Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 989 Emergency Response

Yes, that tree rebelled.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, and the old Lich Afu confirmed the possibility, his nerves tensed at first, and then relaxed again.

All along, he was worried that the tree would rebel. Now that the other party has really taken action, he is not afraid anymore. After all, it can be solved once and for all, and then it will be completely safe.

Besides, now that Li Cha hasn't traveled far, it's enough for Li Cha to rush up and settle it, and he doesn't need to do anything at all.

Thinking of this, the Lich old man yelled loudly, trying to contact Li Cha, the "summoned beast": "Li Cha! Hey, Li Cha boy, come out quickly, that tree really rebelled! You must have stuffed it in that house!" There are too many things that make him unbearable, I told you before, this is not good, if you still don’t listen, something is wrong now. Come out, it will be solved soon, so I can catch up on sleep.”

The old Lich yelled for a long time, but Li Cha didn't respond.

"Huh?" The old Lich was puzzled at first, then thought of something, and his body froze suddenly amidst the sharp siren.

He remembered that just now, to be precise, two hours ago, Li Cha said he was going outside to buy some materials, and he had already left the Garden of Eden.

In other words, there is no Richard sitting in the Garden of Eden now, and he needs to deal with the tree that outlived him by himself.

Hell, this is not the result he wanted... The corners of the Lich old man's mouth twitched a few times, and his mood sank.

But looking at the No. 3 research room not far away, it is clear that in this situation, complaining is useless, and it is more realistic to find a way to deal with it. After all, the tree inside may burst out at any time.

Looking at the more than fifty tall skeletons standing next to him, the old Lich commanded loudly: "Hey, stop staring, and defend me quickly. You guys, go over there, head in that direction, Protect me. You guys, go over there, don't let the other party come around from the side. And you, don't move around, move forward, and then stand still. Stand still, don't you understand..."

The old Lich screamed, pulling his neck, and the tall skeletons froze for a moment, and began to move slowly. But the IQ is too low, and they don't know how to dodge each other. During the movement, either you hit me, or I bumped into you. There was a "crash", and a large piece fell down.

The old Lich saw it, and couldn't help covering his forehead, feeling a little desperate in his heart. Originally, he also pointed out that the group of skeletons could resist the ancient tin wood for a while, until Richard came back. Judging by the current situation, he can only do it himself.

However, he really didn't have the confidence to deal with Ximu, and felt that he might be torn into bones by the opponent.

Feeling anxious in his heart, out of the corner of his eye, the Lich old man saw the eight-armed skeleton running over from nowhere, with two arms on his chest holding a huge tibia.

The old Lich recognized it at a glance. It was an extra bone when he transformed the skeleton before. He thought it was useless, so he threw it into the warehouse. He didn't expect the eight-armed skeleton to be taken out.

What does the other party want to do?


The eight-armed skeleton came closer with the tibia in its arms, holding the bone in both arms, and waved it at the chaotic skeletons on the ground, as if issuing an order.

The old Lich frowned: He couldn't command these idiots well with words before, so now he can just wave his bones? These are not high-level magic puppets, they have low IQs. To be honest, he had thought that these skeletons might be useless, but he hadn't thought that they would be so useless. If he had known it in advance, he would never have spent so much effort to create so many. It would be better to concentrate on creating a black knight, or other high-level magic puppets.

But at the next moment, a weird scene happened. With the eight-armed skeleton swinging its tibia, a group of chaotic skeletons moved. Although they were still slow and clumsy, they were organized.

The two skeletons moved face to face, and saw that they bumped into each other, but they deflected by a small margin, and stood in their respective positions, facing the direction of the No. 3 research room for defense. All this, like an invisible hand,

Precisely manipulating each skeleton.


The old Lich opened his mouth wide, and in his dazed eyes, he saw more than fifty tall skeletons lined up in a tight defensive formation, like a trained army.

"You..." The old lich looked at the eight-armed skeleton in horror, and was really a little frightened. In his eyes, the real lich is not him at all, but the other party.

In other words, when he created the opponent before, he used the bones he got from casually digging graves. Not that bone, but a lich stronger than him, right? So, after he created the other party, did the other party have such an amazing ability?

"What the hell are you?" the old Lich whispered.

The eight-armed skeleton glanced at the old Lich calmly, but did not answer, and could not answer. He turned around slowly, and stood with the rest of the skeletons, holding his tibia in both hands, facing the door of the No. 3 research room, in a state of vigilance.

The old Lich breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. In any case, the way the other party behaved at least proved that there was no hostility, and he still agreed with him.

This is good, this is good.

The old Lich thought comfortingly, and then heard a "bang", and the door was violently opened, but it was not the door of the No. 3 research room, but... the door of Pandora's room next to it.

Pandora apparently heard the sirens too, in fact, the entire Garden of Eden could hear the sirens.

Just now, Pandora has been studying the math problem. She thought that the siren would stop soon, so she frowned and endured it, but she didn't expect the siren to keep going.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, opened the door angrily and walked out.

Seeing Pandora's sullen face, the Lich old man knew that Pandora was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to touch the bad luck at all. He pointed to the door of No. 3 research room and said quickly: "It's the tree inside that made the movement." !Maybe they want to rebel!"

"That tree!"

Pandora frowned even tighter, stepped on her foot, jumped over a distance of tens of meters, and landed next to many skeletons with a "bang".

The ground was slightly shaken by Pandora's step, the skeleton couldn't help shaking, and the eight-armed skeleton was also affected. But it didn't happen, she just turned her head slightly to look at Pandora, and moved her steps carefully, moving a little further away.

Pandora didn't care so much, and slowly spread her hand, holding a piece of paper in her hand, on which was written a complicated equation, after several glances, she still couldn't think of a way to solve the problem.


Pandora made a sound, clenched her fist again, held the paper in her palm, temporarily gave up solving the problem, and planned to beat the rebellious ancient tree tin wood to relieve her anger before talking.

His legs were slightly arched, his body was lowered, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he was staring at the door of the No. 3 research room. He was ready, and as soon as the door opened, he would rush up and punch with all his strength.


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In a blink of an eye, more than ten seconds passed, and the door of the No. 3 research room did not move at all, only the siren was still ringing.

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