Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 984: Brainwashing

the other side.

A day later, in the meeting room of the Teresa branch of the Truth Society, Richard saw the supervisor Rommel who rushed over.

This time Rommel did not hold the rabbit in his arms like before, and sat straight on the seat, looking towards Richard and asked: "The mission of St. Louis City is completed?"

"It's done." Li Cha nodded, took out the copied "Book of the Void" from his pocket, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Rommel, "This is the first half of the book I'm looking for. It's the original version. According to the agreement , I will exchange for the second half of the books."

"Very good." Rommel nodded, took the "Book of the Void" and briefly glanced at it, then put it away. Without further ado, he flipped his hand and took out a similar "Book of the Void" and handed it over.

Compared with the book in St. Louis City, the cover color of this book is darker, purple-black, and the book in St. Louis City is dark blue.

While handing over the book, Rommel said meaningfully, looked at Richard and said, "Wizard Richard, I hope this is the last time you have violated the rules and made a request, after all, you have violated the organization's regulations several times. I hope you get this "Book of the Void", and after studying it, you can really understand that you have been walking on a wrong road, and get back on the right road soon."

"I hope so." Li Cha responded blankly.

While speaking, he took the second half of "Book of the Void", and said without wanting to wait any longer: "Then, if there is nothing else, Director, I will leave first."

After the words fell, he nodded as farewell, stood up and walked towards the door.

As a result, when he was about to reach the door, Rommel's voice came from behind, calling out: "Wizard Richard, please wait a moment."


Li Cha stopped walking, frowned slightly, then loosened his brows, looked at Rommel without changing his expression, and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Rommel stood up, walked over slowly, and walked to the parallel position, "I just feel that our communication is a little bit less. As an excellent member of the branch, although you have not yet entered the core layer, your ability, The potential is very good, I think it is necessary to talk to you more. You know, our organization is actually very concerned about its members, but... I have been a little busy recently, so I ignored this point. "

After a pause, Rommel said: "Okay, if you are not busy, go out for a walk with me."

Glancing at Rommel, Li Cha turned his thoughts around. He was really not sure what the other party's purpose was, so he nodded cautiously and said, "Okay."

Rommel smiled and took the lead out of the conference room door.

Then go through the long corridor to the base exit and go out.


Outside the base, there is a vast field with many vegetation growing.

Li Cha walked forward with Rommel, Rommel remained silent and did not speak, he could not guess the other party's mind at all, he was a little vigilant.

After walking several tens of meters, Rommel suddenly stopped and looked ahead.

Li Cha looked over and saw a squirrel appearing on a rock tens of meters away, carefully looking around, as if scouting the environment and looking for food.

The squirrel turned its head around and looked over. When it saw him and Rommel, it immediately let out a "squeak" scream, exerted strength on its four legs, and quickly fled in the direction away.

Rommel looked at it, and raised his hand, and a crystal ice pick more than ten centimeters was thrown out. Instead of killing the squirrel, it was accurately nailed to the front of the squirrel's escape road.

The squirrel was frightened, changed direction abruptly, and ran to the left.

"call out!"

Rommel threw out another crystal ice pick, blocking the squirrel's escape direction.

The squirrel was surprised again, changed direction for the second time, and ran to the right.

"call out!"

Rommel threw out the third crystal ice pick to stop the squirrel.

Now, there is only one direction for the squirrel to run, and in this direction stand Richard and Rommel.

As if understanding the dire situation, the squirrel looked over and let out a few "squeaky" screams in despair, then froze,

He fell straight to the ground.

committed suicide? Scared to death? Li Cha couldn't help thinking.

Rommel beside him suddenly laughed and said, "It's playing dead."

"Play dead?"

"Yes, play dead." Rommel walked over with a smile, reached out and grabbed the squirrel by its tail, lifted it up, looked at it for a few moments, and then put it on the ground.

The squirrel, whose eyes were closed, carefully opened them, took a look, and moved quietly to the distance. After moving a certain distance, he felt that Rommel and Richard could not see them, so he ran wildly and disappeared in the field after a while.

"You see, it's pretending to be dead." Rommel watched the squirrel leave, and said to Richard, admiring, "I have to say, this is a very smart animal, with intelligence not inferior to that of human children. But it’s also important to understand that while they’re smart, they still have limitations.”

After hearing this, Li Cha looked at Rommel inwardly. He had a hunch that what Rommel was going to say next was the key point.

Sure enough, Rommel said in the next moment: "Wizard Richard, you know, like the squirrels just now, they will never really understand what the world is like. Because no matter how smart they are, they are just a squirrel." A squirrel, not a human.

If they want to understand what the world looks like, the quickest way is not to explore slowly by themselves, but to find a human wise man, try to communicate with the other party, ask the other party, and then understand everything the other party said. "

"In a sense, aren't we a squirrel?" Rommel continued, "But we are stronger. Wizard Richard, let me tell you, I have met many smart people. But no matter how old they are Smart eyes have limitations. And a person must see his own limitations, recognize his own limitations, and admit his own limitations, in order to embrace a greater existence, do you understand what I mean?"

At the end, Rommel looked over seriously.

Li Cha blinked, looked at Rommel and asked, "The so-called greater existence is God?"

"Ha." Rommel laughed, and then became serious again, "It can be said that. Of course, from the perspective of our organization, it can also be called the absolute truth."

"Absolute truth?"

"Yes, absolute truth—absolute, infallible truth is our ultimate pursuit. I hope that one day you can also pursue it wholeheartedly, and then you can become a core member of the organization."

"Sorcerer Li Cha, after you go back, think about what I said carefully, and hope that some of your thoughts will change when we meet next time." Rommel turned his head to Li Cha and said, without further wording, he turned into a human It shot up to the sky as a ray of golden light, swept across the sky, and disappeared in the northwest.

Li Cha watched Rommel disappear, looked away, pursed his lips, and said to himself: "Brainwashing? Preaching? Heh..."

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