Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 986: Class A Type 1 Energy-absorbing Tower

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! The beating arc is continuously transmitted to the trunk, and then transmitted to a slot machine-like device through the black wire connected to the trunk.

The equipment similar to a slot machine is actually an energy controller. After adjustment, the energy is transmitted to the No. 2 research room next door and other places to exert its effect.

After Li Cha entered with the metal box, he first checked the energy controller and found that the readings on the meter were normal, then looked at the ancient tin wood, stared at it for a few seconds, and then nodded his head.

The trunk of the ancient tinwood tree twisted for a while, revealing a human face, and said angrily: "Boy, don't look, I have been doing things according to our contract, there is no violation, you can rest assured."

"That's the best." Richard said, bent down and put the metal box on the ground to open it, and took out a weird creation that looked like an iron tower from inside.

The entire iron tower is about half a meter high, and it is supported by finger-thick metal rods. The surface is inlaid with pieces of palm-sized magic-pattern alloy sheets. At the top, there is a spire more than ten centimeters long, like the head of a spear. .

Li Cha took out the iron tower and began to look around, as if choosing an appropriate location.

The ancient tree species Ximu looked at Li Cha's movements curiously. After watching for a while, he asked with some vigilance: "What is that in your hand? It can't be a new thing to spy on me, right? Boy, I told you, I won't do anything against the rules, and it's just a waste of effort for you to do so."

"Heh, this is not something for monitoring." Li Cha said, finally found a place, which was more than one meter away from the ancient tree Tinmu, walked over with the iron tower, and put it down carefully.

Putting down the iron tower, he looked at Ximu and explained: "This is an instrument for absorbing void energy. I call it a type-A energy-absorbing tower, and it will not do any harm to you."

"Well, Type A Type I energy-absorbing tower? Energy-absorbing? Void energy?" The ancient tree species Ximu muttered a few words, and suddenly became excited, "Wait a minute, are you sure this thing is not harmful?

You said that this device is used to absorb energy from the void. Although I don't know how you made it, I have been doing this for a long time, and I know how dangerous it is. If there is a slight difference, it may cause the void energy to get out of control, and even create a void energy storm. It really produces a void energy storm, which is more terrifying than the energy storm I erupted in the forest before. Is this what you said that it is not harmful to me? "

"Don't worry." Li Cha glanced at the ancient tree species Ximu and said, "I have fully considered what you said, and used magic patterns to prevent it. In most cases, this instrument will operate normally, and will not cause any harm to you.

Even if there is a problem, some preset magic lines can also play a role, forcing the instrument to pause. The probability of the loss of control of the void energy you mentioned will not exceed one in ten thousand. As for the probability of void energy storms, it is even less than one in a million, which can be regarded as almost zero. "

After listening to the silence for a while, the ancient tree species Tinmu still said uneasy: "Although you said so, I am still a little worried. So you'd better take this instrument out and use it elsewhere. The farther I go, the better, so I don't have to worry about it."

Li Cha looked at Ximu with a smile, shook his head lightly, and said, "No."

"You!" Ximu was excited, "I knew that your purpose was impure! This thing is definitely harmful to me!"

"Actually, there are two reasons why I put this thing here." Li Cha explained, "One reason is that the energy controller is here to control the energy generated by this Type A energy-absorbing tower.

Another reason is that because both the energy-absorbing tower and you absorb energy from the void, they can boost each other, improve efficiency, and increase the amount of energy absorbed. "

"Really." Ximu snorted, "Even so, I don't want to stay with this iron lump! In other words, as a high-level life with a long lifespan, I have been very patient with you.

Can't I still have the freedom to be alone in a room? "

Li Cha heard this, blinked his eyes, and said in his heart: "This sentence means that as an ancient longevity tree species, you must live in a single room?"

I can't get used to this problem. I still hope that the other party will cause trouble one day, and I will take the opportunity to modify the contract.

Looking at Ximu, he shook his head and replied, "I'm afraid, there really isn't one."

"I object." Ximu said extremely angrily, "I object in the name of the contract. When you first agreed to cooperate with me, you never said anything about it... If I knew it at the beginning, I would put such an iron lump Put it by my side, I will definitely not agree."

"The original contract did not specify this matter." Li Cha nodded, agreeing with Ximu's words, and then changed his tone, "However, it is precisely because the contract did not specify that I can place the energy-absorbing tower on you without restriction. By my side. If there was an explanation at the beginning, I would not be able to do this, this is a kind of contract spirit."

"I..." Ximu didn't say anything for a while, and finally said after a long time, "Even so, I still use my name of the wise man of the tree and the source of the forest to protest to you. I am a representative of nature, and I should not have anything to do with metal. Products coexist."

"Are you sure!" Li Cha raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean, in this world, there will not be any mines containing metal in the forest with trees? All the mines are in the desolate desert?"


"So the protest is invalid." Li Cha said, in the process of talking with Ximu, he had already tested the Type A Type I energy-absorbing tower, and without hesitation at the next moment, he pressed one hand on it and activated the magic pattern on it.


A cyan light flashed on the surface of the energy-absorbing tower, and the surrounding space vibrated slightly, as if an invisible channel had been opened, and then an electric arc emerged from the top of the tower, making "crackling" noises non-stop.

Li Cha pulled a wire from the ability controller next to him, connected it to the top of the tower, and began to transmit energy.

After that, I adjusted it on the energy controller, nodded and said: "Everything is normal."

Looking up at Ximu, she spread her hands and said, "Look, I didn't lie to you, isn't it good, there is no harm at all."

Ximu didn't refute Li Cha's mood at this time. During the conversation just now, he felt deeply powerless and said slowly: "Okay, it's up to you, since you have decided, then put it in the Here it is. But, let me be clear, this is the first time you're doing this, and it's the last time you're doing it—you're never, never going to do it a second time."

"Actually." Li Cha took a deep look at Ximu and said, "This is just the beginning."

"Huh? What do you mean? Kid, stop for me, explain it clearly before leaving! Hey, hey, hey!"


Amid Ximu's yelling, Li Cha closed the door and walked out.

. m.

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