Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty seventh hope is imminent

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In a blink of an eye, the next day.

Li Cha carried a metal box and walked into the No. 3 research room again.

Open the metal box, and take out an iron tower more than 60 centimeters high, one size larger than the previous Type A Type I.

"This is a Type-A Type II energy-absorbing tower." Li Cha glanced at Ximu and explained, quickly checked the magic pattern of the new energy-absorbing tower, then activated it, allowing the opponent to start absorbing energy from the void, and then connected it with a wire on the energy controller.

"Boy, what you said before is true?" Ximu said after witnessing the whole process of Li Cha's operation, "You said yesterday that placing that iron lump was just the beginning, is it really just the beginning? You... ...How many of these iron lumps do you want to put in my room?"

"I'm not sure yet, take your time." Li Cha responded lightly, ignored Xi Mu, and after confirming that the Type A Type II energy-absorbing tower was operating normally, he walked out with the metal box.

On the trunk of the tinwood in the room, a human face became extremely distorted. Watching Li Cha leave, the sunken mouth continuously spewed out rapid air and made a "shush" sound, as if expressing the extreme dissatisfaction in his heart, as if he was strongly protesting.

But the protest was ineffective.

Soon, the third day will come.

Li Cha entered the No. 3 research room again, this time carrying two metal boxes, one in each hand.

Open the metal box and take out an iron tower from inside. One of them has a light red appearance, and the other has a light gray color. This is because the materials used are different, so the colors are different.

Pointing to the red iron tower, Li Cha said to Ximu, "This is a Type-A energy-absorbing tower."

Pointing to the gray iron tower again, Li Cha said to Ximu, "This is a Type A Type 4 energy-absorbing tower."

As he said that, he checked them separately, placed them on the same side of the tin wood, activated them quickly, and connected them to the energy controller with wires.

Ximu watched without saying a word, just continued to spray the air: "Push!"

fourth day.

Li Cha walked into the No. 3 research room with a huge metal box measuring one meter square.

Open the box, carefully take out a bronze-colored metal tower from inside, and place it gently in front of the tin wood.

This time the metal tower is ninety centimeters high, and it is inlaid with many magic pattern alloy pieces. Li Cha fiddled with it and said casually to Ximu: "This is..."

"It's a Type A five-type energy-absorbing tower!" Ximu interjected, and said angrily, "Hmph, as a high-level life, I have already understood the way you named it, so you don't need to talk nonsense."

I will rush to answer... Li Cha raised his eyebrows, looked at Ximu, and then shook his head in his heart... It was true that he would rush to answer, but he didn't get it right.

"Actually, this is a Type B Type 1 energy-absorbing tower." Li Cha said to Xi Mu, "It is a new model obtained through improvement based on the data collected from the previous Type-A energy-absorbing towers, which has better energy-absorbing effects .”

Ximu couldn't help but choked, staring at Li Cha, without speaking for a long time. He can count, knowing that one is followed by two, and two is followed by three, four, and five, but A is followed by B, which is a bit beyond the scope of his knowledge reserve.

First? Second? Is that sort of the way there?

Li Cha didn't care too much about Ximu, he checked the energy-absorbing tower, connected it with the energy controller after activation, and walked out. After all, he still has a lot to do, and there are many newer models of energy-absorbing towers to be developed.

The current energy-absorbing towers are nothing more than experimental products. Although they can be used, they all have defects of one kind or another. They are far from the perfect state he expected, and they need to continue to improve.

In his plan, he will use about five to ten generations of products to continuously optimize performance, reduce defects, and reduce costs to achieve the most cost-effective effect. In this way, after a period of testing, it can be equipped on a large scale.


After that, time passed day by day, and the remaining space in the room where Ximu was,

Occupied by one energy-absorbing tower after another.

Type B energy-absorbing tower type II, type C type I energy-absorbing tower, type C type II energy-absorbing tower, type C type III energy-absorbing tower, type D type I energy-absorbing tower...

Type E energy-absorbing tower, Type I energy-absorbing tower, Type G energy-absorbing tower, Type X-type energy-absorbing tower...

Xin type II energy-absorbing tower, Xin type II energy-absorbing tower, Xin type II energy-absorbing tower...

Half a month later.

Li Cha walked into the No. 3 research room, placed another Xin type II energy-absorbing tower around the tin wood to activate it, operated the energy controller, nodded with satisfaction, and now it has achieved the effect he expected.

It can be seen that in the No. 3 research room at this time, all the energy-absorbing towers of the previous backward test models have been cleaned up, and almost all the space is occupied by the latest Xin-type II energy-absorbing towers.

This is a slender metal tower about one meter high, with an iron-black appearance, a bit similar to the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Earth, but it is covered with silver-white magic pattern alloy sheets, which continuously absorb the energy of the void, and then pass through The energy controller transmits to the rest to function.

Li Cha decided to observe for a period of time and confirm that there is really no problem with the Type II energy-absorbing tower of the Xin type, and then mass-produce it. In this case, the energy gap can definitely be filled, and enough weapon-grade uranium-235 can be extracted within one year to make nuclear weapons.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile.

Watching the expression on Li Cha's face, Ximu suddenly spoke.

At this time, he was extremely dissatisfied, because with more and more energy-absorbing towers, he no longer lived in a single room, but a double room and a triple room were his dreams. Now he lived in a warehouse.

Ximu taunted Li Cha angrily: "Boy, you'd better not be too happy too early. I admit that your iron bumps can absorb void energy like mine, but compared to my efficiency, it is far worse. One of them is better than a thousand of them.

The most important thing is that they are all dead objects, unlike me that can adjust their status at any time. Let me tell you now, you'd better be careful with these iron lumps, they might all be scrapped someday. At that time, you will understand the importance of me! "

No matter how important you are, it's impossible to live in a single room... Li Cha said in his heart.

Glancing at Ximu, he said: "The situation you mentioned may happen, thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention to it next time. But for the rest, let's wait until something really happens."

After speaking, Li Cha went out again.

Ximu looked at the closed door, then at the room full of energy-absorbing towers surrounding him, and couldn't help cursing: "You are all useless scrap metal!"

Energy-absorbing tower: "..." No response at all.

Ximu helplessly continued to vent his emotions.



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