Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 985: Studying the Void

after one day.

Li Cha left Delan and returned to Jialan City.

He didn't think deeply about Rommel's words at all, and just threw them behind him.

He is not disdainful of Rommel's words, nor does he think that Rommel's words are wrong. On the contrary, in a sense, he wants to admit that what Rommel said is correct and has systematic logical support.

But being right doesn't mean accepting.

Just like some food is sweet, some food is salty, each food taste is correct and reasonable, but he will not choose to eat all the food, but will choose to eat the food he likes.

Sometimes, insisting on some beliefs and principles is not purely a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of choice.

He chose atheism, so in the face of theism, he recognized it but would not accept it.

For theism, believers hand over the fear of death and the confusion of the future to the powerful gods. The more devout faith in God, the less fear and confusion, and thus fearlessness and firm will. Use God to explain everything, disasters are divine power, miracles are divine favors, divine powers are like prisons, and divine graces are like seas, taking the Kingdom of God as the way home.

For atheism, those who believe in put the fear of death and the confusion of the future in their hearts. The stronger the heart, the less fear and confusion, and the same can be fearless and strong-willed. Use your own consciousness to explore and find out everything. Disasters and miracles are just small-probability events, and they all have internal reasons. Take knowing everything as the way home.

In a sense, atheists also believe in God, but this god is not some illusory existence, but himself.

This is the difference between theism and atheism, two principles and interpretations of the world, it all depends on how each person chooses.

And he chose the latter from the very beginning—atheism, and he remained firm and unwavering as always.

Therefore, after such an extremely unreasonable thing happened, he didn't accept it as it should be, and didn't take it as a gift from God, or a test from God, but wanted to figure out the reason and the truth of this world .

And if you want to find out the reason and the truth of the world, you must first complete the current nuclear weapon research and manufacturing plan according to the plan.

"let's start!"

Richard, who returned to Jialan City, muttered a sentence in the main laboratory of the Garden of Eden, and began to get busy. Facing the transcribed first half of the "Book of the Void", the second half of the "Book of the Void" exchanged from the branch of the Truth Society, and the manuscripts obtained from Alan Pangbol, deeply

One day, two days, three days...

For the next whole week, Richard did not leave the main laboratory.

a week later.

In the main laboratory, Li Cha sat in front of the circular experimental table, staring at the pages of "Book of the Void" on the table, and picked up a bottle of transparent liquid from the table with his right hand, opened the lid and poured it into his mouth. "Gudong Gudong" swallowed - this is the nutrient solution prepared in advance. In the past few days, in order to save time, he completely relied on this thing to maintain his physiological needs.

"Gudong Gudong!"

Li Cha drank the nutrient solution in one gulp, then put the bottle on the table casually, and continued to stare at the pages of "Book of the Void", blinking his eyes as if thinking.

"According to the recorded content, it is indeed possible to open a channel to attract the energy of the void to use. However, there are many requirements for the channel, first of all..."

Li Cha was talking to himself, paused for a moment, took out the papyrus and quill pen and began to write.


"According to the requirements of the channel, is it possible to establish a model, which can assume that the number of energy passages per unit time is x, then the channel intensity is α, and..."


Li Cha wrote while talking.

Another day later.

Li Cha's eyes were fixed on a piece of papyrus on the table, repeatedly looking at a complex formula on it. The right hand subconsciously touched to the side, ready to take the nutrient solution to eat, but it was empty.


Li Cha turned his head, looked to the side, and found that all the nutrient solution prepared in advance had been drunk.

"It's been a few days?" Li Cha was stunned for a while, but he didn't delve into it. Temporarily suppressing the hunger in his body, he glanced at the formula again, pursed his lips and said, "If all the calculations are correct, cast the spell in this way , shouldn't be a problem."

"Then let's try."

Li Cha made a sound, took a deep breath, and his expression became serious.

He stood up, walked to the open space away from the circular experimental table, straightened his expression, raised his right hand, opened and closed his lips and quickly chanted a series of incantations.

"Co... Rui... Te..."

As the mantra is uttered, free energy elements gushes out from the source of the law and exerts its effect.

After reciting the mantra for a while, the naked eye could clearly see that above the raised right hand, the space was slightly distorted, which looked like the phenomenon of light refraction caused by air heating.

Slowly, the degree of space distortion became larger and larger, and with a "stab", an electric arc pierced through the space and appeared in the air.

The arc was light blue, extremely slender, only the diameter of a hair, and dissipated out of thin air after only a second in the air, and the distorted space also returned to its original shape.

Li Cha slowly put down his right hand, looked at the space where it was restored to its original shape, and could clearly feel a faint tingling sensation on the surface of the skin, which was the electric charge effect caused by the previous arc dissipation. Although it is very slight, it does indicate that there was energy generated just now—the energy absorbed from the void.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth curled up, he let out a long breath, and said, "It succeeded."

Yes, it worked.

But this is just the beginning.


After a short rest, Li Cha appeared in the No. 1 research room of the machining sector.

Fix a palm-sized silver-white alloy plate on the processing table, manipulate the processing equipment, and carve magic patterns on it.


After a while, when the carving was finished, Li Cha put away the alloy plate, put it on the shelf next to it, and picked up another metal plate to carve.


The third block, the fourth block, the fifth block...

In the following time, Li Cha continued to carve one alloy plate after another. He didn't stop until he had carved a total of thirty-six pieces, and then tried to assemble them.


three days later.

With a "squeak", Li Cha opened the door of the No. 3 research room in the machining sector, and walked in with a metal box.

This is the location of the ancient tree Tinmu. Compared with before, the layout is not much different. The ancient Tinwood tree is still fixed on the overhead transparent glass pool for easy monitoring.

The one and a half meter high ancient tree species tin wood, the crown is covered with dense branches, but there is no leaf, and many dazzling colored arcs dance on it.

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