached this time, there's no point in pretending to be stupid."

"There is really no one in this manor." Anne insisted.

"No one, are you sure? I didn't guess if there was anyone, but you said it yourself." Richard said softly, "Before, didn't you say that you brought Sid and the others to Manor No. 6 to find support? "

"This..." Annie hesitated.

"Okay, take me there." Richard said.

Annie twisted her body a few times uneasily, and finally seemed to have made some decision. She looked at Li Cha and said seriously: "You know, I told Sid that I came here to find someone before, but I lied to him. There's nobody here, and I don't know anything about this place."

Is my appearance really so easy to deceive... Li Cha looked at Annie speechless for a while, but he guessed what Annie was thinking in his heart.

The other party was nothing more than worried that he might pose a threat to Aaron Pangpo and destroy the Pangbo family's hope of a final comeback.

So I don't want to take him there.

Oh well.

With a secret sigh in his heart, Li Cha looked at Annie and said, "Since you don't want to take me there, then I'll take you there."

"Huh?" Annie was taken aback.

Li Cha stepped up and walked towards the stone building: "Follow me."


Two minutes later.

Li Cha led Annie to the lit stone building, opened the door without hesitation, walked in, and walked to the basement.

Annie watched Li Cha walking into the basement with ease, as if he was more familiar than her, showing a ghost-like expression, hesitating to speak.

She really wanted to ask Richard how he knew about the passage here. This is a high-level secret of the Pangbo family, except for her, only a few people know about it. But she was not sure whether Li Cha was really sure that there was a passage here, or if he deliberately lied to her, and tried hard to resist the urge to ask questions, without saying a word.

At this moment, Li Cha turned his head to look at Annie, and asked, "It's all here, and you still insist that you don't know anything?"

Annie shook her head, showing a blank face: "I really don't know anything."

"Okay." Li Cha sighed, stepped up, and with a "twisting", lifted a wooden board on the ground, revealing the entrance of the passage.

"Still don't know?" Li Cha asked Annie again.

The expression on Annie's face was almost unstoppable, but she finally bit the bullet and responded, "Well, I still don't know."

"You are not as smart as I thought, Miss Anne." Richard said, "In my opinion, under normal circumstances, you should admit it now."

Annie: "..." What can she do? I have already pretended to be stupid, so I can only insist on pretending.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Footsteps sounded, and the old servant upstairs heard movement downstairs, staggered down and walked into the basement.

Walking into the basement, the old servant couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Li Cha and Annie, and opened his mouth to try to ask a question.

Li Cha pointed at the old servant first, and asked Annie: "He is called Fei Qi, right? He is the servant of the big man here, and he has been taking care of the other person's daily life. You also persuaded the other person to go back to the family residence to retire, why? , you still don’t know anything?”

Annie stared at Li Cha with wide eyes, opened her mouth uncontrollably, showing a shocked and astonished expression, and asked Li Cha "how can I know so much". But then she remembered that she had no choice but to pretend to have amnesia about the answers to the previous questions: "Well, I still don't know."

The old man next to him opened his mouth and closed it. He sensed that something was wrong.

Li Cha said: "Okay, since you don't know anything, I won't ask you any more, but follow me down to explore, is it okay?"


"Okay, let's go." Li Cha took Annie and walked towards the passage. After walking down a few steps, he turned his head and said to the old servant named Fei Qi: "If you are interested, you can join us."

The old servant rolled his cloudy eyes, didn't say anything, just nodded and followed.


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