Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 981: The Ending of St. Louis City

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With a sound, Annie closed the box containing the ore, looked at Richard and asked tentatively, "Is this ore important to you?"

Li Cha replied: "Actually, for now, it doesn't matter, because I found a place with such an ore, which is enough for me to use for a short time. However, considering what may happen in the future, the more such ore The better, so there is a deal between us."

"Then..." Annie hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I can promise you."

"Very good." Richard said, "Then the cooperation between us has been reached temporarily, the specific situation depends on the future performance.

You said just now that when we get here, the battle in St. Louis City should not be affected, and we can separate. Goodbye, then, I'm off to attend to some of my business, and I'll be looking forward to your crystal ball messages. "

After speaking, Li Cha nodded slightly to Annie as farewell, after which a layer of gray energy covered the surface of his body and soared into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Li Cha had reached an altitude of 100 meters.

Annie, who was standing on the ground, looked at the box containing the ore in her hand, and then at Li Cha who was flying up, her eyes flickered, and there was a bit of unwillingness in her eyes.

For her, it is naturally good to reach a cooperation with Li Cha. But what she wants most is to become Li Cha's student.

Is it really impossible?

Annie gritted her teeth and stomped her feet fiercely. The magic power in her body surged out rapidly, and a ball of white light enveloped her body, driving her to chase after Li Cha and fly to a height of 100 meters.

But at this time Li Cha had already risen to a height of 300 meters—high above, almost submerged in darkness.

Annie tightened her face, continued to control the surge of mana, raised her body with all her strength, and chased after Li Cha.

Then two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters, five hundred meters...

After some hard work, Annie rose to a position of 500 meters above the ground with difficulty—this was a height she had never been before. Only with all my strength can I barely sustain it.

Looking up, she saw that Li Cha was still rising, at a slow and steady speed, becoming smaller and dimmer in her field of vision, and finally disappeared completely in the darkness.

At this moment, Anne felt a little bitter and desperate. She was fully aware of how big the gap between her and Li Cha was, it was so big that she couldn't catch up with him even if she wanted to.

"Hoo hoo—"

The night wind howled continuously all around.

The unwillingness in Annie's eyes was like a candle in the wind, flickering a few times, and finally went out.


Annie controlled her body to fall towards the ground.


After a long while, the body fell to the ground, and both feet touched the ground. He stretched out his hand to open the box containing the ore, took a few glances, pursed his lips, and walked into the night.


the other side.

In the center of St. Louis, on a wide avenue.

On both sides of the avenue, there are many stone buildings of different heights and styles, which look very prosperous. However, at this time, many buildings were more or less damaged, the lightest ones had their doors and windows destroyed, the heavier walls were riddled with holes and nearly collapsed, and the most serious ones were directly blasted into a pile of ruins—this is what happened just now. The aftermath of the battle.

One of the three-story stone buildings seemed to have been hit by a fireball. There was a big hole in the front wall, and there were scorched marks all around. The entire building was affected, leaning towards the street, and the tip of the spire had exceeded the foundation.

A vague black shadow descended from the sky without sound, and landed on the spire as if without weight, blending with the surrounding environment, almost undetectable—it was Richard.

Li Cha looked around, and turned his gaze to a place a hundred meters away on the street, where a battle had come to an end.

The two sides in the battle were Aaron Pangbo and many knights in magical costumes.

Aaron Pombo was badly injured,

Even standing in place, the body is shaking constantly, and it looks like it will fall down at any time.

The magic knight paid a lot of casualties. One corpse after another was lying in various places on the street. Made by the spell of Aaron Pangble.

In comparison, the magic knights had the upper hand, and the uninjured magic knights were regrouping. A group of ten knights in magic costumes were riding on horseback, adjusting their state, preparing to launch a new round of charge towards Aaron Pangbo.


The squad leader of the magic knight riding on the horse called out an order.


A whole team of knights in magic costumes lit up with emerald green light and charged towards Aaron Pangbo holding long knight spears.

"Da da da……"

The rapid sound of horseshoes echoed throughout the street, and the speed of the knights in magic costumes was getting faster and faster, and they were getting closer to each other, almost becoming a whole. A bright red light spewed out from the end of the knight's spear, pointing straight at Alan Pangbo.

Aaron Pangpo felt the momentum of the charge, and he didn't want to resist forcefully. He bowed his legs and bounced his body, ready to jump into the air to escape.

But as soon as he jumped up, there were sharp whistling sounds from all around him, and black lights streaked across the top of his head—they were javelins thrown by the surrounding magic knights and ordinary soldiers, forcing him back to the ground.


Aaron Pangpo fell to the ground in some embarrassment. At this time, the charging knight in magic costume had already arrived in front of him, and the tip of the knight's spear pierced his heart.

Allen Pangpo frowned, looked at the gun head, and drank out his voice, which made people's ears hurt: "Go to hell!"


A khaki light enveloped the body of Allen Pangpo, and Allen Pangpo stepped forward, forcibly parrying the knight's many long spears.

After that, he spread his hands, and the khaki light left the body, turning into two huge energy shields, dividing a small group of magic knights into two. Then the giant energy shield, like two earthen walls flying up, knocked all the knights in magic suit flying away, both man and horse.

"Bang bang bang!"

The magic knight landed heavily, screaming and groaning in pain for a while.


Allen Pangpo made a nasal sound, then his expression sank, and he looked straight ahead, where a new team of magic knights was ready and was trying to charge.

Aaron Pangpo could tell that the magic knights in this team were very strong, the weakest were the five-striped elite magic knights, and the team leader was the seven-striped magic knights, who were very threatening to him. Even if he wasn't injured, he didn't dare to underestimate him. Now that he was injured, it would be difficult to resist.

As soon as he thought of this, Aaron Pangpo felt a sense of emptiness rushing out of his body, filling his whole body. His legs were so weak that he almost collapsed, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out the little strength left to maintain his standing.

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