Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 982 Rechargeable Magic Knight

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! The leading knight in seven-striped magic costume discovered the change of Alan Pangbo, and said: "Mr. Alan Pangbo , you should persevere to the limit now, killing so many of us, mana and physical strength are almost consumed, right?

Heh, to be honest, I don't understand at all, since you have seen your Pangbo family destroyed, why are you still fighting us? Your battle is completely meaningless, you won't get anything if you win, and you will leave yourself here even if you lose. "

"Hmph, a traitor, what do you know!" Allen Pangpo tried to stand still, flicked his clothes, straightened his collar, and looked at the leading magic knight as if he were dead, "You are that Gawain, right? Let me tell you, maybe I will die here, but the Pangbo family will definitely not be destroyed.

My current battle is just to let you know what the Pangbo family's anger looks like, and one day, you will feel ten times, a hundred times the anger! You traitors will all die! "

"That's right, Mr. Aaron Pangbo!" The leading magic knight retorted, "I don't think so. In my opinion, I am not a traitor, I just want to overthrow the brutality of your Pangbo family for the sake of justice." As for whether your family can be rebuilt and whether we will die, I am not sure, but I can be sure that you will die before us."

After the words fell, the leading knight in magic costume had a serious expression on his face, he held his knight's gun forward, and issued an order: "Charge!"


All the knights in magic costumes galloped up and rushed towards the standing Aaron Pangpo.

Dazzling rays of light surged from them, like huge waves in the ocean, and they were about to drown Aaron Pangpo.

At this moment, a purple-black arc suddenly flashed on the surface of Alan Pangbo's body, and his eyes shot out white light that penetrated the darkness. Spreading his hands, the arc flew out, knocking down the magic knights rushing up from the left and right sides to the ground.

Spreading his hands again, he blasted away the javelins thrown from all directions.


Aaron Pangpo took steps, one step at a time, and received the person in the middle of the charging team—the leader of the magic knight who had talked with him before.


Allen Pangpo stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand pierced the neck of the leading magic knight's horse like a blade, brought the horse down, and then dragged the leading magic knight down.


Aaron Pangpo strangled the neck of the leading magic knight with his left hand, raised his right hand, and countless electric arcs condensed in his palm, turning into a thunderball, which seemed to be about to smash the head of the leading magic knight.

The leading knight in magic costume was kneeling in front of Alan Pangbo at this moment, the crimson light on the armor was condensed and lingering, his hands were tightly grasping Alan Pangbo's left hand, trying to get rid of it, but he couldn't do it at all.

The leading magic knight stared at Aaron Pangbo, as if he understood something, and said angrily, " were just pretending just now? Showing weakness on purpose, just to kill me?"

"No, I have no disguise. I have indeed reached the limit." Allen Pangpo looked down at the leading magic knight and said, "However, even if I reach the limit, I can still choose to bring someone to die with me. So I choose Killed you—the biggest traitor who betrayed our Pangbo family—Gavin Nova Trunk! You said, I will die before you? I will tell you now, this is impossible!"

"I..." The leading magic knight opened and closed his mouth a few times after hearing what Alan Pangpo said, as if trying to defend himself, but Alan Pangbol didn't give him this chance.

"Go to hell, Gawain!" Aaron Pangpo roared, the electric ball in his right hand was condensed, and it shot directly at the head of the leading magic knight.

The electric ball produced a dense arc, piercing the surrounding air, like a coiled electric python, hissing towards the head of the leading magic knight. The whole street was suddenly lit up, and the irresistible leading magic knight knelt on one knee, his face as pale as paper.

At this moment, Allen Pangpo's movements suddenly froze,

The electric ball in his hand dissipated with a "poof". Aaron Pangpo blinked, as if he was a little puzzled, and before he could figure out what happened the next moment, his whole head flew out like a baseball being blown away.


Alan Pangbo's head flew more than ten meters before landing, and rolled for a long distance before stopping.

The body that remained in place had a large stream of blood spurting out of its neck like a fountain, and it swayed and fell down.

Behind Alan Pangbo's body, a tall figure appeared at some point, with a square face and thick eyebrows. Wearing armor, a strong purple light surged from the armor, and he was holding a metal ax with magic patterns in his hand, and the blood on the ax blade was slowly dripping down.

The man glanced at Alan Pangbo's flying head, and said expressionlessly: "Actually, I am Gawain, and it was Sifran who talked to you just now. And what he said is right, you absolutely Will die in front of me, because...justice will prevail!"

After saying this, Gao Wen seemed to have been pulled out of all his strength, the purple light on the armor quickly dissipated, his body swayed, and he sat down on the ground with a "bang".

Many knights in magical costumes around them also sat down on the ground with a "crash", with extremely tired expressions on their faces.

The deputy commander of the Magic Knights, Sifran, who was lucky enough to be rescued by Gawain, sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, not sure if he was scared or tired. Panting for a long time, he slowly raised his head to look at Gao Wen, and said with excitement, "Boss, we won."

"Yes, we won, Severan." Gao Wen responded, with some sighs, "The Pangbo family's rule in St. Louis City is over, and there will be a new beginning after that."

"Hopefully, it will be better." Sifran said.

"It's not hope, it's certainty." Gao Wen's eyes confirmed, "At that time, it will be a fair city, not a city ruled by wizards. Of course, in the initial stage of construction, and now, we still have to cooperate with them. "

After speaking, Gawain looked into the distance.

A sorcerer was walking out of the darkness. In the previous battle, they didn't show up at all, and let the magic knight go all out. Now they came to a collapsed magic knight and treated them with magic.

Looking at these people, Gao Wen's expression was calm and indifferent.


Li Cha, who was standing on the top of the stone building, stared at Alan Pangbo's body for a few seconds, then looked at Gao Wen.

He didn't have the urge to avenge Alan Pangbo. The reason why he came here was just to see what the end of St. Louis City would be. At this time, seeing a large number of wizards treating the magic knight, I couldn't help but think of what Aaron Pangpo said to Anne before.

Alan Pangbo said that it is impossible for a magic knight without a wizard to exist independently. Unless, a magic pattern can be developed that does not require mana, life force, or any energy.

This kind of magic pattern obviously does not exist. After all, it functions without energy, which directly violates the law of energy conservation and becomes a perpetual motion machine.

If you really have a perpetual motion machine, what kind of magic knight is needed, and you can flatten the world with a forklift.

But what about the other way around?

Magic lines that don't require any energy can't be produced, so can rechargeable magic lines always be produced?

Isn't his miniature spell-seeking missile just such a creation, it stores energy in the energy storage metal, activates it when needed, and seals it when not in use, it is extremely flexible.

The only difference is that the miniature spell-seeking missile is a one-time consumable, and there is no need to consider the issue of endurance, while the magic knight needs to consider the issue of endurance.

But even so, it is still not to be underestimated.

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